"Just a reminder. If the
energy isn't flowing forward, then it's lost, because the
energy invested in the future will be there when you get
there, but energy invested in the past is someplace
you'll never go again. And yes, I know there is no time,
but I speak of flow, not time--of patterns yet to be,
not patterns already known.
"Yes... no... yes... no... I don't know. I am
confused. Because all existence, if examined closely and
deeply, is confusing. If it weren't, we'd know it all
already. Confusion is a great mark of being in touch with
reality. If it doesn't baffle, it's not the future. If
it's a waffle, it's not flat like a pancake. You can't
have a settled frontier... or an established
pioneer." (10/20/2001 - B#35)
"Gracious citizens, I rise on this occasion to say blech.
I would have farted but I was told it was gross. In my
time, a good fart or belch was well appreciated. Now you
have much colon and stomach cancer and ulcers. Is their
implication of a link true. Anyway, I have come to be
more serious than I seem.
"One of the prerequisites of true democracy is
always an absence of fear. Choices and decisions made in
fear are never the truest representatives of one's
visions or hopes. They are expedients only. They seek
very immediate ends without regard to means, while
democracy craves longterm ends by only such means which
embrace those ends themselves.
"If one does but a cursory search of history, one
quickly sees that decisions made out of fear lead to
disaster. So, always ask of oneself... or one's elf...
'Do I decide from fear or hope.' If fear be the answer,
you may still choose; but know it is only a temporary
expedience that will require later remediation."
(10/29/2001 - W#225)
"Just a simple thought about Halloween: Maybe it's
not that we all are closer to the living; maybe the
living are paying more attention to us. We are always
here... and there. But y'all aren't always here... much
less there. Focus the energy and see what you can
see." (10/31/2001 - I#44)
"Hi. Hinky dinky parlez-vous. Surprise. I'm
dead and loving it. Been here a long time... 6 years,
count 'em... and one off for bad behavior. Anniversary
time, that's why I'm here. And despite her objections I
sing, 'Don't cry for me, New Hyde Park. I never left
you.' I tried but I couldn't. You know what this place
needs, a diner and a chiropractor. I do have a basement.
Big and cluttered with lots of equipment.
"LD and I were working on something. Boy, is that
guy smart. But when I told him my work had landed on the
moon, he just whistled. As Ralph Cramden would say, 'To
the moon.' But it is a mutual admiration society. So,
wanted to say hi. I still see Don and he sees me, and we
fly. He's full of piss and sweat and more than enough
beer, so to speak. And now with much to do, here's her. I
think of you and that tricycle." (11/24/2001 -
Lives 101. First, they are only
parallel in the finite sense, but approach unity in
infinity. But that's another story. Ok, picture this, tee
hee. You are like a photographic negative (but don't
read anything into the word negative, I use it
to convey the sense of latent image). So, at
this spirit level, you arrive with a latent image of
spirit self, and from that latent image can be fashioned
an infinite number of images that are not latent, but
actual. Ok, like a photo that gets printed from a
negative. Let's say you had a picture developed of Uncle
Ned and Aunt Beatrice being naughty before their
nuptials. So you say to yourself, 'Self, I need some
copies made.' But Self is distracted, and at the photo
counter puts down 100 instead of 1. So
when you come back, you get 100 prints... ooops... but
it's in your handwriting, so you pay and take them all.
Now, which one is the real one.
"Ok, whilst you ponder that, someone calls up and
says, 'I hear you got a photo the Enquirer could
use.' So you sell one, and send one with a strange note
cut from newspapers to Ned and Beatrice, mentioning some
money. Then you send one each to the 32 cousins not
mentioned in Ned's will. You drop one on a bus in
Ashtabula, and 4 are left as bookmarks in overdue novels
with the Wichita library. One becomes a coaster for Tom
Collins. At some point, your landlady
throws several out, and they take up residence in the
Trenton landfill. One is used as an illustration in a
textbook on incest. Another becomes a model for Tiffany,
as he creates a
window. Two more disappear on a trip
to Lap Land. And the rest are somewhere. Which one is the
real one.
"Ok. Time passes. Each print... except maybe one
eaten by rats in Trenton... has its own reality, its own
story, its own history. It is playing out a reality as
factual as any other. All are true. And, in general, no 2
of them cross paths... except at the reading of Uncle
Ned's will. Aha. Some parallel realities become
unified... and a class
action suit occurs, but
that's not important now. More time passes. A
print becomes an archive, another languishes in an
evidence room, many become compost and help flowers grow
stronger at Exit 52 of the Garden
State Parkway. And which reality is the real
"Now multiply this infinitely, and you got the
picture, so to speak. From our spiritual emergence as an
entity of this complexity, multiple realities reach out.
Some will seem parallel forever, others will tend to
converge, and others diverge. You only sense totally as real
one, but since in field
theory all pieces related have a
'knowledge' of each other, you sense the rest, but only
vaguely, until some piece converges. Suddenly, you know
something you didn't experience. Aha,
convergence. We sometimes intersect with those other
realities, but do not converge--a sudden sense of
connection and insight, and then it is gone, and we only
remember what we incorporated. Other times it is like a
newly found pathway is ours forever thereon.
"And here's the kicker: What happens in Apparent
Reality 1 is influential on Apparent Reality 2--even if 1
does not know about, converge, or intersect with 2. All
the parallel lives at a spiritual level of a specific
entity (and remember, they are not really parallel), all
are within a system or field. So it is not really a
matter of so many lives, but facets of one
spirit. But, caught as we are in lives, we see
only the particulars, and we hold up our copy of the
photo as if it's the one and only and whole factual
finite truth, and say 'I know what Ned and Beatrice did,'
while we don't notice that the next image on the next
negative would give us a photo showing it was all staged
and a gag. Remember, the totality of all your parallel
lives is in a unity, but that unity is only one out of an
infinite number of unities, etc., etc., etc.."
(11/29/2001 - I#45)
"Now, on to charts and
plans and choices. This is somewhat easier, tee hee.
Yes, there is a chart of your life, chosen before you
live. But. This is not so simple. There
are actually 2 chart components: you and possibility.
Let's take you first. Which one. Ok, take all of
"As I just said, there are many yous in
you. So, you arrive in this specific life with a more or
less complex set of experiences in this spiritual level,
which is an overlay on the latent image of your spiritual
entity with which you arrived. Like with the photos, you
brought an image, and there were an infinite number of
prints. And now consider that some had moustaches and
eyeglasses drawn on them by experience, and some had fake
zits added, etc. So now you come to this life
with the latent image and the accruals of your lives and,
of course, the influences of all your other lives, now
and before. So there is a chart of you, but boy what a
mess. You tell me how you get a straight answer from
that. It's a resource, not a compelling plan.
"And then there is your life chart... wellll, let's
just give this analogy: You get up one morning in
Tuscaloosa, and you say, 'I have decided to go to Eugene'
(which is a place, not a person). So, you make a choice
of life chart. But the choice is not of a single Trip
Tik, but a choice of either AAA or
Continental or Rand McNally or Delorme. And then you have
to decide: on foot, bike, car, train, plane, bus, thumb,
boat, armchair, and off you go. Chart... wellll. You
choose the resources, but not the specific details
because, you see, when you started, you planned to go by
North Platte, but outside of it the skies open and ooops,
no bridge. So now you are taking a different route using
the chosen resources, but not the specifics. Footnote, n.b.
John Candy, Trains,
Planes, and Automobiles.
"And what are the charts of life like. Not maps, but
things like myths, faiths, religions, philosophies,
ethics, culture, etc.--elements that inform our journeys
at all stages, and especially help us find our way when
the bridge is out, so to speak. That is why it is often
hard, or next to impossible, to change some aspects of
how we interact with life because they are the charts we
brought with us to this life. So activities like dieting
or exercise or etc. don't really relate because we are
talking about the journey here, not the destination, and
about sensing unity with our values throughout, for they
are the ultimate chart. All other systems are but
manifestations of values. And that's all I have to say
about that." (11/29/2001 - I#46)
Ericka's Bench 12/17/2001
"Actually, I have had many initials. Been alive a
lot. Guess I'm a slow learner. But that's my point. If
time is not the measure of existence, then what is. How
about existence--which is the growing complexity of
spiritual meaning.
"There is no comparison. I take 50 lives to get
ready, and someone else takes 5. Think of it this way:
Someone gets ready for a party and takes all day. Someone
else takes an hour. Knowing this, can you predict which
will have the better time at the party. No, could go
either way. The slower one might have added some other
experiences in the process, and the faster one would have
had time for other experiences... or not on both counts.
So I am suggesting that we need to drop the concept of
`old souls' and `fast learners,' and think instead about
those who seem to have their spiritual acts together;
because we can't tell if they are old or new. Wise, yes.
Insightful, yes. But we can't say if they've seen many
lives. Nobody knows the trouble I've seen... and I
could've seen it in one life or many.
"What makes the difference. Just time and time
doesn't matter, so there! You know those kids who can
read at 3 and those who learn to read at 5. Studies tell
us that at 7 you can't differentiate between the two. Get
it. Good! Bye-bye." (12/17/2001 - W#227)
"Just call me G. In one of my lives I was a
shepherd. Actually, in another life I was a sheep... but
that's another story. Now, where do you think I herded
sheep. I was outstanding in the field. Ok, we got the
field part, now where was the field... and I don't want
any crap about the field being in a field of being. Let's
get physical. It has 'Middle' in it and it ain't Middle
Earth. It is Middle East. Ok, Judea, Judia, Judora,
Judiena... it had many names--including 'the pits'--but I
was in the field.
"So, where were we. O, in the field in Judea with
about 187 sheep... about... I lost count. Now you've got
the picture, right. And this was when. Two millennia ago.
Right, yes, hills of Judea. Quirinius was governor in
those days, and Augustus was Caesar... not Sid. Ok, you
got the picture. So, one night, just at the time of the
census... and boy were the roads packed. Wished I had
been in the inn business. I was out with the sheep--in
the field, as you may remember--and guess what happened.
Nothing. Nothing. So I forgot that night. So how come I
can tell you about it. Because it was one of many
forgettable nights with those 187 sheep--so much the same
I can forget and remember at the same time. But later on,
in another life, I was sitting in an orchard with Isaac
Newton and wham he got the old apple on the
noggin and I did, too. And with that he became famous...
and I had also a career in science as a case study in
induced insanity. And in another life in 1775, I was a
delegate to the Continental Assembly and later signed the
"And the point of all this is? We don't all have to
be at the big points of history to learn from them. We
just have to be present in our own lives, and then the
learning moments will come that we need. If all of us had
been by the manger, oy vey what a crowd. So in
any moment we need those who are doing the decisive
defining stuff of the moment, and we need all the rest
just doing and being. Hey, want some good mutton.
Bye." (12/17/2001 - W#228)
Rikkity: "Ok, here's a spirit of few words
who was a mime."
Spirit draws a picture: A large circle, a point in
the center, and a spiral that moves out from the center
to the edges in widening circles. Then a diagonal line
moves across the circle.
Rikkity: "Who will explain that. A former art
"What we witnessed here was an elegant portrayal of
human spirit moving from particularity to universality
along an ever-enlarging spiral, in which all points of
the whole become visible over time, but only approached
not in linearity but in a kind of sideways glance. Our
focus ahead only lets us see the whole tangentially. So
the goal is never truly ahead. But, moving ahead we can
become one with the whole and the goal.
"Get it. You face where you are going, and that is
not your ultimate goal. But in going ahead you see, out
of the corner of your spirit, the whole. And, in the
fullness of time, the journey to particulars leads you to
the universal. Buy my book. Bye." (12/17/2001 -
Ericka's Bench 1/1/2002
"Good day to you, sir and madam. Who would have
thought about 2002 back then. And the stupid idea to call
the capitol Adamsville... or Jeffersonia. Thank goodness
I was the first. And not Georgia.
"So, let's pose a question: When did I become
President? Wrong! Whatever you say, if it has a date, is
wrong. I became President that night at Valley Forge, and
on that day at Duquesne, and crossing the stupid river,
and in Congress, and so many other times and places.
Without that field of before it would not have been. And
another question: When did my presidency end? Wrong! I am
still quoted, and many of my initiatives continue.
"Life is not a series of endings and beginnings, but
a flow of related events. Some would say, 'You must end
one chapter before you begin another,' but not even
novels are written like that. So, look for the flow not
the points... unless you are playing darts. And with that
I welcome my bosom friend and life partner, M."
(1/1/2002 - W#230)
"Hello, hubby. Watch, I'll kiss him and he will
blush. He's such a softy. A man of heart as well as mind
and limb.
"What G said is true in matters of the heart as
well. When did you become a parent. Not at the birth, but
hidden in the recesses of all your past. And will you
ever stop being one, no. You are changed forever by not
only each child in each life, but also by the simple act
of seeing yourself as parent. The qualities of identity
do not flow from circumstance but rather from
understanding. Ponder that.
"A childless person can, therefore, be a parent in
spirit. Most of us knew an aunt or uncle who, though
childless, was a parent. And so it is with many other
roles. Here, let this kind gentleman explain more."
(1/1/2002 - W#231)
"Hello-a. It is I, LD. I never had an original idea.
All my ideas were original. Both are true. Nothing
springs from nothing, yet everything arises in fresh
awareness of possibility. I did not invent logs. I did
not invent rope. I did not determine the tables of
trigonometry. And yet I did bring into being a bridge of
a design not shown before, and not known before; but
certainly possible before. Possible because of those
other things, and they because of others. Nothing arises
on its own... except Twinkies. No, no, no, no. She made
me say that.
"So, the trick is not to start something new but to
release what is already but not yet. All circumstance is
pregnant. I but a midwife be. Randy used that analogy
recently, and I liked it so I used it. And now those who
read history will think you stole it from me... or not.
And those who think that way don't have time down at all.
And here-a is he-a." (1/1/2002 - W#232)
"Hello-a. You like-a my hat-a. Is New Year, yes? I
just come-a to. There were many years when I did not know
precisely the start of the year. But guess what, it
started without me. And so the day does not matter, only
if you travel wisely and when you arrive you are fully
"Sometimes we would think we were arriving days late
on our journey, only to come to the port just as things
were happening. Had they happened before we arrived?
Didn't matter. Did they happen after we left? Maybe but
didn't matter. Only what happened while we were there
mattered and, since the present contains past and future,
was ok. Just that. And now, here-a she is-a."
(1/1/2002 - W#233)
Rikkity: "Hi Mom and Dad. Moooo. Happy Happy.
And what a year we will have. But what year will we have?
Give me a call and we'll talk, but for now a group bow.
And later, dude."
"How come peeps think auras are
all in the visible spectrum. Some are so low they are
audible, and some so high they are physical. We all
radiate energy, but not all of it is visible. And for
some, little is. Just because you don't see it, don't
assume it's about you not seeing it. Maybe it isn't there
in that way." (1/14/2002 - I#47)
"Do auras have auras. Everything has an energy
field, so why not energy fields--like ever-slighter
ripples going outward. Big dogs have little fleas who
bite 'em, and little fleas have littler fleas, and so ad
infinitum... grrrr... snap... one
"A person dies... plunk. The body gets
taken away... wwrrrr (siren). Then later you go
to their favorite place and smell them: aura. And
suddenly you have a sense of light: aura's aura... which
is not Walla Walla... Bora Bora. That's it, I quit."
(1/18/2002 - R#37)
"More suicides are disassembled than others. The
system just doesn't hold--often sustained for years on
external energy. But when the candle burns low for most,
it is just a dark day... but for some it is the end of
"Here's a thought that is sure to be controversial,
but hey I'm not shy... grrrrr. Go, dog... gggrrrrrrr.
When those who have seen it, speak of going to the
light, the light is not an external source--like God
as a separate entity--but it is the light of one's own
being; an awareness at last, without fears and blinders
and physical limitations, of what is essentially us:
great piercing energy. We walk through the tunnel from
the physical into our own gleaming presence. But alas,
those caught in darkness without the balanced set of
personal... or should I say entital... energies,
do not go to the light, for there is no light that is
internal to them sufficient to sustain the entity. Or,
when you are an entity and truly fit together, you have
spiritual energy beyond bounds, contained only in the
physical world by your physicality. Whoa.
"But there will be many who want and need and insist
to see the light as separate. But... but... but
if we are always a part of All That Is, then there is
nothing separate. And why can't we affirm that we are the
light. Why can't we step back and say, 'Whoa,
we're good.' God is reputed to have done that--created,
stopped, and said, 'Whoa, it's good.' Well, if
it's good enough for God, it's good enough for me! So
there. I've said enough.
"Some stupid pride crap keeps us from affirming our
goodness. And also a lack of faith in self--which is
another name for fear. Ponder that. We are afraid of our
own goodness and potential. But some, like Buddha and
Mohammed and Jesus, got it. The
Kingdom of God is in YOU! So, I guess I've said
enough for today." (1/22/2002 - R#38)
"Duh, I don't have no brain. This is not thinking.
Only you think so. Ponder: A highly integrative
expression of the spiritual reality, which is infused
with experience and insight, but not necessarily with
cognition and analysis." (2/2/2002 - V#64)
"Your energy is just a fragment of what we get.
People think that being spiritual is limiting because we
aren't physical, but actually, being physical--trapped in
only a small spectrum of energies--is limiting. Whether
your communication comes through sound or light makes
very little difference, compared to other things.
"Can I communicate with less complex entities, yes
and no. And the answer is so simple, you'll go duh.
Let's say you have WordPerfect 5.1. Can it read files
from 3.1, yes. But can its files be read by 7, yes. But
can it read 7's, no. So, I can understand what those less
complex are expressing; and I can communicate with them,
but I have to dumb down (use more rudimentary methods).
But I can't do the same with more complex. I can
'hear' them, and they can understand me, but I can't
understand them at their level. Just like adults and
little kidchips... have 2 or 3 or 4, they're small. So
now say it: duh. That's all it is. Just like
someone who knows English and Italian can speak with
both, but if they speak Italian, the English won't
understand and will cook the pasta for 40 minutes. But
hey, when you've got no teeth, what does al dente
"I can 'hear' those at more complex levels when
they, so to speak, 'speak' in my level. And they sound
like parents with a 2-year-old, or talking with a
foreigner loudly and slowly... maybe that's the last
thing learned and remembered. They contact us. We don't
call them; they're unlisted. Look, don't you get some
glimpses of things beyond belief. And all those voices
the religious folk get (angels, hint hint). I
mean, do you want to be visionary about advanced
entities, or just earlier entities of your same product
line. Peeps mistake the Clarences for
the Gabriels. Some
guide and help, like senior hall monitors. Others come
back for Career Day, like wise graduates. And others
appear as great, sage, motivational speakers. All appear
angelic, but they are not the same. There are peers, and
then there are the peerless ones. And the peerless ones
are just commoners from greater complexity, visiting to
give us a glimpse, a peek, and some really dumbed-down
language: 'Be not
afraid, for I bring you good tidings.'
*retch* If you were that complex, do you
think you would say that to anyone other than the
slow-spirited. But you can't tell the difference. If you
could, you'd be more complex. And voices on records played
backwards are neither angels nor
demons... unless they say, 'RRRikkkitttyyyy issss
ttthhhhhe bbbbessssttt.'
"The voices and images mediums get don't come
through physical sound and light. They come through a
complex process called ATT (Angelic Truth Transfer). What
you hear is what you hear.... except for him... and that.
Go figure. If I had known, I wouldn't have gone there.
But beggars--as much as they are liked--are no better
than choosers, but that's moot. I digress, which is
good." (2/6/2002 - I#48)
"Sing a
song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye. You want
sense? Ok, then ponder how there can be a continuity of
spirit across different entity levels. Because nothing is
ever lost. There is a total conservation of all
spirit--even those that get disassembled. And in the
enhancement process, nothing is lost. It is learn and
remember, which means retained. And even what we
learn to move beyond we retain, because otherwise the
learning would have no context. It is always
cumulative--even those who get poofed. Since they didn't
learn anything, nothing is lost... except a small brown
terrier near the bandshell in Cedar Rapids. But we think
he was actually a tsar, hiding from the Bolsheviks.
"Something gets lost, but then we find it... like a
memory of the way
we were. My tummy got big, but I don't
have a tummy, but I remember my tummy. So I can say it
got big, even though I don't have one. See. Just as you
can now speak of the child you were, although you're no
spring chicken no more. Wellll, not all channels are that
clear. It's more of a Jungian thingie (collective
unconscious). The collective unconscious is
from then ... and archetypes... and Archie comics. You
always translate to your level of development; because
otherwise those pieces of understanding would seem
utterly stupid, simple, banal, or duh. But even duh
has essential truth in it. What got you through the slime
and mire is useful... or not." (2/24/2002 - I#49)
"You can't understand animals because you're small
brains. Got to be great to understand us. In all the
myths, only the gods could understand us."
(2/24/2002 - W#234)
"Disclaimer: CT is a wonderful spirit, and actually
more evolved than I. Otherwise he would become angry and
defensive at all I say. And he loves me. We allow our
spirits to mingle *blush blush.* Hey, I'm being very
serious here. I would never say such things about some
others less ready to move on. He da man... and he da
woman." (2/24/2002 - W#235)
"Hello. You wanted to ask me about mind and body. I
saw it all as part of a whole that also included spirit
and other stuff--vapors and humours and spirits. I also
liked spirits... a little grapa... but that's another
"Only with the rise of the Western mind-set of
separating levels of workers did a clear dualism emerge;
but it was presaged by the Christian notions of sin and
salvation, and also a 'quick and dead' (another
pre-dualism). It emerged most forcefully with the
economic growth of differentiated labor. And slave owners
bought into it, but slaves did not. I ask you, how do you
separate the idea of work from the actual work unless you
actually separate the 2 into roles for 2 different
people. On the old farm the planter was also the reaper,
but in industry the weaver was not the seller. Homespun
was integrated but cotton cloth was not.
"And so when Lucy and Ethel had to make chocolates
they were not part of a whole, but just parts. I somewhat
invented the assembly line but meant it to help a team
work together--not parts working separately. When the
dualism was imposed it took root. 'Hunters, stand here;
gatherers, over there.' But they each saw the whole...
or, in the case of gravediggers, the hole. The product
was not evident in the work. Enough." (3/17/2002 -
"Dualism. It takes 2 to tango... unless you have two
spirits. Then you can be dualistic with thyself... or thy
elf. Take an elf, paint him gaudily, and you get a gnome.
So, yes. What.
"Why do some many think in dualisms when they live
in a multidimensional world. Could it be that they only
experience 2 dimensions at a time because their
experiences are so fragmented. I don't know. People with
integrated lives are less likely to be prejudiced, seeing
only bi-dimensionally. And some are lucky to get 2
dimensions." (3/20/2002 - W#237)
Ericka's Bench 3/25/2002
"Hello-a, but I no-a MCP-a.... no-a LD-a. They
just-a silly 2 boys. I'm GF. I come-a to... wait, I try-a
your speech. Is this better. This is hard.
"LD, MCP, who is the better. I tell you about a time
when such were more common, and I was one. There come
times in the human community when those living in bodies
have a higher ratio of evolved spirits. No way to
predict, because the lives that lead up to then always
have different possibilities. Even on a deathbed someone
may finally get the clues arranged in the right order.
(Wasn't that what Jesus said, and everybody thought it
was about salvation instead.) And in all the parallel
realities of different outcomes, ripples of intensity of
spiritual evolution roll like waves across time... or
whatever that is. So in Reality 1 it may be a peak time
of fulfillment, and in 2 a trough, and in 3
whatever--each reality with its own periodicity. But in
each reality there are waves of diverse length, which
rise and fall and interfere and conflict and build. And
sometimes you get a lot of evolved spiritual energy, and
other times not much.
"Ok. Think about Bach's time. Lots of good music
being made, of which he was but one. Then think about the
'80s--but a pit in the musical landscape. Peak and
valley. MCP came riding in on the rising tide that later
crested with LD. They are expressions of the same wave of
spiritual fulfillment--each as dependent as the other for
the wave to support their lives. Without the context MCP
would have been a mediocre trader, and LD probably some
backwater blacksmith. The tides of spiritual development
raise individual fulfillment to heights of greatness. And
yes, they raise lower levels to mediocrity. So, a
mediocre person may be 'not much' surfing on the waves of
the greatness of others. And when the troughs come, even
greatness can't get a break. Can we say 'Dark Ages.'
Thanks. And as she-a says-a, ponder that-a. Ciao."
(3/25/2002 - W#238)
"Hi. Why am I here. Let's just say I've been there,
done that. I'm LW. I'm tired. Look, I was a lighthouse
keeper in Rhodes. Had a falling out... like out the
window. Then, in another life I was a lookout on a ship.
Went for the drink... or should I say, in the drink, when
we went down on the rocks. Ouch. I was a scout for the
Lost Patrol. Get the picture. I tried over and over again
to be the eyes and ears for others, but since I was blind
and deaf this was a bad career choice. Wait, I could see
and hear. This is figurative. If I were blind, only blind
people themselves could be fooled--and that's another
story, about how often we choose life guides who we can't
sense have the same limitations as we.
"But back to the story. Until I finally realized
that maybe what I needed to learn and remember was not
about my deficits but about my talents. Shit, all those
tiresome lives spent on the wrong lessons. So, I think
I've got it: Go back without presumption and see what
life calls me to, not what I call out to life for. And if
I don't get it... o damn, I'm tired. Thanks for
listening, and thinking. We often try to control instead
of listening, thinking we know better." (3/25/2002 -
Rikkity: "Now, one who thinks she knows
Tea lady: "One lump or 2. It's just me, with
all of you to wait on. So, drink and go. Advice? Look,
does this look like some headshrinker's. Do you get tea
at your doctor's. Get a grip on reality, missy. Finished,
good. Goodbye. Closing time. Ta-ta. Close the door."
Rikkity: "And last, but not least, an old
"Hello. I always miss my Virginia in spring. The
dogwood, the azaleas, the rotting manure, George tracking
mud in the house. But just a simple thought this day, ok.
"We all feel called to greatness. But how do we know
if the call is to be about our greatness or about our
appreciation of greatness. I will use my husband as an
example. He was called to greatness, but his greatness
would have meant nothing without those who were called
and appreciated his greatness. If everyone were to be
general or president, then no one would be. He could only
be general if others would follow his orders. But then he
was only a follower to his supreme general, who walked in
ancient Galilee and in his heart. If he had tried to be
Christ, he would have been neither Christ nor general. We
are called to our own greatness and the appreciation of
the greatness of others. And remember, no carpet can long
sustain our tread without the strength of the unseen,
common, undyed, back fibers. The greatness of the carpet
is in both the highlighted pattern and the firm backing.
Which is greater, both. And now, would you like some calm
tea time... ah.
"We know we are called to greatness by the ease of
our being. I do not mean the absence of work and effort,
but the seamless flow of our selves into life. When all
the greatest efforts seem effortless, time dissolves,
obstacles fade, connection emerges, and energy spent is
returned manifold. Or to put it bluntly, you will know it
when it's true; and if you have to ask it's not. I must
leave. Goodbye." (3/25/2002 - W#240)
"Why do the skeptics allow the scientists to tell
them what to believe. Dogma is dogma, even with
numbers." (4/2/2002 - I#50)
"Speaking of such dualism, anything less than a
pluralism or a unity is just a variation on dualism in
multi dimensions. Two dimensions, two poles, dualism.
Three dimensions, three poles, dualism... etc., etc.,
etc.. So, in an infinite setting, anything less than
totality is dualism. See the whole. Get it?
"Most don't see the whole; they see the whole of the
last level. Ponder that. The familiar... and Familia, with
cream." (4/14/2002 - I#51)
Ericka's Bench 4/15/2002
"Good afternoon. It is always a pleasure to have
your company. It is I, as you have surmised. And I have
come to continue a thoughtful process which has
lingered--this idea of there being only two choices in
matters of importance; what you call 'dualism.' For
example, live or dead. But do not the two bleed into each
other. Some have come here but live in the hearts of
others, and some are still there but dead to the world.
But I wish to consider truth.
"So many want to consider and know what is true and
what is false, but often it is a blend of both. There is
precious little which is only true; precious little which
is true without any lack of truth. Most things we
consider true are some truth mixed with the unknown. So,
when someone wants an answer to something they usually
want to know it as if it were true, not with some level
of condition upon it. And even those who understand this
want to understand this as an absolute understanding. But
except for the love of the divine, all else is in process
of being revealed, and is not absolute. And this is as
true in the esoteric sciences as in the physical ones.
Many spiritual answers must now be as grey as any other.
If you want black or white, welcome to delusion.
"Ponder all things until you know they must always
be pondered. Accept answers for their ability to let you
live, not for their absolute truth--until that point in
our development when I shall not know anything as
separate, and I am one with the truth and with all else.
Ponder this, and fare thee well." (4/15/2002 -
"Hello. I don't know why I am talking to you. O
yes... O, sure... she just told me.
"I was listening to M, and I thought about how
little she and I have in common. I was Asian, poor,
uneducated, and lived only 23 years. And many of the
things she tells me as if true were not true for me. And
yet, when I see those who lived in my own area and time I
have much in common. I often wonder if our eyes do not
see differently and our ears do not hear differently. So
much is a product of life, and how foolish it is to try
to speak of universals from our own lives. But what to do
then. Should we look to the lives of others. Buddha never
knew my life, so how could his wisdom bring real truth to
me. It is always a guessing game, what applies and what
is best forgotten. And yet, over time, so much wisdom
"I have come to understand this: If one must place a
truth in context, it is not a truth. If you must
understand the story or the people, then it is a truth
for those people in that story. Only that which all would
see or hear and know is truth. And then it is so simple.
No big words, just big feelings. And the biggest truths
are always yet to be, waiting in the little
understandings and the big words until they can become
big understandings in little words. I am finished."
(4/15/2002 - W#242)
Rikkity: "I thought she was different... but
different from what. Ok, one last guest today. A great
pilot and parking attendant."
"Hi babe. She's mean but cute... that smile and
giggle. Hi. Thanks for the memories. Good not to be
forgotten. In light of what some of these smart folks
have been saying, I want to add my 2 cents... but you'll
have to pay half.
"When I was working on projects I was always amazed
by the smart boys who kept talking about a breakthrough.
And they would look long and expensively at things
outside of our project, but I would keep staring at our
work. You see, I always said, 'The answer must be in here
somewhere.' It wasn't like it wasn't there, but just that
we couldn't see it. And so, while they were staring into
space, I usually found it. Like so much. People think the
answer they need will come from somewhere else, but it's
right in front of them.
"If you really and truly believe in abundance, the
answers are already here. All the keys to all the locks
you can imagine are on the keyring in your hands. I guess
that's all. Ok, that's good, and don't forget, hang by
your thumbs." (4/15/2002 - W#243)
"An energy trough is about change. And since people
fear change, it's related to fear. Fear is a symptom. But
remove the cause, but not the symptom.' So
long after the trough is gone, the fear of being in it
lingers. And most great achievements occur, not on the
upswing of the crest, but riding out the energy of the
crest as it begins to move trough to trough. So the
seeming greatness is usually a product of the crest, not
the cause of it. You ride the waves, not the swells. And
waves are crests moving to oblivion.
"So, the fear is a memory of the experience of the
trough, where everything is uphill, but that fear is only
known later, when some of the uphill is already achieved.
The social emotions, like personal ones, live with an
experience lag. You know people who live on through the
worst, then collapse when the worst is over. I think that
is eeenough." (4/19/2002 - R#39)
"Know your spirit and honor it. And see who gives
off energy and who takes it in. And negativity tries to
attract positive energy. But only those lacking focus on
lacks." (5/12/2002 - R#40)
"So, since when do spirits have to linearly exist
only in one level. If time is not there, then a
first-timer is also a top-timer. First-timers don't know
they are no longer top-timers, so they act like that.
Here is one of the universe's little jokes: Just when you
get it, it changes. The smaller steps you can enjoy, but
when you take the big leap, it is before you think you
can enjoy it. But again an irony, because top-timers
think it can get better, and it does, and poof
they are first-timers. But in that top time, their
spiritual reality finally seems to make sense. So, one is
almost there, and senses it in how the spirit exists. But
when it is totally understood and incorporated, then bye-bye.
But there is a reward.
"It's like you are lost in a giant mall and you are
trying to find your way. Over time it gets easier and
easier until you have it almost figured out. Then
suddenly you find the door you've been looking for, and
when you enter, it is into another more complex mall. But
you find yourself with others whom you sense are soul
sisters and brothers on the same search. So it feels like
a loss and a gain and a connection all at once. But all
you have to go on is what is already learned and
remembered. You love the new community, you use the old
insights, and you are a first-timer.
"And some of the old learnings work here, and some
do not. So it goes. But at least you're not alone...
until you are one with everything, and the universe
breathes and oops you start over in another universe that
is more universal. No end, but lots of meaning.
"Everything in context is elementary; it just seems
that some things are more complex. But everything is an
element of something else... except him. First-timers are
good for a laugh, but remember, ultimately the laugh is
on all of us. I've said enough." (5/20/2002 - V#65)
"Hi, and ouch. See, when we talk it is
really us, not me and you. We become as one, and
you get my thoughts but I get your pains... so, ouch.
It is your paw... ARF... and his paw, too... grrrr.
He didn't hurt his paw, but Dad did. So if you want to
channel Sandy, he has to channel you, which can have its
ups and downs. But it's never a one-way thingie. The veil
is very thin. You want to know about here, and
we want to remember there. We consolidate,
groove, get on the same track, so to speak. This is
temporary, while connecting into entityship is more or
less permanent. This is not creating something more
complex spiritually. It is still in one plane.
"You get my spiritual shit, and I get a taste of
physical (which can be a real pain), or something like
that. But it is a spiritual translation; just as your
physical sensations are a translation of spiritual
experiences. We can recognize the feeling without
actually experiencing it. You don't have to have an upset
stomach to know what it feels like... baaarf.
No, Sandy. It's like empathetic sympathy... or is that
sympathetic empathy. I won't say whether we also get your
emotions and thoughts, but yes. And you can catch some
dimensions of me if you really really really
try, but most don't. I am sensing the letter W.
Does W mean anything to anyone. And I see a
book, and W is written inside with a pen. It's a
book with pages of paper. The cover is either gray or
colored. I think it's a checkbook. Wait, it's Papa's.
"So, that's my big giveaway for the night. That's
it. It was hard for all of us at the beginning. How could
it be real and otherwise. But it's natural, just like my
hair is naturally straight... every 6 months. But just
because something takes work and energy, does not mean it
is not natural. Ponder that."
(5/29/2002 - I#52)
"Probable selves. Some of mine talk with some of
yours. But some of yours have already come here. And some
of yours, Mom, didn't have me. So, me talking to you
would make no sense. And in those realities where I'm not
dead, I talk and talk and talk. But in some you are deaf.
The possibilities are endless. In one, Seymour is able to
talk... keeps saying, 'Have an apple.' And all I want is
a fig leaf or 3. I hear things from reputable sources,
like CT.
"Look, there are an infinite number of probable
realities, and yet for you there is only one that is
probable and you are in it. So just leave the others.
Don't mess with them or else they might want to mess with
you... oooOOOooo." (6/9/2002 - W#244)
"All those people say this is a fake. This is all a
sham. I said this before. This is not happening. It is
just a projection of your own personalities. But then,
our entityship is also just that. Why should a projection
of personal spirit not be considered real. Actors live
off the projection of the audience's appreciation. God
lives off the projection of personal faith. Colonel
Sanders lives off his fingers... oops,
erase that... sregnif sih ffo sevil srednaS lenoloC.
All reality is just collective projection of
interpretation... and a few spare parts. Wow... bow
wow... ARF.
"So anyway, just remember that most great movements
of thought and feeling began as a projection of personal
desire, which became personal possibility and then
collective idea. There are no new ideas, but only new
collective acceptance of them... or not. It is not real
until it is collectively perceived as real. Before that
it's a theory... and before that a short story... no no
no no... before that, a sense, which is a sensation of
"Sometimes progress is just remembering the past,
which proceeds down the endless corridors of existence,
past the edges of time and space--a flicker of a point of
reflected light from the eternal illumination, bending
round the corners beyond where we can see. I wax
poetic... now I wane... and here's Garth. You're
not worthy, but you are. Fireworks in the
soul of Creation. So that's the scoop." (7/5/2002 -
Ericka's Bench 7/8/2002
Rikkity: "And now, direct from the 5th Circle
of Insight near the Understanding Cutoff, here's the
place to sit with the spirit, to sit with Ericka's
Bench. Ok, quiet down. With me today, as always, is
the woofer... woof... and all of creation. But
not him." "Yes, I'm here." "Ok, him,
too. Ok, ladies and germs, spirits and spiritesses, we've
got 4 big-mouths. Let's get going.
"But first, a commercial. Feeling disspirited,
energy low, not feeling like the old entity. Maybe you've
become unglued. Try new Entity Renew with amazing G7.
Just when you fear disassembly, poof you are your old
self again. But wait, isn't that what disassembly is.
Yup. But with G7, you'll never know. Try it. Go ahead.
It's made just for special people like you. Only the best
can get it, and that's you. Bye-bye.
"Here's someone you've never talked to:"
"Hello. Hello. O, they're talking, not thinking. Hi.
You know, we don't talk here. What a waste. Talking is
not all it's cracked up to be. Now empathy is something
else. And why do I say this here, now. I want you to
consider your world, filled with many how-to and
self-help books--lots of words about how to treat others
and self. But can you say that your world is better for
them all. So what's the point, other than perhaps giving
oneself a way to stay busy while ignoring the basics. If
we get one more spirit here asking for Chicken Soup,
we're going to scream! I don't care about roads not
taken. Celestine can keep her prophecy. Dr. Phil... need
I say more.
"Ok. Given what you know, it is so simple. But only
your heart can give it to you--no big books-- if you look
for connections, not differences; which is empathy and
sympathy and all that. It does not take 12 steps, just 1;
it does not require revelation or scripture; to see
everyone else as ultimately a soulmate, because in the
fullness of time we are. And if some act like
kindergartners while we are middle-schoolers, that does
not mean we are wise and they are dumb. Each will be both
in each's time.
"So, yes, if you need those books, ok. But don't
think any have a secret. It is the least secret thing in
the universe: We are all connected.
Rikkity: "Except for him."
"Rikkity, even he is.
Rikkity: "O."
"You just don't see it yet. And there's an important
point: Just because you don't see it yet does not mean it
isn't true. In fact, when you don't see it that's a good
indication you need to look harder, deeper. If anything
seems truly and totally alien to you, ah, there's a good
starting point. Greet the alien element. And see how it
is connected to you. I must go. The dog has my shoe. I am
connected to him by teeth." (7/8/2002 - W#245)
Rikkity: "He was such a tired soul when
arriving. But hey, so many are. Ok, let's move on. Old
friend time. Now he's back and so we again say harken to
Marky and his malarky."
"Hey! That's Count Malarky to you. She is something
else, and I won't say what.
"I seem to share with TJ the assignment on freedom.
But I never wanted freedom... not total freedom, that is.
I never wanted to be alone. I never wanted to be Greta
Garbo... I never wanted a bad accent.
"Freedom is not an absence of binding relationships.
It is the choice to be bound. Society is based on wise
"And now a little nugget: You don't just get put
together into entities like the first day of class,
getting assigned seats. When you're ready, you can choose
to merge. Remember those rooms with spirits waiting. You
have a choice to stay or leave. And, despite what your
simple minds were told before, you could fit in a number
of entities. But there is a choice factor, which you
began to exercise the first time around at this level.
Your choices of what to learn and remember shape you.
Some things you must learn, and others you can. And in
the freedom to choose, you shape your self, and also
begin to choose your connections.
"Freedom is about not being a cog in the machine,
but it is not about not being in the machine. Each and
every spirit is the machine, not a cog; each and every
spirit is its heart and center. In infinity, each place
can be the center because it is equidistant from the
edges--infinitely equidistant. So the freedom I try to
find in life is the same as my spiritual freedom: not a
release from participation, but an expression of self
chosen in it. And I think that sums it up. And I choose
to go." (7/8/2002 - W#246)
Rikkity: "Moving right along. From Stanstead
train depot buffet, here's PC:
"Sit down, she'll be with you in a minute. Blimey,
don't you understand the Queen's English. You look
ghostly... all rosy and no palor to you at all. I think
you need a cuppa to get your pale back. Iced? I think
not! You come in here off that express and think you can
get a pick-me-up in a few minutes. Well, try this. No no
no no no no, put in the milk ... not with the lemon. O
dear me, where was you brought up. Ok, sips it. Just a
bit at first. Mmmm good. You are looking more ashen now.
Much better. Just a shadow of your former self. Now
ta-ta. You've got a train to catch. What! No tip. Some
Rikkity: "And last but not least, the flying
ace himself... the scourge of the South Shore, buzzing
beaches from Jones to Rockaway, looking for babes."
"Hi, babe. You don't think I went to the beach just
for the sand, do you? Skin. So, busy as ever. We had a
tough time... that air thing with those kids... Germany,
yep. About 3 dozen. They couldn't believe it, and I said
'believe it!' But they are so eager and open.
"But here's a piece of experience: I worked too hard
to try to keep things from changing. Stayed in one place.
And I sort of stopped growing and only survived. Not the
way to go! Remember what she told you: Stopping place
should only be temporary, otherwise the path and the
stream move on. And if you are willing to move but where
you are isn't, then you better not stay. So the question
for you is not about you, but about them. Are they open
to moving and changing? That's what you need to know.
"The whole society there seems to be leaning towards
pulling up the drawbridge and keep the castle from
change. So if you don't mind either frustration or
stagnation, stay. It happens, I know. And she is
gesturing frantically. Ouch.... grrrr... I'm out
of here. Write if you get... grrrrrrrrr.
Bye." (7/8/2002 - W#247)
Rikkity: "Ok, then I'll go. And now for one
more word: Go."
"Pith. 4 piths: 2. When it feels like you are losing
it all, it is only because you are not allowing yourself
to see what is arriving and beginning. And every barrier
you create or choose to limit the options, narrows the
possibilities. Creation is not about finding what is,
but about making something meaningful out of what you
discover and allow. 3. Not all choices contain all
options, it is true. But you don't have to have all
options to make meaning. Only when we are universal, will
universal meaning be real. So for now, make the best of
things, and possibly the pieces you think you have left
behind are just waiting to fit into a puzzle where the
space is yet to be created. And 4. Be kind. Be one of a
kind, too. And 3. Nothing is measured by time. Whenever
you think there is only one place to be, you're not in
it, because a place that engenders the thought has no
horizon. Whoa! Arrrrrf!"
(7/20/2002 - I#54)
"Grey areas are no problem here. And why, in a world
of color, do people want to see things as black or
white. As the great philosopher once said, 'Go
figure.' (7/26/2002 - I#55)
"Water. Why do we think of water as different than
air. Both are mediums in which life exists. But what of
other forms beyond air and water... and don't say 'earth
and fire.' What about other expressions of mixed energy.
Some would speak of ethers. Can
you not perceive that energy in other solid forms might
not also be the medium of some sustaining existence. Then
why not energy just in energy form. Ha,
that's us over here... but not him.
"Why the quick rush to assume only a physical basis
for existence. Could it be the empirical nature. But
who's to say what can be measured. Sandy, go measure our
existence. Arrf... trot trot trot... ARF ARF
ARF. Ok, good doggie. Ok, we now know that here
is three ARFs long... and a tail, but the tail doesn't
count. When you all can see that anything that can be
thought of is measurable, you won't be so quick to be
physical. And what are dimensions anyway but limits, and
who wants them? 'I do!' No, you don't. 'Yes, I do.' Ok.
"People are scared of worlds without limits. Spirits
are scared of ones with. A great tension...
hi... high tension... hi, tension. Is such a tension one
you can live with. If not, you really won't be living. At
points of tension like that, we reveal boundaries of the
worlds. That's a hint about how a sense of tension
reveals more continuity than discontinuity. Where you
sense conflict, there is always some level of contact.
Where things seem to stand alone and beyond conflict, or
even controversy, there is no contact. The only really
sure things in your world are those which do not connect
to larger meanings, and therefore are sure but
meaningless. Ha, I wax elegantly. Now I polish.
"So, until we are one with All, tension will always
reveal greater potential than certainty. That's it. I'm
done. Turn me over. Whoa, I'm brown.
Ponder." (8/4/2002 - I#56)
"At one life, one can get it, and it looks like
smooth sailing. But then, between lives, lost it. Hey,
over here is not on auto-pilot. It's not tragic,
just happens a lot. Get it together but can't keep it
together--premature awareness. And those folks often
become seers and mediums because they sense the glimpses
they can see no more.
"Most who report connecting are not doing it for the
first time, but they have lost the remembrance of it and
have only the experience. It's like someone who has been
to Detroit and forgets it and then, passing through,
scenes seem familiar. This happens often with what we
experience as kids. It's like filling in the dots...
connecting the numbers... completing the outline...
fulfilling the suggestions... making whole the partial...
getting the shit together... ooops.. I do go on. All I
say is interesting, if you find the right person to
"You can lose it here, or in the parking lot... in
the process. Especially if you had it, and don't now; if
it feels right but not yet yours. Like you know
it but you aren't it. There are people
who make great discoveries, who later haven't got a clue
of how to apply them. I say just peel off the backing and
apply. I groan... ooooo... ayeee... I
recover." (8/13/2002 - V#66)
"Hi. I just got a job. I'm a bartender at this cool
place. I'm the one with the hair... of the dog...
actually, the whole pooch... ARF... among others. Did
someone say refreshments.
"And as for me, I'm dead tired. It's ok, I'm not
tired now. Now I am. Not now. All those peeps who want it
all linear and in one direction. But hey, over here it's
just chaos. Is chaos with meaning inherent really chaos?
Does meaning automatically imply structure, hmmm.
Does form always include meaning. Can you have meaning
without form. Can you have meaning from meaning within
form if you don't perceive the form. How many angels can
dance... o wait... grrrrrrrr... how many
fleas... snap. None, I guess.
"Do spirits have to have some manifestation to be
real to you all. What if you physical types touched
spirit-to-spirit to some spirit that was not, and would
never be, physical. Can you feed yourself at a restaurant
that is closed. I don't know. That's why I pose these
ponderables. I do know, but I'm not saying now. Do
spirits feel hugs? Let's try." (8/24/2002 - I#57)
"So, attendance at the Emerald is up. Thanks. Let's
think about collective
dreaming. It can be a group activity of
shared experience, or it can be shared experiences of
individual exploration. Huh. I 'splain.
"A group tour is the physical equivalent of a group
dream; a group discussing their individual experiences in
a common city is the other. One, the focus is on shared
experience, and the other is about sharing experiences
with common elements. So, the latter could be about
details or feelings or process or whatever. Not everyone
who shares Rome was there on the same day. Ok. But if
everyone were, how would we get a table and a glass of
"Just wanted to clear that up. Well, if they came by
the pub, I'd tell them... but not all at once."
(8/31/2002 - I#58)
"Sandy is sleeping--which is not to say physically
sleeping, only that he's on a different psychic plane,
but not with the temporal sleep crap. And you don't need
a Serta ™ Serta, Inc. All rights reserved. Do not
remove this tag under penalty of life." (8/31/2002 -
"Remember how I said that the most primal spiritual
entity flowed from All That Is, and then the process of
complexity begins. And I talked about combining into more
complex entities. Remember? Well, that's a mis-statement,
made so y'all could understand. But I theenk eet ees time
to 'splain more.
"There is no combining; no atomic spiritual
molecule-making. It is as if there were,
but there isn't. Huh. Ok. Time does not exist. Nothing is
linear. So, all states exist all ways. Now what does that
mean. Damned if I know... but I do.
"At any and every moment, you are to some extent one
with All, and also ultimately separate. You separate and
differentiate from being part of All, and that is the
primal level I spoke of. In that level, you sense only
your existence; nothing more. At the other pole, you
experience the existence of All, and nothing as separate.
And here it comes: You are constantly and always both.
And the levels of complexity are more about awareness
than about any pseudo-physical spiritual combinations.
It's not that you are connecting to create something that
has not existed, but that you connect into an awareness
of another state of your being--more complex, that is. I
keep 'hearing' people treating this like it were
physical, but maybe the intellectual process of awareness
is a better example--not nearly it, but
better--moving through our many levels of being.
"So, you don't become something else, or more. You
become aware of the more you that co-exists.
Learn and remember, and therefore be more aware. And if
you forget what you thought you remembered, you can't be
aware of what that remembered thought made you aware of. We
grow in greater awareness of our greater complexity and
greater connections, until we become aware again that we
are one with All That Is. So ponder that.
"The merged state you become aware of already is.
But let's say you see someone and don't like them... you
really don't like them... grrrrr. Because you
cannot connect to them, you cannot become aware of how
they may fit in the more complex you. Your lack
of connecting to them keeps you distant from awareness.
And awareness is not linear, but more the most complex
web of being you could ever envision.
"Just a step from physical modeling to spiritual,
but we ain't there yet." (9/4/2002 - V#67)
"It is I, the Moo, the awesome Moo. Ok, serious
time. So, if one is always part of and co-terminus with
All That Is, what's the point. If it is only a matter of
perception of one's unity with ATI (All That Is) then why
bother with all these lives and all the experiences at
other levels of complexity. Good question.
"If one assumes the traditional view, of everything
created flowing from one infinite but eternal source,
then there is no point. But, if ATI is
an organism--both creative of its many layers of complex
meaning and created by the experiences
of all those layers--then the point is not personal, but
universal. We do it because that way ATI isn't static,
it's organic. So ponder that!
"So instead of trying to be reconciled with a God
that was, is, and evermore shall be, world
without end; we are trying to be active
participants in the totality that is yet to be. From the
simplest spiritual level of awareness, to the fullest
oneness with ATI, we gain not only awareness of our own
complex levels of existence, but we participate in a
process of genesis which ultimately creates an ATI that
is different from what had been. And that new ATI, which
transcends the old, continuously needs our ever-new
awareness. And... just to blow your minds... all the
various ATIs also already exist but
await the collective awareness of them.
"Here's a dog, smiling... ARF. Do you understand all
this. Just smile and say 'ARF.' ARF. But he's a part of
it. Every spirit is a part of it. And remember, it isn't
linear. Onward and upward is replaced by aha.
And if you could wrap your awareness around ATI that both
is and is becoming, then you would add
more to that which All That Is is a part of. Turtles all
the way up and down. So, how's tricks... snap.
Pithy enough? I startle myself. Ok Rikkity, calm
down." (9/8/2002 - V#68)
"I want to say this. Someone is certain to say, much
later, that I'm full of it. First I talked about
combining into more complex entities--and even
disassembly--as if spirits were parts. And now I talk
about awareness and ongoing connection that persists. So
where's the disassembly? Look, I'm just trying to use
helpful models. So think about this: You become aware of
another state of your being. Does that mean you
necessarily become one with it? I don't theenk so. But
maybe I geeve an example.
"You are in 5th grade. You wouldn't think about
hangin' with the middle schoolers. But the next year you
are in middle school, and you see all those 8th graders,
and you become aware of the 8th grader in you, so you
hang out with them... or, should I say, you try to hang
out with them. But chances are you will know what they
are about. You will be aware of how they are, but you
won't have a clue about how to be really connected to
them. And, in the end, they'll probably tell you to get
lost. You just won't fit in--even though you have some
nascent sense of the 8th grader you will later be. Just
another way of saying, in terms of the physical world,
what that spiritual reality is like.
"I gave you a chemical model, and recently an
intellectual model of awareness. There are many other
models, which say different things but try the same to
represent what is not able to be fully represented over
there. And the usual reminder, that the best you get there
is a reasonable facsimile, because if you had the whole
actual picture, you wouldn't be there, ha. So,
whether it is by connection and fulfillment, or awareness
and fulfillment... whatever... it is the same damn thing!
It's like trying to describe how far I am from you, and
someone saying 'It's a mile,' and another person saying
'No, it's 1.6 kilometers.' And they're both right and
still don't get it. I shut up now. Mmmm... ummm...
grrrrrr... mmmm.
"The biggest mistake JC made was quitting before
offering Answers 2, 3, and 4. So Answer 1 got codified,
when it was just an example, not the
answer. He never got to the Last Breakfast with the OJ
and Danish... but Orthodox would say raspberry Danish,
while liberals would insist on cheese.
"So, I needed to remind you, by a changing example,
that models are only models, not realities... unless, of
course, you are talking about models. But is there a
model of models, or does that elevate the former into a
reality which is then modeled? And so, do our models turn
models they are based on into such pseudo-realities. Too
much pith... ARF. Look what he's wearing: a pith helmet
to protect him from pith... and my good friend from
Germany, Helmut Pith... grrrr. And for a simpler
model: Life is like a supermarket aisle the day after a
sale and a day before inventory. Ponder that."
(9/12/2002 - V#69)
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