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"Let us clarify butter... no no no. Let us clarify
energy. When I say energy, I do not
mean the E of E=mc˛ and I do
mean it. The E is one expression of energy;
its the energy expression of your physical world.
But it is only one facet of energy. It is the energy
which makes your physical world physical. But, just as
there are infinite levels of complexity, so, too, there
are infinite types of energy... or I should say...
dont say should... ok, I could
say, different expressions of something which you
experience in part as energy. |
here to read more Points to Ponder on "ENERGY" |
"A lesson: If you wait for a full glass, you may die
of thirst. Life is rarely--if ever--full, but always
abundant. But people mistake one for the other. Say you
have a gallon of wine. Does it matter if each wine glass
is filled once full or twice half full. If one looks for
fullness, this is an example of scarcity thinking. |
here to read more Points to Ponder on "LIVING and ENJOYING" |
LEARNING and REMEMBERING "So, how are you. No, don't
answer, it's a rhetorical question. So many people, when
asked, give an answer of immediacy; but the real answer
is--like so much more--a sum total. So, one might answer,
'I'm learning to deal with my fears of separation' or
that 'I'm dealing with prejudicial thoughts.' See, it's
not about how tired you are after a midterm. How do you
expect to tap into larger values and meaning when you
focus on the small stuff. |
here to read more Points to Ponder on "LEARNING and REMEMBERING |
GRIEF, DEATH, and the AFTERLIFE "What do you think all
those past lives are for. To learn and
remember. When we move on in synthesis with our true
entity, we carry all the past with us. The future can't
be the future without a past. The present contains the
future and the past. It is the living interface with past
and future. It is momentary; it is instantaneous; it has
no substance of its own. By the time you speak of the
present it is already passed. |
here to read more Points to Ponder on "GRIEF, DEATH and the AFTERLIFE" |
TIME "Sometimes
morning here lasts 30 minutes, and other times it lasts
two weeks. So, if I say I am going to do this or
that tomorrow morning, then tomorrow morning
lasts until it gets done. Time expands or contracts to
meet your needs. |
here to read more Points to Ponder on "TIME" |
DIMENSIONS OF THE SPIRIT "The intensity of psychic
energy is how you see me. You don't always see me,
either. It's a combination; it is not automatic. But hey,
it's the old psychic problem: A group of believers gets
together, and something happens; but when a skeptic tries
to recreate the event with only a part of the group,
nothing happens. If the phenomenon is dependent on our
energies, then it will appear subjective, not objective.
But is subjective reality secondary to objective reality?
I think not! |
here to read more Points to Ponder on "DIMENSIONS OF THE SPIRIT" |
CONNECTION, and "Remember Spender's line about
remembering the soul's history. That is what makes the
truly great. They have both lived much and remember. It
is not surprising that almost all the great ones have had
a belief in spiritual matters. And I now realize that I
sensed more than I remembered, and what you sense but
don't remember can be more trouble than what you forget.
Much of what we act out is a result of sensing but not
knowing ('a little knowledge,'
etc.). We keep coming back to remember, not sense. The
goal is to have it be concrete. Get it? |
here to read more Points to Ponder on "PURPOSE OF LIFE, CONNECTION, and the EVOLUTION OF THE SOUL" |
RIKKITY'S ENTITY and FRIENDS "It's my birthday and I can do anything I want. But first a message from the universe. Warning: Time as you know it does not exist, and days or dates represented herein are for symbolic purposes only. Ok, so just keep quiet and listen. "21 years ago I made Mommy's life miserable and marvelous. Since then I have climbed walls, drunk more OJ than you can count, excelled at school (don't ask about middle school math); I have made jokes and told jokes; I created the world's best laugh--hahaha; I've helped NY Telephone increase its profits; I've learned to read and write and then craft words so that intangible feelings take substance on the page and in the heart; I've learned about snakes and shrooms and sex on a beach, and about Italian and Spanish and Turkish and French; I've had forced marches through the Marais; I've ridden buses for hours to get to camp in my backyard; I've had Papa as a private banker and Uncle Richie as a fat cat uncle; and I've known Lizzie and Ali and Debbie and Brian and so many more; I've ridden roller coasters and goddamn slow trains; I've seen a Rock named Buck and an Island named Shelter and another named for some woman's grapes; I've barfed in strange places and danced in strange ones, too; I've had afros and corn rolls and tresses and long strings; I've been black and white and mocha; I've been awake and asleep and often both at once; I've seen a Brook named Lyn and nine named Yankees, and a lady let me into her crown... no, I was only joking; I've turned 5 and 10 and 13 (ugh) and 16 (wow) and now I turn eternal, which means I get lots more birthdays. But this is what I have learned from all of that and them: "We are who we are and whom we connect with. We do not choose who we are; we come into being and continue to come into being. But we can choose our connections. Will it be physical or psychic, love or hate, fear or courage, knowledge or superstition, good or evil, close or distant, honest or false, genuine or artificial, here and now or far away and later. Choices, choices, choices. And how we come into being or not depends on our choices. So today I celebrate the choices I have made and that you two have made. I celebrate love and acceptance and challenge and honesty and truth and compassion and courage and OJ. We are who we are, the three or six of us, because of these choices. I thank you for making those choices. I thank you for helping me make those choices. What more need be said. "O yes, I love you and me. As I was saying, Happy Me Day and Happy You Day. I know it is sad for you, but here's the really tragic thought: no Me days. The risk in living is losing, but the odds with parents like you and kids like moi is, or are, so good to make the risks into meaning. Better to have lived and died than never to have lived at all. No doubt about that. "So onward, as Whitman would say. And I am not about to read Song of Myself, but onward comrades, there is much road ahead. We shall need the stores of our past and the love of ourselves and the companionship of each other. Let today mark a remembering and a start of a vision. Cry a little and then laugh and be on your way. I shall always be with you in the trees beside the path, and later we shall all refresh in the springs of eternity in which we now unknowingly flow. "That is my Birthday
Ode." (5/10/96 - W#32) |
here to read more Points to Ponder on"RIKKITY'S ENTITY and FRIENDS" |
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Update: 5/16/2013
Web Author: the Rev Dr Randolph and
Elissa Bishop Becker, M.Ed., LPC, NCC
Copyright ©1998-2013 by the Rev Dr Randolph and Elissa Bishop