"One of the greatest
threats to spiritual understanding is not when spiritual
communication is... how do I say this... popular. Wait...
what I'm trying to say is: general acceptance may do more
harm than scoffing, because when it becomes part of the
mainstream, too many people will want to make it
concrete. All we don't need is dogmatic
spiritualism. Better it stay fringe but open, than
mainstream and closed. Acceptance, but not wholesale
mindless adoption.
"The problem with anything that becomes a norm, is
that it then stops being organic... unless we are talking
about a guy named Norm, but I wasn't. Beware
the dwarf, albino, and the
mainstream." (9/20/2002 - I#60)
"Remember, dreams are
portals, not snapshots. You pass through them, but do not
capture them. If you focus on what you see, instead of
where they take you, you miss the picture... hee hee.
Dreams are not Kodak
moments." (10/9/2002 - I#61)
"And so the sunrise illumines the shadowy secret...
amazing! But the same sunrise that dissipates the shadows
creates new shadows elsewhere. Only when the light shines
from within all, will the shadows finally be gone. Just
more light does not mean the end of shadows. Ponder that.
"It's a metaphor for spiritual complexity. Just
because you see more, does not mean you stop seeing
less." (10/13/2002 - I#62)
"You know, it's not darker in a shadow, really. It's
just that somewhere else is brighter." (10/16/2002 -
Ericka's Bench 10/28/2002
Rikkity: "Welcome to this curious mix of
sardonic wit and animal barks. Where the great people of
history meet and speak... and him, too. So, first out of
the gate it's a little giant."
"Ok-a. I want to tell you about my journeys. As I
would travel, day by day things would change--but just a
little. Then, after some weeks, I would realize that
things were very different. Little steps in a big
difference. For instance, as I traveled east the cheese
became slightly softer, and by the end of my time it was
little more than thick sour cream. But it had the same
function in both cooking and nutrition.
"But from one village to the next the change was
barely perceptible. Yet the world then and the world now
has things called borders, on each side of which things
are said to be noticeably different. So where in human
experience is this true. It's not. So why put up with it.
I rarely knew where I was according to such things, but I
always knew those I was with. Externals mean little,
internals mean more. And the small gradations speak more
of realities than any big line on a map, because borders
speak of differences and my travels enacted connections.
And yes, I am the one who told her and taught her about
connections, not differences." (10/28/2002 - W#248)
Rikkity: "So lets get on with this cheese
thing. Here's MG... or is it GM. Genghis can be
"Hello. I am a barbarian. I am part of a horde. Boy,
did we get bad press. Here's what I did for the horde: I
cooked and baked and made cheese. And none of us ever
attacked anywhere. But I was very good at cheese-making.
Know why. It is just like meaning-making. Huh.
"Ok, two types of cheese: hard and soft. And two
types of each: new and old. First, the new and old. New
is lively, provocative, light on the palate, but without
substance. Old is aged, mature, a bit delicate, with
physical brittleness, a bit dried up, but contain intense
flavors. What is kept is essential. One bite and you
remember the old cheese for a long time... just like
ideas. Some are fresh but lacking in substance, others
have the test of time.
"And then there is hard and soft. The soft cheese
just flows. It can be new or old, but it is known for the
way it is not rigid. Put it in a dish and it fills the
spaces between everything else. It has everything in it.
It fills the gaps. But the hard cheeses have been sieved,
and much that is watery is gone. It is the essence of
cheese with boundaries. Put it in a dish and it just sits
there as cheese... like ideas that are hard, fast, clear,
"We speak here about what you call God in ways like
cheese. We do! God as the hard essence and God as the
flowing promise, and some gods are fresh and some more
mature. And I fear you now live physically in and
theologically in a Velveeta world... lacking any of the 4
qualities. Mediocre is not what you want in cheese, nor
in gods. You want the same range in gods as you like to
enjoy in cheese. I've said enough. Goodbye."
(10/28/2002 - W#249)
Rikkity: "Ok, moving right along the bench,
we come to..."
Tea lady: "Me me me me!"
Rikkity: "Ok, it's time for her."
Tea lady: "Never, I mean never, put clotted
cream on toast. Cream on scones, butter on toast. Shall I
give you one lump or two. Here you are, dearie. No lemon.
The war, you know. Have to keep the troops in their
lemons. But I have some milk.
"O dear, my delightful Mr. Polo. Such an athletic
name. He's a jockey, I bet. I just love those horses. He
was just telling me about how he first tasted tea. I
cannot imagine a world without tea. But then I wonder
what I do not know about that others will take for
granted in their time. O 'tis too much for me.
Rikkity: "And finally, a man who needs no
"Hi, babe. Still working with the previously
auditory impaired. They can't believe some sounds are
what they are. They had created feelings about things
which are not born out in hearing. They thought all dogs
barked the same. And so we have to give them a range of
experiences... just like helping Americans to taste
cheese. I was given cheese as the theme. I think it's her
Rikkity: "Nachos, anyone?"
Papa: "But I am doing well. Don't like the
plane crashes. Will never know the whole truth on that
one. But picture me soaring. It is good to talk with you
and know there's PB in the closet. Here she is."
(10/28/2002 - W#250)
Rikkity: "So that's the Bench. So
tune in again, when we will hear the plaintive cry,
'What, no sugar!' Till then, this is me."
"Pearl of wisdom 1: Sure! Pearl of wisdom 2: Don't
be so sure! That covers it all.
"The questions of the future are still in the
making. From here, you could go a multitude of
directions. Things become certain only when they become
certain--probability becomes higher, until it is 100%
only after. It is not always about choice, as
much as recognition. And we only have senses to recognise
with, that we have opened.
"You can't see what you can't see. And you can't
choose what does not appear to be a choice. For example,
say you are choosing between Boston and Asheville and
Kansas City. Do you realise your choice could be Tahiti.
No, so you don't choose that, but why not. We don't
recognise other choices because we just don't--some
out of fear, some out of stupidity, some out of
ignorance, and some just out of the picture we can see.
"Miracles are just options we didn't know existed.
Sometimes we don't do it by trying to
see them, but simply by opening our eyes wide, or taking
off the blinders. If we seek a vision we don't have, we
may miss the vision we need to see. If the focus is on
the thing to be seen, and not the seeing, we may miss the
gift of eternity." (11/2/2002 - I#64)
"You all speak about the conservation of
everything--like in, 'Nothing is ever really lost.' I
think even I said that. And guess what, it's true... and
it's not true. But first, a little cavear... no no,
caveat. Too often, people focus on the persistence of spiritual
energy, and they don't remember that all existence (or
something like that) has its own persistence. It's not
like human soul energy persists but rock energy does not.
Big problem of the usual soul theories. Just because
you're carbon-based doesn't make you special. Organic and
inorganic are another false dualism. When we speak of the
persistence of energy, we mean all. And
no, there is no special rock heaven... but if they had a Rock
and Roll Heaven, they'd sure have a hell of a
"So, Point 1: Don't think of human spiritual
existence as different or separate or better than any
other. Remember, all that is is a part of All That Is.
You think God is not a God of rocks and pebbles and
stones. So we are talking about the whole thing, and
every wittle piece thereof, without end. Except, of
course, for that one.
"Now, we often hear that no act of kindness is ever
lost... wait, I had one here a moment ago. Where did it
go. Ultimately, nothing is lost. But the configuration
may be. The basic units of existence are never lost
because they are all contained in All That Is. But from
that simplest level, all else is combination into
complexity. And you can't lose the elements, but you can
lose the combinations. True, combinations that are
energy-sustaining will endure, but that's not all of
them. So the building blocks remain, while the building
may be gone. I give an illustrative example. Lights,
"In Slide 1, we have a scene at the beach. It is on
the Vineyard. In
Slide 2, we see Ericka with an unnamed boy and very
little... ooops. Slide 3 shows a giant sand castle. Slide
4 shows the tide coming in. Slide 5 shows a beach with no
sand castle. Now, thinking about all the slides... except
2... was something created and lost forever. Wellll, yes
and no. The sand is always there, the memory persists,
but the castle is gone. Ok, lights, please.
"Another example: Long ago, the natives of southern
Illinois found deposits of clay. Some of that clay became
bricks and were used to build a house at 3412 Russell in
St. Louis. Not all the bricks got used. The broken ones
were buried in a trash heap, and some others became a
sidewalk near the new gardens, and some were sent back
for credit but mysteriously disappeared and became a
barbeque in the backyard of a trucker. Time passed, and
the building needed, but did not want, a change. So new
windows were put in, and a few bricks were taken out and
became a decorative border on the walkway of the
contractor. Now, years later, the house falls into
disrepair... or actually ill repute... and a suspicious
fire destroys the house. The old bricks are sorted, and
some disposed of, and some sold for re-use. About half
become the façade of an addition to a historic building
out further, where they now comprise the walls of the
library wing. And some of the old broken bricks have been
pulverized to a fine powder, and used to moderate sandy
soil along one of the lakes created out of the pits where
long ago there had been a mining operation for clay.
"Now, would you say anything was lost, no. But can
you say nothing was lost, no. Much persists, although
much does not seem to persist. The trick
is to be able to discern what truly persists. It can't
get up and leave All That Is. Just like that preacher
dude back when said, it's about the
transient and permanent. And poor peeps keep
looking for the persistence of certain personalities,
while what persists may be as hidden as brick dust in the
old clay pits. Just a thought.
"In the procession toward ultimate unity of All,
there are infinite patterns of persistence, but only one
of essence. Ponder that." (11/16/2002 - V#70)
"She's not here, I am. Hi. Now, what could this
phone call and me have to do with Thanksgiving, other
than a long- and best-forgotten recipe for peanut butter
stuffing... with no onions. Here's something I learned
from my work:
"In any situation things may work or not, and there
are three main reasons for failure. 1. The overall design
or idea is flawed--like the idea of a cement airplane.
Thank goodness the boys used canvas instead. Ok, 1 is
basic bad idea. 2 is some flaw in a component of the
thing--like the Titanic was a good idea but the
watertight compartments were flawed. They only went up
part way. And 3. Nothing is wrong with either the idea or
the parts, it's just that those are not the right parts
for that idea. Diesel fuel is ok, a gasoline engine is a
great idea, but don't put diesel in a gas engine.
"So now, Thanksgiving from an engineer's point of
view: The first year, the Pilgrims struck out 3 ways. The
idea that they were specially blessed did not fill any
stomachs, and the crops they chose to plant were perfect
but not in New England, and they also managed to do some
stupid things like not listening to the natives. So it
was flawed and it was wrong and it was stupid. And then
they entered the second year and they learned. They
modified their ideas and they gave up on crops that
didn't thrive and they listened to the natives. And so we
have Thanksgiving, and we continue to have it because
they learned and remembered. But it is only a real time
of thanksgiving when we, too, now in our time ask the 3
questions: Is it a good idea? Are we using the best
parts? And are they the right parts? And by 'parts' I
mean things like values.
"So, what are you trying to do? And what informs
your actions? And are you using the right ones? The great
tragedies of humanity--like that first winter--is when we
don't ask those questions and think we know. Thanksgiving
is not about turkey and gravy nor about peanut butter and
bread, but about choices, values, and questions. And we
celebrate in this country our heritage to choose freely,
value diversely, AND question openly. And if ever a day
comes when any one of those is gone, Thanksgiving will be
an empty holiday. Do what is right, do it in the right
way, do it well!
"See, I did think about bigger things at work than
just radar. Although, there was this time in North
Africa... o, skip it. Been there, told that. So, thanks
for humoring the old man." (11/26/2002 - W#251)
Ericka's Bench 12/3/2002
"Bonjour, madame and monsieur. I am doing
well, but I do not think my beloved America is well. I
sense a blanket of fear. Even in our worst times we had
pain and doubt but never fear. We never feared. In small
circumstances, yes, but not in large strokes. Surely,
faced with a sabre one would be afraid, but not for the
course of good, only for one's life. Now most of you have
much less to fear for your lives but you fear instead for
the course of things. You have lost heart, and there are
those who want it so. They want you to feel imperilled so
they can live off your fears. Do not grace them thus.
Take heart.
"You know that life is not the be-all and end-all;
that there is a persistent strain to life. But ideas and
faith and hope can be dashed and ended. Surely they will
rise again, but only after too many dark ages have
passed. So I remind you of what we knew. We all might
perish, but we would risk doing so if that meant our
lofty ideals would live and thrive. Or, to put it much
more crudely, only an ass tries to save his ass when the
whole of meaning is on the line.
"Take heart. Do not be timid with what matters. Fear
for your own lives only if you have made them bereft of
higher meaning through your fears. I do not say this
lightly! Take heed and take heart." (12/3/2002 -
"Hello, gracious souls of the Earth. I am a tad less
antic than our French friend. I am seething but calm.
This is not a time for outbursts. They feed into the
frenzy. Wild actions give an illusion of being part of
the problem, even if offered as solutions. Calm strength,
which shows as conviction, will rule the day when the
years are measured.
"When a mob arises, the rabble-rouser can get their
attention and energy, but the calm speaker can get their
commitment and abiding allegiance. This is why my dear
George was the general while he seemed less energetic
than some hotheads. It is easy to fan the coals into a
blaze, but much harder to keep them at a temperature
suitable for the tasks without setting the whole house
afire. Sometimes the one who gently persists is in the
long run the stronger.
"Measure your words and actions. Let them form a
cadence of persistent concern, not a raucous shout of
alarm. And do, please, sit down now and then for a
calming cup of tea. With that, I say fare thee
well." (12/3/2002 - W#253)
"Hello. Just remember that, in a capitalist society,
money is energy. So 'follow the energy' means follow the
money. This is not about any value larger than greed. But
hey, don't knock greed; it's gotten us in some great
messes before. But if you can't argue the economics, you
won't be able to argue the values either. That's
all." (12/3/2002 - W#254)
Ericka's Bench 12/23/2002
Rikkity: "Hi. Ok, it's the famous Christmas
show... or it will be famous. Today we have 4
visitors, all of whom claim to be elves. But they are
actually people, or spirits, who need a cloak of
anonymity and not animosity, but that's what they might
get if they didn't pose as elves. Let's call them EA, EB,
EC, ED--as in Elf A, Elf B, Elf C, and the wondrous Elf
D. Elf D... hmmmmmm, sounds like.... So what's it all
about, Elf A."
"Hi. Let me shrink myself into my elf. Let's talk
about the season. What's the reason for the season.
Billboards try to tell you to remember Jesus because he's
the 'r' for the 's.' Let me suggest that that is just a
tad self-serving. Jesus wouldn't have meant anything if
no one was looking for both a new Heaven and a new Earth.
"It is often claimed that God made Jesus, Christ.
Half true. God made Jesus, but remember God made you and
me and we made and make God. It is an eternally inclusive
and complementary process. Creation flows from energy and
energy flows through creation. But God, or All That Is,
did not make Christ; that took all the people who hoped
for one and all the people who looked for one and all the
people who believed in one and all the people who thought
they had met and heard one, and all the people who later
believed what was seen and heard without seeing and
hearing it themselves. A person is a creature of the
universe, but a Christ is the product of a collective
longing. And so it is NOT connected to any specific
actions or realities, but more to a longing to discover
that the essence of the universe can appear in ways that
are more magnificent than mundane.
"The rising up of one as a savior is not about him,
or her, but about the rising up of the human spirit. And
if that rising up occurs in the simplest of souls, then
it is not an indication of this one or that being the
Christ, but the Christ potential in all of us. I, you,
they, we--all have both the potential and, dare I say it,
the... hmmmm... destiny to be a Christ, if that means we
bear witness in our existence to the whole and the
essential unity of that whole. We each are the Christ
when we act as if we all are essentially connected.
That's the reason for the season--to remind us it's in
there, in us." (12/23/2002 - W#255)
"And here's my brother in smallness, Elf B."
"To Elf B or not to Elf B, that is the question...
ooops, I give myself away... ooops. Some would say I was
well versed in what I did. But I stole many a line. I did
not bring home the Bacon, however. Let me say this: that
many a simple tongue has spoken more truth and eloquence
than the greatest Oxford don. Oft I sat in taverns and
heard the talk of the common folk whose simple phrases
belaboured the greatest of human issues. The great trick
was to so cast the issues that they seem important and
not simply gutter talk. If I had, as I thought to do,
writ something about the cobbler and his daughters, it
would not have lasted long. But make him a king of the
realm, and aha.
"Death, birth, violence, betrayal, mystery, are all
parts of everyone's world. Make them the issues of the
poor, and the rich can avoid the message. But make them
about the rich, and everyone gets the message. So make
this season about a king, even though he be but a stable
birth, and then even emperors will bow before him. Keep
that in mind. Never degrade your message. Aim it high and
all shall see.
"And now I, being of turn to leave, do to my
colleague bestow the air which is the very breath I take,
and in that taking doth I also take my leave."
(12/23/2002 - W#256)
"Fair sex, that's what they say we are. But what
makes us fair. I suspect a lonely woman far from home,
about to give birth, would know. While the men would
worry about municipalities and principalities and lodging
and all of that, she would be listening to her body and
the soft gentle voice of the universe. And later she
would not notice the rude circumstances of the birth, but
gazing on his or her eyes would see the universe itself.
And at that moment of intersection between here and
there, she would of fair mind know the secret of it all.
"The years that follow will try to remove the
universal and replace it with particulars, but somewhere
in her heart she will always ponder the truth she knew at
that instant, and know it is the larger truth of all That
"At the moment of birth, at the end of nine months
of personal relationship, just for an instant all mothers
sense a flash of awareness that this child is not hers
but belongs intrinsically to the universe. Just a thought
for a moment, 'This beautiful thing, wondrous beyond
words, cannot be mine.' And guess what, that's true.
Never forget that." (12/23/2002 - W#257)
"And now, Elf D."
" 'Tis the season to know that all that will ever be
is already. It is like we are living in a giant diamond
mine and we are content with mining coal.
"Don't be amazed by what is discovered or what you
discover. Be amazed instead by what you do with
discoveries. So many great ideas have come to nothing, or
even worse. The greatest gift you can give the world is
your full use of what you have... and I don't mean
material or physical things only. You know about love,
care, concern, nurture. Those do not need to be
discovered, but how they are expressed needs much work.
So focus, not so much on making the ground-breaking
discoveries, but rather on the earth-shaking fulfillment
of your own resources." (12/23/2002 - W#258)
Rikkity: "By the way, Elf D invented the Bench.
Well, that's all, folks. And 4 elves, a dog, and me
wishing everyone a season beyond belief but filled with
faith. And, as Elf F says, ho ho ho ho. Later,
"Actually, all these spirits--including me--are just
whispers of the universe, which you identify in your own
way. We are much more a part of the larger whole. But
hey, if you need to think about us as personalities,
knock yourselves out... unless we are talking about some
who have no personalities. 'She has a great personality.'
"Do you think all this wisdom and foolishness arises
from individuals? Well if you do, you're wrong. We are
but the breathing of the eternal elements. And surprise,
so are you! All the talk about personalities, but we
consider a person most fully formed as an individual
when, in fact, they are most in touch with and expressive
of the universal whole.
"And in a society which claims to honor
differentiation, that's a problem. If you think you are
being you to the greatest extent when you stand
out and express unique qualities, then you miss the
larger picture. If you were to become so unique that you
had no surfaces in common with anyone else, you would
never connect in a sustained way, and never be fulfilled.
Become yourself, yes! But remember that yourself
is only--but always--an expression of the larger unity.
So call her M and
call him LD...
whatever. Those historical personality labels mean
nothing; their strands of ideas out of the weave of the
whole do. Whatever is truly essential
will never need a personality attached to it to make it
true or valuable.
"Specific lives that point only to specifics are
pretty empty." (12/27/2002 - V#71)
"ARF ARF ARF grrr arf snap snap... woof?
Ok, I'll talk in human talk. I can converse in all
languages. Dogs can do that! They bark and people in all
languages say they bark, or whatever. And if you say
'come' in any language, we come. And if you say 'obey' in
any language, we eat your slippers.
"So, another year there. Don't look back too much.
Places are just places--even special ones. But ideas and
principles are something else. 'Follow your bliss' really
means follow what is truly valuable. And remember that
sometimes a place is a vehicle for doing something else,
and sometimes it's the instrument for getting it done,
but it is never the principle itself. Too many people
have mistaken Florida and Arizona for retirement. One is
a place and the other is a concept. If the place helps
you do what needs doing, good. But it isn't the place
that is done... except for New Jersey, which should be
done in... arrrrrf.
"Have a good year. ARF arf grrrrr woof woof
snap." (1/1/2003 - W#259)
"When I speak about the process of fulfillment and
connection, and it sounds like stages, I am doing the
process a disservice. Don't think of it as links called lives
and deaths, but as a flow of spirit with waves
of being. And the truth of it is not in the wave nor in
the points along the way, but in the effect of the wave
on other wave realities. Just as some red in the sky does
not make a partial rainbow, it takes all
the elements. And so too with life waves. It's in the
"So, when and if you ask 'What does my life mean,'
you've asked the wrong question. 'How does it play out'
is a better one. Does it add complementary ripples to the
surface or does it cancel the positive wavelets. Are you
adding or subtracting. And you can't know the answer to
that unless you know the whole picture... and you don't.
So the best you can do is to do the best you can do, and
have faith. No one life is going to make it or break it,
and every life has the potential to make it or break it.
And that is not contradictory. It is paradoxical, but
only if you think in terms of units, not process. Ponder
"If it were as easy as getting your act together,
life would be a snap. And you can't see the whole until
you are the whole. So, what you often
need to know is found when you know it. It's like 'Ok,
I've got it,' but then when you can get it, you don't
need to. By the time you say 'Aha,' you feel like you've
always known. The bleeding obvious is only bleeding true
when it's obvious. It's not set yet, so don't put your
initials in it. Don't treat the model like reality."
(1/7/2003 - V#72)
"So how come everyone thinks that when aliens
arrive, they will be physical. With umpteen dimensions to
exist in, why do they have to use our big three. Maybe
they're already here... oooOOOooo... among you, unseen in
other dimensions." (1/17/2003 - I#65)
Ericka's Bench 2/17/2003
"And a gracious hello to all. Shhh... none of that
'Mr. President' stuff. No one is a good president who
ever forgets that he is simply an average man, laid heavy
with the mantle of history. Some rise to the burden, and
others fall beneath its weight. I can only hope I was
among the former. The real test in that, as in all other
things, is not what you do with what you choose, but what
you do with what chooses you.
"We all presume that life would be full and
wonderful and meaningful and easy if we could just have
it the way we want it. But, in fact, the joy and pleasure
and meaning, and even a sense of ease, comes through our
fulfillment of that which occurs without our choice. That
is the concept of duty. We make broad choices, and then
make the most of what we are called to do in those areas.
I chose to be a public servant, and so I needed to serve
the public as called upon. I would never have chosen to
be general nor president, but it was my duty to my life
path. So, too, for other callings. You chose the
ministry, not a specific ministry. You were called to do
your best, not to do this or that. Those who make their
mark on history know this. They exploit opportunity
rather than bewail failures.
"Those who think they can plan and control their
path are fools. Our destinies are writ large on the
parchment of life, often too large for our small human
eyes to see in totality. We surmise our portion to be the
whole, but 'tis folly to do so.
"Words for today and every day. And I thank you for
your kind attention." (2/17/2003 - W#260)
"Hello, y'all. You see, I was your president, but
few could remember. And for too long I was in either
nostalgia or disgrace. Yet I tried to be an honorable
man. GW was a model for me. He still is. Some would say I
presided over the devil and over insurrection. But I
tried only to preside over that stupid Jefferson Davis.
Whoa, what a dolt!
"Sometimes presidents are not presidents. Sometimes
generals are. There is no hard or fast rule. But in my
leadership I sought some very simple values: duty, honor,
and civility. Duty, not to what was always easy, but to
things larger than self; honor to the greater will of
that divine providence which holds us all in His hand;
and civility to all.
"I sought never to be known for courage or cunning
or forcefulness or brutality. I sought not public fame,
but only my three virtues. What more does anyone need to
do than to serve in duty to one's values, in honor of
one's God, and in respect of one's fellow man. And if
anyone of the three are forgotten, like a stool without
one leg, all else falls. Those who claim to rule but do
so without these three, do not. I would rather go to
defeat and surrender in virtue than to succeed and
triumph without virtue.
"I commend the same to all in this, and take my
leave of you. And you sir and madam, I am honored by your
thoughtful listening." (2/17/2003 - W#261)
"Bonjour. Eef hee ees to be here, I must
bee here, too. But of course. Hee ees such a great man.
Ah, but vive la différence, for he is the
leader and I am the follower. And both are essential to
the equation.
"He could not command without officers, and we would
not follow the command of one less than a true leader.
You see, every system worth its full value must have many
layers. A beehive without a queen is a giant swarm of
confusion without any production. But a queen without the
drones is just a big bug. We are social creatures. We
need to work in complex complementary ways. And the
social compact, which Mr. Rousseau and others have
written of, is the heart of it all. We engage where our
talents best lie. Not everyone can be at the top, but
each can be at the top of his or her game. I had to
remind myself at times that my role was to carry out
commands, not to make them.
"One of the great human failures of the
Enlightenment was to try to convince all people that they
should be kings. But in a kingdom of all kings, who does
the work. So work becomes demeaning, and the worker
demeaned, while the worker should be venerated for his
venerable work. Do not measure your life out in position,
but in accomplishment. And I hope I will be more
remembered for what I did than that I was a general or a
marquis. Keep that in mind." (2/17/2003 - W#262)
Ericka's Bench 3/3/2003
Rikkity: "And so, it's time once again and
forever for Ericka's Bench with Rikki's
settee... ARF... and Sandy's bed. So today we have three
on the Bench and two on the settee... arrr...
and two with Sandy. Let's turn to the bench. Here's our
first guest, a newcomer, LS."
"It is my pleasure. This form of communication is
new to me, so I beg your indulgence. I wish to consider
the question of awareness and cognition, and especially
"Now, the usual assumption is that all objects and
events have a nascent quality to them, and it is the task
and hope of science to uncover and discover those in such
a way that the perceptions and understandings are
independent of the peculiar sensibilities of the
observer. It is posited that all bodies have a character
which stands uniquely and independently, and the
so-called proof of this is the proof of science--that I
may describe a reality in my time and place, and you may
come to the same real description in your time and place.
But we need to remember that the basis of this scientific
model is the assumption of the independence of you and
"However, where is this the case? What person has
ever existed outside of connection. If you be
religious--and by that I mean of Christian
persuasion--then you trace yourself back to a common
ancestry. And if you be an atheist, then you make claim
upon those who have humanly gone before. The only truly
independent observer would be someone who had no claim to
connection. And here's a paradox: The surest proof of
that would be to reach a different conclusion when
observing the same phenomenon. In other words, the sole
proof of the basis of scientific methodology lies in its
own repudiation. Ponder that. I must go." (3/3/2003
- W#263)
"Hi-a. It's-a good to see ya. Sometimes lies are
better than truth. Lies that invite a wider vision and do
no harm are good. If I say their palaces were adorned
with goatskins, no one would care. But if I say they are
adorned with gold, ahh. And if the truth is they were
adorned with goatskins decorated with gold, what's the
"You always have 2 choices. Since you can't in words
or in pictures capture all, then what will you portray?
Will it be the lesser or more common, or the greater or
more novel. Why accentuate the common. Everyone knows
that already. Our minds and spirits and lives grow only
by that which seems novel. It is of course common, but it
may feel new. The path to the future is to go where
things seem novel and dwell there long enough for them to
become as if common. For the novel which is two or three
steps from you is invisible, but the step away is not.
Those hidden understandings appear when we move toward
the novel we can see, and not by standing in the common
and dreaming.
"And she says I must be dreaming if I think I can
take any more time." (3/3/2003 - W#264)
"Hi. I don't know why I am here with these folks. I
just came in and sat down and this bright spirit yelled,
'Next!' I think I am glad.
"It has felt like I have been on a long journey, but
it also feels like I am never going to get where these
folks are. I am not a great thinker, but this time I
sense a wholeness about what I know and am. I came only
recently, and they say 'Don't unpack.' And so I just am,
and surprisingly that seems enough, and at the same time
it feels like all. Part of me stirs for a striving, but
all of me feels whole and content. Wait... something is
calling. I've gotta go." (3/3/2003 - W#265)
Rikkity: 'Hi. So, you've met one on the up and up.
Moving on. Awesome. How at peace they are. And now, the
Settee. Two not at peace:"
Tea lady 1: "So I says to 'im, 'You may be my
brother but I ain't got no obligation to feed you.'
Tea lady 2: "That's telling 'im. But why the
bloody 'ell did you send 'im over to me."
Tea lady 1: "Cause you had them stale
crumpets, you did."
Tea lady 2: "Me crumpets aren't stale."
Tea lady 1: "Well, they were that
Tea lady 2: "So I am 'spected to feed your
loafing brother my stale wares."
Tea lady 1: "Least you could have done was
given him some of the dishwater you call tea."
Tea lady 2: "Dishwater! At least I don't use
no cottled cream."
Rikkity: "And so we leave the Settee.
Lifelong friends in ignorant bliss. A contrast to our
previous guest. And by contrast, not by supposed but
counterfeit similarity, we find our way. You can only
find greater connections when you do not assume all the
connections are already revealed in what is purported to
be known." (3/3/2003 - W#266)
Ericka's Bench 3/10/2003
Rikkity: "Today just 3 guests... or clients
or victims or friends. First an old friend."
"I want to share some thoughts about greatness of
the human capacity for thought and feeling. I offer two
tests of that greatness. When one meets a person, one
must see if there is a consistency between what is held
in principle and what occurs in action. Those who are
truly great are those whose lives match their values.
'Luddites' is a term I learned from IN. Where he got it,
I don't know. But these are people who hold the knowledge
of something emergent, while acting only as if the past
is sealed and nothing new is of value. That's an
inconsistency. There are others who use the language of
love but hold anger and fear out to others. So I am
always impressed when I meet someone who is consistent in
their person as in their thoughts. Greatness does not
mean unchanging, however; it simply means that at a given
time and place principle and action are harmonious. This
is the challenge of most religions: to get people doing
what they know is right. But it is only half the measure
of greatness. In fact, living one's values should be
ordinary, not extraordinary. Of course, everyone actually
lives his or her values. But they may not be the ones
professed, or confessed.
"And the second test of greatness, which cannot
proceed before the first, is that a great person rises
above the ordinary by living consistent with her espoused
values, and also entertaining in her mind a whole range
of other values as well as actions. It is somewhat like
being a Grand Chess Master of living. You play the game
as if a certain approach were the best, and you know that
if you follow the principles of your plan the game is
afoot. But if you play in a way inconsistent with your
planned game plan, o boy. This is what is called
ordinary. But to rise above it, the master has not only
the game plan in mind but is constantly holding the
vision of hundreds of alternatives in thought--pondering
what the alternative action would be, and then what the
whole changed game plan would be.
"And as I said, you can't value that ability until
you have the basis of ordinary consistency. For to simply
hold a great range of options in mind, without the
foundation of the ordinary, is to be mad. To hold to
values and actions without any sense of alternative is an
equal madness. We have been blessed with the dual
capacity to value and to dream. Greatness is a fused
ability to do both to the fullest extent; being ordinary
is doing it to some extent. I guess sin would be
described as either not trying to live by one's professed
values, or trying to live by one's professed values alone
without change as an option. And sin might also be
rambling on like an old fool. Goodbye." (3/10/2003 -
Rikkity: "After he goes, we always have to
clean up. He leaves bits of ideas all around. Sandy
sometimes ingests a few bits and burps forever...
regurgitated notions. He arfs them up. Ok, that was a
friend, here's someone who is a victim."
"Hi. It is good to be here. Her introduction was not
accurate. I am not a victim, but I played one in my last
life. And now I know that is not me.
Rikkity: "Yay!"
"Being a victim is not about anyone else.
Rikkity: "Yay!"
"I have come to see that there are people who are
terrorized and some who are brutalized, and that does not
make them victims automatically. It does if we think what
happens to us defines us, but we know otherwise.
Rikkity: "Yay!"
"Victimhood is about gaining energy from others,
including those who hurt you. Victims enter into bargains
with others, trying to gain energy in exchange for the
conditions. Bad bargains. But for those who don't sense
their own empowerment no matter what, it seems like the
only path.
"The big problem is that so many systems of
purported redemption do not emphasize our inherent
empowerment that is the natural grace of our existence at
any level of complexity. Victimhood is acting out of a
lack of belief in our very reality at this level, or any
level of spiritual development. It is a doubting that one
is really and rightfully here. But just remember this:
Almost all spiritual entities which are at this level are
fully empowered to be here, and the few which aren't will
most likely victimize, not be victims. So if you are
where you are, there is no need to be unfit for being
there. To see oneself as a victim is to deny oneself. And
any systems which imply that you are not sufficient to
the task of being you without some outside agency are
misleading. Overwhelmingly, if you are here you're up to
being here--and not as a matter of catching up, but of
Rikkity: "Yay!"
"I'll leave on that note." (3/10/2003 - W#268)
Rikkity: "Yay! And last but not least, our
guest. Another newcomer, BCC. And we don't mean 'blind
carbon copy.' Just think what kids will think in 50 years
when they see BCC and wonder what the hell 'carbon' is
all about."
"Hello. I use three letters because I have a complex
personality. Actually, I am using the three letters as a
device because I want to talk about complexity.
"There is some confusion about complexity. Some want
our Spiritual Persistence ideas to suggest that
complexity is a sign of spiritual fulfillment--that those
who are capable of holding complex thoughts are closer to
moving on. Don't take what LD says to imply this.
"Complexity in thought terms is not related to
spiritual complexity. Almost all the great teachings of
the greatest spiritual masters have been very simple, not
complex. Spiritual Persistence can be stated in about 3
simple sentences.
"So don't confuse complexity with fulfillment. Some
in the alternative spiritual understandings do this, and
it is no different from the Puritan misunderstanding of
worldly success with spiritual predestination. While the
spiritual runs through all, it does not have a causative
relationship. And deep thoughts are not always complex.
Elegant solutions hold the beauty of truth.
"And with that I end. Why make it more
complex?" (3/10/2003 - W#269)
Ericka's Bench 3/31/2003
Rikkity: "The great majority of spirits stuck
in life are going the fear and quick resolution route.
And all the quick resolutions have their focus external.
I don't give a duck if it's Saddam or George or Dick or
Guido, whether it is peace or war... or even Tolstoy. If
you aren't speaking to and from the heart of your spirit,
you are just casting about for easy fear relief, and easy
fear relief is usually the precursor of more fearsome
things. Aha, I think she's got it. The fear my dear falls
mainly on... hmmm... on der deer.
"So, here's an exercise. Grab your tail... wait, not
that one. Sit down and write about your present situation
without referring to anybody else--either individually or
in groups. So don't write about Osama and don't write
about Muslims or Congress or the Boston Red Sox. What you
write from your own self is the core of what is happening
for you. Ok, I hear you wondering how. I give an example.
"One could say 'I worry for my nephew who is
deployed and I think we should do everything as a country
to get him home safely' or 'I am worried about potential
losses in my life and I pray that they will not happen.'
See the difference, because all the rhetoric serves very
little except to gather and dissipate energy. The great
quantity of energy being used to take positions on this
shows how much we all have felt that we have been out of
touch with what is happening and the decisions thereon.
"Wildly spread energy seeking easy focus is a
symptom of people not in touch with their spirits. Do you
really think what you need to learn and remember has
anything to do with the specifics of the current events?
I think not! Especially when and if the focus is
external. Hey, what's this I'm standing on. Hmmm... says
'Ivory 144 Bars.' O, it's my soapbox. I do go on and on.
But if I didn't, who would." (3/31/2003 - W#270)
Spirit: "I would."
Rikkity: "Ok, big-mouth, come here. Speak.
ARF! Not you, him."
Spirit: "Ok. There is another group I am
thinking of, and that is those for whom having an opinion
on this would either be a luxury or a threat. The vast
majority of spirits in life form do not have enough
essentials to rise up to asking the questions. They are
naturally self-directed by their circumstance, and
opinion seems irrelevant."
"Hey, can I butt in here, too."
Rikkity: "Sure."
Spirit: "What about those who have enough but
choose not to examine the situation; who say it's not
their business, or who try to claim that; who fill their
days with time blocks of activity, but not meaning. Does
avoiding focusing on the external issues qualify as
better than focusing outside oneself.
"Well, that's another problem. Just because one does
not live with extensive external referents, that does not
mean that they are focusing internally. Some spend all
their energy keeping from spending all their energy
externally, and so have nothing left for the internal. It
is tricky, but the central teaching of so many has been
the same. Look for a spark of creation that is you."
"Right. And the Buddha pointed out that even the
person within great suffering can do this. Those without
the physical luxuries always have the spiritual
necessities at hand. It is never what you have that
counts--and surely not what you don't have--but who you
are and how you are who you are. And that cannot happen
if you look only at what others do and are."
"I agree."
"The path is one."
"Have you said it all."
"Yes, and eternally no. But for now, enough.
"Yes, I do, and you."
Rikkity: "I have 3 others here, but don't
worry about sorting them out. They know who they are and
that's the point, isn't it. And we don't want the SBI
after them. So, ponder all that shit." (3/31/2003 -
"Walk with. Guides simply do that, and I should
know! We walk gently with our folk, and in the shared
path they come to sense what we know. Conversation always
is better than conversion." (4/16/2003 - V#73)
Ericka's Bench 4/18/2003
Rikkity: "Alright,
is everyone here? Let's see. He is, he is, she is... uh, she
is? There weren't no she's there... or not. Who took the
picture? Ok, we've got 13 and a few more. Put down the
matzos. Sure, sit. Ok. This is one raucous group,
including the ring leader. Now let me just say this: You
will not be talking with the man in the middle. Why not?
Because he says the real story is about the 12, not about
him. Ok everybody throw some lamb on the floor... woof.
Cantor Sanford Dogowitz... baaaroof adonai. Don't get him
"Here's one of the gang:"
"I don't get it. I keep trying but I just don't get
it. I like being with this group, but some of what they
say I can't believe. All this talk about the end of the
world, not by my thinking. But you know what? They still
accept me with all of my doubts. Wouldn't you think
they've told me to go home by now, but noooo. I think
they like sharpening their arguments with me.
"You see, very often I questioned something he said
and the others tell me to shut up, and he just looks at
them and smiles and then says 'Why are you so afraid of
questions if you think you have the answers.' And then he
winks at me. I bet you didn't know he was a winker. The
other day when he was coming into town, he sent some
people for a ride and said they should say the Master
needed it. But what actually happened was that he said
'Say the Master needs it <wink wink>' He knows how
to play the system.
"Here's a good friend of mine, but don't let his
rough hands put you off." (4/18/2003 - W#272)
"Hello. I always feel very uncomfortable talking.
I'm a person of action, not talk. Rather be out on the
sea than here in this room. Let's just say I don't have a
tongue like some others!
"I just wanted to say that one of the things that
must have been left out of the story you get is that all
of this took work, and therefore took workers. You can't
just go from here to there and dine and meet and preach
without some background work. Someone had to know
geography or we'd all be spending 40 days and 40 nights
in the wilderness.
"This whole ministry was an effort, not an ease. I
tell you this for reasons that will become evident.
"Watch out for this next guy." (4/18/2003 -
"They all have it in for me because I'm the only one
who will tell him to keep it real. The other day we had a
crowd shouting for more. He had spoken about abundance
and about freedom and about faith, but they wanted more.
And I told him 'Don't go there.' But did he listen...
noooo. So, before I can end it, he's talking miracles...
and I don't mean little ones. I said 'Stop it or you'll
start believing it yourself' and he said 'Maybe I do.'
"That night we had a one-on-one and I set it
straight to him: 'Do you want to be remembered for who
you were or for what you teach.' He cried. He said 'I'm
just a man, so of course I want to be remembered. Would
that I were only spirit and that would suffice, but the
flesh calls out for memory while the spirit seeks
"The greatest lessons of life do not have a name
attached to them. And no scripture can be cited except
the wisdom of the human soul. I am worried that his
humanness will win out over his spirit, and he will
continue to preach what is beyond hope instead of
preaching hope. A few more times like that and things
must change or I'm out of here." (4/18/2003 - W#274)
"Ok, it's my turn. And I'm the one no one ever
notices or remembers, but I have something to say!
"If he had gone about preaching alone, he would have
faded away quickly. Had he had 1 or 2 friends along, they
might have started a club; 5 or 6, maybe an organization.
Now do you really think there are 12 of us? Some days we
are only 4 or 9 and other times we are 24 or 29. The
number of twelve is symbolic, not descriptive. It
represents the unity of Israel, of a whole with many
branches. But the number is unimportant. The fact that
the number is larger than 1 or 2 or 3 or even 10 is what
is real. This is a movement larger than self or marriage
or family or even religion. And it takes its strength,
not from 1 or 2 or 3 or even 10, but from all.
"We have been our weakest when we relied on him, and
we have been the strongest when we relied on each other
including him. Each brings gifts and graces which in
their combination bless us all. Just as our spirits
enlarge by connection of spirit to spirit, so too our
living movement grows by connection of separate people
into a whole. And only where all are welcomed and none
are excluded will this message be fully embodied.
"Any one of us could leave the table and it would be
the lesser for it, but no one person leaving the group
destroys it. No one is greater than any other. When
we focus our faith and energy on any one thing or person
or scripture, we deny the larger community of faith and
possibility. Don't make gods out of any of us unless
you are willing to make gods out of all." (4/18/2003
- W#275)
"Hi. I was also there. Remember me. I said I waited
table that night. Just wanted to say hi again and thanks
for the dog, hehe. He helped clean up. But who put the
hat on him? He sure barks funny. He loves lamb scraps.
He's in the corner now asleep. But they're going out.
Here's your luminous friend:"
Rikkity: "Hi. So, were they cordial... and
drunk. So, happy whatever. Hug us all... 26 arms and a
"Will there ever be
definitive proof of spirit communication. No, because if
there were, you'd all have it together and move on, and
some new entities would be taking your clueless
places." (4/22/2003 - I#66)
"So, let's get down and
serious. It would be a big mistake to confuse fulfillment
with completion at any spiritual level. If you look to
completion, you miss a very essential piece. For, as an
entity comes to truly and fully know itself... and not
its elf... it comes into a new level of awareness of its
potential. All at once it perceives the way ahead; it
senses how it can become more than it is. The spiritual
mating plates are suddenly there, and further connection
is seen as possible. But if the perception is completion,
then no plane surfaces seem to exist by which greater
complexity would be possible. It seems like it is over
and done with, and so is a dead-end.
"None of us is ever really complete, but we are
infinitely fulfilled and fulfillable and filled with
potential. So after a few lives of learning and
remembering... ok, with some people, more than a few...
one gets to a stage like a second first-timer.
First-timers think they have it all together, they are
finished and complete. The second first-timers are those
who have learned and remembered enough to get a sense of
themselves as works in progress, but they mistake the
work as a single-level project--not finished, but
finishable. And so they are often detoured down paths
which seem to offer complete answers, and it is only with
repeated learning and remembering... and living and
enjoying... that they get it that the end of all of this
is not an end but a process, and each entity--being a
subset of the whole--can never be the whole, but the
whole can't be with it out... ooops, without it. This
linearity is for shit.
"And the other problem with completion is that it is
so final and so individual... ok, that's 2. Fulfillment
allows for future greater fulfillment, but completion is
stuck. And also, completion is about one entity;
fulfillment is about one entity becoming ready to be more
than itself... and truly more than its elf. The gnomes
are hiding. That old black spiritual Goin'
Gnome, Goin' Gnome. 'And when masta done
heard us, he be thinkin' about home, but we darkies be
singing about gnomes.' Proof? The English abolished
slavery centuries earlier, and look at all the free
gnomes. Hey John, tell
someone in the back row it's about gnomes. 'I'm getting a
sense of small creatures in someone's garden. Does anyone
back there have a garden.' We love to play. But take
seriously the completion-fulfillment dichotomy and its
implications for a post-Aristotelian world... whatever
that means.
"But it is very very important.
Most religious leaders who are not totally wacko are
second-time first-timers, because they preach
perfectionism of some sort, with an announced or promised
arrival. But if it's really process, there is both no
arrival and continuous arrivals. Ponder that."
(5/15/2003 - V#74)
Ericka's Bench 5/19/2003
Rikkity: "And now, from the hardest place in
the universe... ARF... it's the rock solid Bench
of Ms. Ericka aka Rikkity. Today we have some guests on
the Bench... arfff? O! These aren't our
guests sitting here. Who are you."
WS: "We're waiting for a bus."
Rikkity: "To where?"
"Now that's a complicated story. Call me WS. I got
here a long set of adventures ago, and when I first
arrived I kept trying to get places. I thought that if I
could figure out where I was going I could go
there-just like mortals who worry about going to
heaven or hell. Going to either would be better than the
torment of not knowing, so I would spend energy trying to
find my destination. I didn't care where it was, only
what it was. O boy, was I stupid!
"Let's think this thing through... no, let's feel
this thing through. I'm waiting to go somewhere and I'm
anxious because I don't know where. Just like most
spirits in human life, we like to project a speculative
future because it feels so good. In fact, we'd rather be
told a grim future than be told nothing. We are a fretful
level of being. But in fact, and despite our feelings, we
can't know where we are going, and trying to do so
usually leaves us with another feeling: disappointment.
And as one of your favorite groups sings,
'Disappointments are my only appointments.' So, by a
focus on destinations to cure one feeling, we set
ourselves up for other feelings.
"So eventually, when I discovered that going to
supposed destinations didn't work, I stopped. But did I
learn? Noooo. So I started to look for ways to get where
I had been-back to the old same old, substituting
familiar for unknown. So I'd get on a bus to my old life,
but it wasn't there anymore. Wellll actually it was there
and is always there, but the 'me' was not the 'me' of
then; so the then of now is not about me. There is no
time but there is development, fulfillment. So my trips
back didn't do it either.
"And then one day when I was coming back with the
tears of loss and frustration on my face, so to speak, I
looked out the window and saw a sight I had never
seen-hadn't been there and couldn't project it as
part of my journey, but there it was and so it became
part of my journey. And whoa, it suddenly put in
perspective some other elements which had been
anxiety-producing mismatches before. Suddenly
incongruities became congruous and I felt more whole...
ahhhh.... ARFfff. He knows! So then I stopped my trips in
search and my trips back. And now I wait for the bus...
but which bus. Any one would do. My path can be found
along any route.
"There are synchronicities in all places and events.
From any path I can see myself more fully. And it's not
about destinations. You see, if it's about moving to
oneness with the All, then the All will surely be
evidenced in any part. I only need to look, not fret. And
look for what reveals, not what confirms and comforts;
for what reveals will also confirm and comfort, but what
feels confirming and comforting does not reveal. Ponder
that. So I'm sitting on this bench waiting for the bus...
any bus... all buses... omnibuses. And each of them can
be mine, as long as I remember to feel comfortable enough
to open myself to their journey--which becomes my
journey." (5/19/2003 - W#276)
"And this fine woman is RL. Say hi, RL."
"Hi. I'm waiting, too. I've been waiting. Lots of
buses have come and gone. Maybe one of them was mine, but
that's ok. There's nothing wrong with waiting. To learn
to wait is a grace, for otherwise one buys into time.
"You know, this whole shebang (that's a very
technical term to avoid theological controversy over
words like universe and creation) this whole shebang is
not a race! Since it is an organism of spirit, there is
no need to get it 'done'! In fact, getting it done is
counterproductive because only in the fullness of
infinity is there infinite possibility. So if one fills
all with doing, we may rob ourselves of some of that
possibility. So just to sit and wait is a part of the
"The first bus may not be the best bus, or it could
be. Who knows. Probably they all are the best bus, and in
the fullness of chance and choice you'll get to ride all
you need to. So why not just kick back and relax, because
maybe being at the front of the line always robs you of
the experience of the middle and the end.
"Ok, everyone in a single line. Whoa, look at the
compulsive types. Some compulsively go to the head of the
line and some compulsively seek the end... and lots try
to hide in the middle. Ok, about face. Whoa, look how
anxious the two ends are. Ok, you in the middle. Yes,
you! Everyone turn to face her. Whoa, the middles aren't
too happy about this. And wait, look over there. Who are
those really serene folks. They're the ones who didn't
line up and decided to wait. And watch this: Ok, waiters,
time to go. And see, they weren't anxious about waiting
and they aren't anxious about going. Those who truly know
how to wait also know how to truly go. Ponder that."
(5/19/2003 - W#277)
"And while you are pondering, here's DN:"
"Yep, I'm DN. Hmm... I'm the end of de Bench, get
it? Hee hee.
"There's no such thing as me. What I mean is there's
no such thing as the end. Sure, I'm at the end of the
Bench, but look, more people stand beyond me. I'm at the
end of a living heritage but more traditions are yet to
come. Can you think of anything that has ended. Trick,
hee hee, because if you can think of it it hasn't ended.
All is retained in the great web of All. It's a net of
experiences caught by the passage of being.
"And without time to differentiate, you who were are
still-even as you who are are. It didn't take an
annihilation of one to get the other. No ends. Even bread
ends live on as sandwiches. And I hate to do this, but
the old mantra 'This, too, shall pass' may be comforting
but not true. 'This, too, shall be but I shall transcend
it.' Because if it were to really cease to be, what would
be the point of your learning and remembering? Do not
seek to have ends, but seek instead to move along,
leaving those things as learning points.
*Murmur...murmur... murmur... murmur*
"Wait... ARF. The crowd grows restless. Yes, I can
see it! It's a bus! *Screeeech* Ok, everybody
on!" (5/19/2003 - W#278)
Rikkity: "Wow, they all left and now the
bench is empty for today's guests. Wait! The guests just
left. Come, Sandy. Yes, Sandy? Sandy! O well, I guess he
left, too. There's a note on the bench. It says 'I left,
too' signed Rikkity. Then I guess I'm not here, either.
It also says 'Friday.' Later, dude."
"Hi-a. I went out for some food and came back 27
years later, but I got good Chinese takeout. It is truly
amazing how little my city has changed.
"While I have your ear, listen closely... but not
for very much longer. Here's a question: If I had never
come back, would the trip have been a failure. If nothing
is ever lost to the universe, then it would still be
successful because I established connections where they
had not been. Reports are not essences. They may inspire,
but too often they have the opposite effect. People see
it has been done and think they don't need to do it. But
in an organic universe there are always new opportunities
along old paths. Ponder that." (6/6/2003 - W#279)
Ericka's Bench 6/9/2003
Rikkity: "Stop, don't sit down! Sandy painted
the bench baby blue... wet. I said 'Hey, didn't you
remember the Bench' and he said roooof.
And I said 'No not roof, Bench.' And he said grrrrr.
But wait, it's ok to sit down because there is no time,
so it's both wet and dry... just like those pre-approved
cards--pending your application. So sit... arrrrr.
What's the matter, dog, fur stuck! Hi. Welcome to the Bench,
where once again the elite meet to greet and rest their
feet. Three guests and a dog. Here's our first guest:
"Good day to you. I understand that your time faces
some serious issues. But what time doesn't. It is not the
issue that decides the tenor of the times, but the style
and will of the people in meeting the times.
"There are always threats, but does one feel
threatened or does one feel challenged to courage. All
times produce events of great turmoil, but does one
become churned or become learned. All times produce
challenges, but does one become defeated or become
"Victims of their times arise out of their own
choices and actions. There is no one time more propitious
or more perilous than another. And the great test of
leaders is if they point their followers to empowerment
or subservience. Real leaders always empower, and
charlatans desire servants. And I thank you for your
attention. Carry on." (6/9/2003 - W#280)
Rikkity: "Now let's see if he can stand up.
He can, without stripes. Good. Wooog. Sandy,
let's try a new word. ARF. Let's try 'ark.' What did Noah
build. Arf arf. No, try again. Arrg arg. No, focus on the
animals. Ark. Good dog. ARK. What did the Harold angels
do. ARK. And the Arnold angels. ARK. Ok, here's WL.
"Hi. I heard what RW and Sandy were saying. Huh.
There's a link. Noah built an ark. He built him an arkie
arkie. But think about this: The rain is coming. There's
gonna be a floodie floodie. And he could have set up a
system of warnings: 'Today's flood level is orange.' But
he didn't. Instead of vilifying God or the rain, he built
the boat. He built a container of hope. He focused on
survival of hope over the waters. He was a leader dude.
He focused on the future. And he didn't command anyone to
do what he wasn't willing to do himself.
"So those who came aboard came for hope and a
future. And that's what I have to say. Bye."
(6/9/2003 - W#281)
Rikkity: "She's gone. Got up easily and
quickly, without harm to body, spirit, or clothing.
"Now, before we proceed, some messages for our vast
audience. John says he is ok with a healed spirit and a
healing heart. But he's glad he went knowing love more
than loss. Trudi says she misses her friends, but she
doesn't miss her body! It had worn out. Now she hopes
that her beloved will not rush to her side because he is
beside her in spirit she knows. And Papa says he is
flying by the seat of his pants. So what else is new.
"And now, LD."
"Hello, gentle folk. You know, it's not what a
person does that matters; it's what they could have done
but didn't that matters! All I did was try to maximize
what I could from my potential--the old notion of the
crafts person who has pride. The ditch digger who can
create the waterway without collapsing banks is a genius
if he does it and a failure if he doesn't. But a great
painter is not a failure if she cannot make good ditches.
Greatness is not in what you do but in doing what you
can, and not shying away from your own potential.
"Much of education is wasted on trying to help
people do things they're not good at. Now, dear lady,
there's a train leaving the station at 12 noon at 40
miles per hour. How many pecans need to be added to the
peanuts so the bar car makes a 14 percent profit. You
don't care. But if the question were how to help a client
deal with loss, you'd better care.
"What if grades were given, not for competence, but
use of abilities. So those who can only draw stick
figures would get an A for good stick figures. This
would, of course, require honesty about oneself and also
an acceptance of the equality of all honest labor. But I
advocate for both. Ponder that while I go and do what I
can." (6/9/2003 - W#282)
Rikkity: "Hey, LD has blue stripes up his
back. But it's ok, he's wearing a striped robe. He came
with them before he sat down. And so, that's the blue Bench."
"Dolphins are... whatever. There are many ways to
learn. Those who want a working sabbatical make good
porpoises. Those who want real sabbaticals: house cats,
or slugs, sloths. Most animals are not on sabbatical.
Mickey, my gerbil, was not.
"All animals have spirits, but not necessarily on
the same spiritual level. And I'm not saying less or more
developed, because I don't want to be bitten... grrrrrr.
He's got friends, Bruiser the Boxer and Rolf the
Rottweiler." (6/16/2003 - V#75)
Ericka's Bench 6/23/2003
Rikkity: "Bench 062303, Take 5: Hi,
and welcome to Ericka's Brench... ooops. Bench
062303, Take 6: ARF ARF ARF arf arf arf arf. Hi.
So, here we are in the sunny quad of Morse Heaven with 1
guide, 1 dog... Arrrf... and 1 bench. O did I
forget 3 guests. That's ok, they're in the green room.
Actually, they're in the greenery. Sandy will filch them
when needed... grrrr. Ok, fetch, not filch. Bench
062303, Take 7: No, we'll edit. Sandy will fetch them
when needed... wooof... or not.
"Our first guest you know as a little girl, but with
Papa's help she's a very mature spirit."
"Hi. It has been a very long time. You know, Papa
and I don't play anymore... welll, we do play gin
sometimes. But I have changed so much. I am much more a
Pebble than a Mountain. Life, or should I say death, has
a way of wearing you down to greatness because it is a
process of spiritual refinement--at least for those not
first-timers. If you let it, the experience of death
slowly, and sometimes not so slowly, washes away what is
not important. And while you are left as only a pebble,
remember that gems are pebbles and a diamond about the
size of a pebble is worth more than a whole pile of coal.
The gift of spiritual discernment is the ability to see
the essence distilled down to purity. And those who fear
death the most are those who fear there will be nothing
left after that process. Death does not anoint you with
more than you had in life. It just lets you see and know
it in vital clarity, and for some such clarity would be
too much.
"And here's a little secret: Most spirits have their
pebbly essence from the start of each physical
representation. When I was that very little girl, I had
the essence of what I would have been if I lived longer.
Living is often about obscuring the essence and then
trying to find it again. So I never had time to lose it
but I also never had time to know it, so here on this
side I've come to know me... thanks to crazy old Papa.
"Now I am saddened to understand that Mom may be
here soon and she is feeling a portion of relief because
then she and I won't be separated. But that's not the way
it is. There are still too many over there who need her.
I don't need her, I just love her. Maybe she thinks she
needs me but she doesn't. So her passing may be a real
tragedy. We will be together but I won't be the little
one she remembers. So many get here and are disappointed.
They want us to be unchanged and physical, but with any
luck and help we are changed and not physical. And it
takes great energy to have to appear to them as if we
"One of our great reliefs is when some newly-arrived
spirit says 'Finally, I got it. I don't see you. You are,
and I know that, but I don't have to go looking anymore.'
It takes awhile for a spirit to become really spiritual.
Damn physical realities hang on like a bad dream. And
here's another kicker: Those who have suffered greatly
physically have the most profound and lingering
tendencies to keep thinking and sensing physically. You
can't focus on pain for a decade and think death wipes
all that focus away. They are, indeed, beyond all
suffering that is physical but they don't really know
that because they continue to suffer psychically. Takes
awhile to change the focus... and whiners, don't even get
me started!
"So I have changed so much you might not recognize
me... unless your soul knows how to hear spirits laugh.
Enjoy the Bench, and if you see Papa tell him to write if
he gets work. Later, dude." (6/23/2003 - W#283)
Rikkity: "She is sooo different and sooo the
same. But she didn't know it. Now, I was going to tell
you something but LD said he would do it better. And he
does everything better, so here's the old guy with the
"I don't have a beard! And I don't have an age and I
don't have a brain! You and our dear lady talked about
this briefly. We are not creatures of cognition here. We
don't use brains, they are such an impediment. You with
the bodies need brains. They become the interface between
your spiritual and physical selves. They mediate function
and essence. Couldn't get your arms to move this
planchette without a brain. But you could know all the
spiritual wisdom you need without one, but you couldn't
think about it or talk about it or write about it.
"Most of the development of the human race on Earth
has been about the development of the brain, but not the
spirit. And you take brain development as advancement,
when all it is is product enhancement. I will offer a
poor but striking analogy: In 1964, you had computers
which could over several days compute the value of pi
to hundreds of places. Now you have computers that can
calculate the value of pi to thousands of places in
nanoseconds, but pi still has the same value.
The method was enhanced but the outcome is not really
advanced. Pi is. So while humans have
been making great brain progress, they aren't really any
better at being the spirits they are. Fear still abides.
"So don't search after great cognition from this
side. Settle for some more insightful recognitions."
(6/23/2003 - W#284)
Rikkity: "He's gone. And our last guest is
someone new to you, DI... and not a princess."
"Hello. I guess I want to follow up on what the
others said. There seems to be--and I had it, too--a
presumption about over here: instant awareness. But since
there is no time, what's instant? I recall. What I guess
I mean I now simultaneously sense and don't know is that
there are things growing in my awareness whose awareness
might mark passages but which are not time delimited. I
can't tell if I am going to know these things or if I am
going to forget these things. They are a part of my
spirit, but yet I am not always aware of them. But I am
aware of them being. Now, is that confusing enough.
"If you expect to get here and have everything
cleared up, you are in for a big disappointment; for
everything is clear and mysterious here. If you
could have it just be clear... welll you wouldn't be
here! Or, at least, I can say I have met no spirits here
for whom it is clear. So I can only guess if it's clear,
they're not here! They are not here, yet where they are I
don't know. If I did, I would be there! And that's all.
Thanks for listening." (6/23/2003 - W#285)
Rikkity: "And so another Bench has
come and gone. And now, this is your announcer Miss
Ericka Brindl Bishop saying Sandy, clear the bushes... grrrrr.
Later, dude."
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