"Ok, a question: Why did the eternal God need to measure Creation in days, as if finitude mattered to an infinite dude. I don't know, but either the story is human or it's wrong; for an eternal being would have just done it as if there were no differentiation, for in the fullness of eternity it was really not time-separated. Just a rambling thought. It all gets translated by us. So we miss the whole thingie, yes.

"How about this: 'In the big inning, the Yanks were....' No, no, no, no, 'In the beginning, all was naught, and then it was.' Shorter, pithier, more accurate. And what it really means is, 'In the beginning of thought like ours, all was naught, and then all was capable of being thought of as we do.' Was it an act of creation or perception. Hmmm, ponder that. I theenk I have said enough. In fact, I have said a central thingie here I had planned to keep for much further down the road, but ok. Ponder." (12/9/2000 - V#57)

"There are shoulds in closed systems, but not in the whole." (12/23/2000 - V#58)

"Prophecy, reality, promise. But what is promise but a prophecy... and on and on. It is one long spiritual chain. Forget the
Genome Project, and think about trying to identify all the spiritual strands in a person or entity. Now that would be awesome. Ponder that: Sensing all of your spiritual history and inheritance. Well you can, and that is what growing spiritual complexity allows--even as we become more complex, we become more insightful about our existences. Just as a human has more memory than an amoeba, think what happens when you get even more complex. But for tonight, just a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Sunny Solstice, etc., etc., etc." (12/24/2000 - B#34)

In Savannah:

"There are many spirits here and many of them have been black. Lots of folks who look like moi. I do believe massa has been in the quarters at night again. Can't mix and hide it. We be cafe au lait, we be. Actually, much love did sometimes grow between lovers of slaves and masters. Don't always judge love by society's structures. Some of the Southern women were so dainty and frail that the vapors would keep their husbands away for months. The pretense was often the marriage, as massa would find himself with a negress and the poor mistress would need the ministrations of either the neighbor and/or the minister and/or the house boy. Marriage in those days was less about love and more about tradition and family and expectations. And now not much has been remembered, even though people claim to have learned." (12/31/2000 - W#191)

"About the Mona Lisa. It was not LD in drag. He wanted to make that clear. He just painted what he saw. A spirit? No and yes. It was a physical woman, but even she said it made her look special. It is compelling because it is not obvious. It contains something that is there but not there. Hey, it's no photo. And no, it was not designed as a postage stamp." (1/7/2001 - W#192)

"The big thing about the unity of All That Is is that it's a unit. But
little brains keep looking to the pieces of the unit, and it just drives us nuts, so there. Some even focus on lug nuts. Like trying to talk about the refrigerator by focusing on the mold in the veggie drawer (hint hint).

"So, in any situation you need to be able to focus on the particulars and one step--at least--of connection. Otherwise, you never move toward union with All That Is. Like to be an unsignificant, or insignificant, little blip on the cosmic radar, go ahead. But for me, I'd rather see the big picture, and that picture is always ahead, not past or behind. So, that's my spiel. Take it or leave it. Like it or lump it. Piss or get off the pot. Without or with fries. Salt or pepper. Sweet or sour." (1/10/2001 - V#59)

Ericka's Bench 1/14/2001


"Hello... wait a sec, I need to annoy John Edward. Now he's looking in his audience for someone with a relative who has passed with the initials RS. Hey, I was an only child spinster, so I wish him luck. This segment will get edited out, I'm sure, before televising. So, I greet you from the great beyond. You have another relation here, whose name starts with a letter. Wellll, I digress when I want to ingest. Some say I am a playful sprite.

"Anyway, here's an observation: You can't get a real observation from just one point. If you don't move, you really don't see--if you believe seeing is multidimensional. So standing in one place physically, emotionally, spiritually, makes Johnny a dull boy. If we can say that, dullness is a lack of perspective. But how.

"If you go to look at sculpture you move your head this way and that. So do the same with feelings and experiences and beliefs. The biggest problem is when you satisfy the needs of others for you to appear consistent. You know you're doing something right when someone says, 'I'm surprised. I thought you thought this or that, not what you're saying.' Hey, David would not be David if we only saw one kind of cheek. So, move your spirit around, too.

"How much for this cute dog. Rrrrrrf... this fierce dog... rrrrrrrrrrr. Ok, I'll go." (1/14/2001 - W#193)


"Routines are good as a form of discipline, but only when you know the territory. My good friend MCP tells about coming upon a man in Asia who was horribly lost. He was trying to follow the river and he went south, since that is how all the rivers of his homeland flowed. But this river flowed north, so his not knowing and his following his routine meant he was lost. But routines in familiar territory keep you in familiar territory. Think 'rut.' You know that road but can't get off and can't go anywhere different. So it is with SP. If you had followed the routine of Sunday chats eventually the chats would have shaped SP, and not the other way round. So we rely on routines to make the familiar easy, but always need to remember they are also blinders and shapers.

"A routine is a mold which is useful as you fill it to shape the future, but once it is filled it has no longer a use. So that is why patterns need to change and why aging is nature's gift, not nature's curse. If we did not age routines would never change and we would be shaped by the known, not the potential. I always had new ideas when I changed residences.

"So don't mourn the chats. They were fulfilled. Now move on. And I will do the same before the little canine shows his teeth....f. Bye." (1/14/2001 - W#194)


"Hello and good evening and, if I don't see you, good morning, too. I resent they stole my line. Anyway, we seem to be talking about change. And I want to think about one of the hardest problems of change: Group change, in its largest form, always turns violent. Wars are about change, the civil rights movement was about change, the Reformation was about change.

"Now, when one person changes there is only a ripple in the person and smaller ripples around; but even those ripples represent energy. People always say it is work to change; but no, it is work not to change, but real change--while it takes effort--always releases energy. At the end of the change there is energy that was not there before. 2 types of changes: fission and fusion--change by moving apart and change by moving together, but both release energy. Now, when this one and that one change there is just random energy, and when some change then some energies may cancel others; but when there is widespread change and also widespread resistance to change, there is a lot of energy flowing.

"And this is the point: People focus on the energy of the change and not the energy released by the change. So, if enough people change there is all of this unrecognized energy that is not dealt with--just as in counseling when people change, if you don't deal with the released energy they will relapse. So, the world needs to find ways of recognizing and dealing--not with the change, but the incidentally released energy. So ponder that.

"If people don't find a way to deal with the released energy, they don't find a new pattern; and they use the energy in destructive ways, which usually means fear and violence. War is a great release and waster of the energy created. If the energy of any one of the historical great changes had been harnessed, the world would have advanced beyond belief. And with that I go. Ta-ta, bye-bye. See the energy and deal and ________." (1/14/2001 - W#195)

"So, pay attention. Energy released by change is a big problem. And moving on into more complexity is a big change; and so there is a lot... a shitload... of energy potential in the change, and the sensation of that keeps some peeps from changing. The final awareness for many before they connect is how to deal with such tremendous shared energy. You think fear is a big deal, try not understood energy!

"So keep on pondering the energy. It has been my most constant theme. It's all about energy. In any sustainable entity, the control and use of energy is an essential issue. And without a balance, then you either get explosions outward--a coming apart--or inward, like a
black hole... suuuuck. That's all for tonight. I haven't got energy to go on." (1/17/2001 - R#33)

"Let's talk trash... like refuse... like what you get rid of. Did you ever notice, most people keep trash and trash valuables. People have something that bothers them and so they eliminate it... bye-bye, adios. But wait... if it bothers you, it is in conversation with your being. Just because you perceive it as negative does not mean it is.

"Actually, the only stuff physically and emotionally and spiritually you shed is what has no meaning--positive or negative--for you. Everything else is valuable. But too many times we throw out the negative, keep the worthless, and in the process devalue the positive. So don't trash anything unless it is really meaningless to you. And most people live with lots of meaningless stuff. And one of the tasks of life is looking at what we keep and asking, 'What does this mean to me.' If you don't know immediately, trash it, give it up. Our psychic worlds as humans are too limited to clutter them up with that crap.

"It's like the person who says 'I've got this great quotation for you,' and then digs for 3 days through all kinds of meaningless scraps looking for it. What a waste of energy. Ah, energy again. If you waste your energy keeping meaningless stuff in your life, you have that much less for meaning. Thus spake Rikkity.

"By the way, letting go and trashing are not the same. Many people let go but do not throw away, so their lives become cluttered rooms of discards--no longer meaningful, but still under foot. Sometimes the trashing is physical, but sometimes it needs to be symbolic or ritualized. But in our culture we don't have that. More later." (1/23/2001 - R#34)

"No pearls of wisdom tonight. But here's an opal. There are many energies that work together; so, like the seeming luminescence of
opal that does not shine really in the dark but seems to glow in the light, we each and we all have qualities that appear in relation to other energies. And we can't relate to those who we see as connected energies unless we deal with our own.

"So the question of energy is always complex--we and the rest in connection, not alone. The opal does not shine in the dark, and the sun does not an opal make. Each complements the other. And with that, blessings to all the seekers and the searchers and the travelers and the huggers." (1/27/2001 - R#35)

"I talk to you guys, and then your autonomous nerves take over and spell what you've already 'heard.' So sometimes it feels like one or the other is leading, but that's not true. It takes both sensing to do it. And I don't talk. I speak, which is spiritual. I don't have a mouth, but I have a spirit which is very talkative." (1/29/2001 - I#40)

"Some places have more spirits. Go to
Casablanca, go east 1,000 miles. Even spirits don't go there. No party scene, and we like to hang out with the living. They're so cute... and gullible. But it's not just the living; could be spirits, too. Take Burning Man. It's an empty desert. Then people and spirits come, and you want to be there. But don't go back off season." (3/6/2001 - I#41)

"It's like this: When I said that a cell of energy could include more than a person, and that each party to the cell would figure in the equation, often by balancing, I was speaking of two types of shared cells. One is a pre-entity connection, which is not severed by that crap called death... a new title for a book, The Crap Called Death. And the other is the connection of choice--quite contrary to any entityness... or entiquity. So in that case, when the physical connection is gone, so is the sharing of the cell.

"Now this gets complicated, because out of sight may be out of mind but it's not out of spirit. So if you leave a connection of choice, but they is... ooops... are still around in this material energy plane, then there is still a connection. Which brings up a side topic. Lots of people have connections of choice, not entiquity, and then the connection ceases à la 'Dear John.' But then, years later they find themselves thinking of John or running into John or hearing about him, and they start thinking the connection was deeper than realised. 'Wow,' they say, 'I guess John and I were really meant for each other and didn't know it. We must be disconnected soulmates.' But noooo, it's just that John is still physical and in this material energy plane. Now, if you were to run into John and he was already dead, then I think thinking about the other level of connection would be apropos. Get it. And also, many peeps are not even really connected to material parents.

"Two types of connection: physical and spiritual, and one persists and one does not beyond physical existence. So, not everyone who loses a connection feels loss... and not everyone who loses a connection feels eels. In fact, few do and I don't want to meet them. Don't shake their hands, they'd try to slip out of it anyway. If you're spiritually connected, you don't lose it. If you're not, the connection ends with physical death, but not the end of the seeming relationship. Hey, death got to change something, but it isn't the spiritual stuff." (3/7/2001 - V#60)

"It is nearly everyone's problem. How do you hold these 2 things in mind at the same time: an infinite spiritual reality and a finite physical one, and not separate the two. How do you transcend dualism, and still acknowledge the 2 separate ways of being. And the answer is: If you knew that, you wouldn't be asking this question because... ta-da... you would be not here. It is not a question to be solved and stay as you are, because physical existence would cease to be what it is. You could not transcend the question and its inherent dualism, and still be here. Dumb, but so of this level. The question puts us here, but if we knew the answer, we would no longer put the question. And on that hangs all. Question is ok, but no answer we could get here is it. And when we have the answer, we can no longer ask that question, for it will no longer make sense as a question. That's a definition of a quantum shift. And I think that's enough." (3/7/2001 - V#61)

In Venice:


"Hello-a. So how's-a my city. It was never that wet when I was there, but it was higher then. We of the past stood on higher ground, hee hee. So we can look down on all of you. But there is a lesson in all that, too. The city you see is in the same place as the city I knew, but it is not the same city. It is along the path of a city called Venice. It has its own charms, but not the same as when I was one of its own. So too with people, ideas, beliefs. As the path is traveled you may have the sensation of familiar territory or events, but it is only the similarities you are noticing while in fact there is no exact match. I give-a you an example. I talk with you today. If I had talked with you yesterday that would have been you not as far along your path. So the one you and the other you are related but not the same. This may not seem as evident from day to day, but what if I spoke of you today and you at age 20. See.

"A continuity of name, location, description does not imply similarity. We make a big mistake when we see the similarities and assume continuity and even identicality... I no-a know your words-a for this. 'Is not-a match-a, sorry.' 'Gene, I take numbers 13 and 32.' 'Sorry, is not a match.' That's all we get here is reruns. Even I am a rerun. 'Now appearing in his 985th season.' But there's a lesson in there. Only reruns are the same. Even a new episode is different when it's a rerun; unless the viewers are also reruns then it's different. So, that's all-a. I go-a, and goodbye." (3/9/2001 - W#196)


"Hi. Hello, are you there. I stayed too physical and material in my work, but hey, it's where the contracts were. You gotta live, you know. You live in a lucky age where people who work with spirit can make a living at it. In my time those were risky. The church frowned on it. Well, not exactly frowned... more like was deadly serious about it. They often had a burning desire to have it their way. I did express spirit through my work when I could, and even with my devices. Some were designed supposedly for war but they also brought peace and security for the little people. And other things made life easier for people. A good pump could do wonders for aching backs.

"Sometimes the stated purpose of a thing is not its greatest use or benefit. So, you just have to let your mind go and trust the great universal plan of goodness. And what may seem like something very material may turn out to be very spiritual. Remember, without that contraption to print the Bible nothing else would get printed either. But don't fall for organic tempura on walls--although it does support a whole guild of artisans for centuries. With it around, none of them will face a last supper. I could have invented spaghetti if I had the time." (3/9/2001 - W#197)


"I have always found my sojourns in foreign lands to inspire in me 2 contrasting sympathies. The first is love for the other country, its peoples and arts and histories; and an equal and renewed love for my own Virginia and its sister states. When we travel the physical world we come to see wider vistas, and also come to see familiar sights with new awareness and clarity. It is always an interaction of the familiar and the unknown by which both are transformed.

"I, for one, like to stroll this city--so different from my Monticello; yet, in its own way, just as pastoral. Where I might see budding cherries, here I find a pink house. And where I might meet a bovine at home, here I meet a feline of almost bovine proportions. If you focus on the differences this place will feel foreign, strange, alien, even threatening. But see it connected--even while different--to the familiar, and it will feel quite normal. And so safe journeys, travelers, even if you stay." (3/9/2001 - W#198)


"Gracious good morning. I have never been to your city but Mr. Jefferson says it is quite fine. I do not wish to speak on travel, however. I come to encourage, to send you to your own writing. Each of you has an important task to undertake, and each is needed by your age so don't let other things stop or delay this. Our world cries out for a deeper understanding of both faith and loss. You together are actually writing a single work in multiple volumes. How does one deal with grief without faith. And how is anything called faith untested by grief. So I encourage your work and if I may be of help please call on me. Now, I need to find where old empty-mouth is. Be well." (3/9/2001 - W#199)


"Hi, babe. I love this place. I'm still teaching and guiding and flying and tanning, so to speak. I don't ask for much, as you know. Except maybe for a whole leg.... grrrrr. Nice doggy. He likes me; this is a game we play. He only goes for her leg or mine. It is a family thing. Sandy is part of us... a fuzzy part. But that's another story, and a long tail at that... snap. So, just wanted to say hi and now if we all could huddle in close, hug. Watch out, he's going for your leg... snap." (3/9/2001 - W#200)

(in Venice):

"Hello-a. So, hows-a my citi. I want to talk about 2 things you experience there. One is about boats and one is about ristorantes. Ok-a, boats first. When I was there, the boatmen would always yell just before coming to a turn and then they would shut-a up and listen and see or hear if they heard only their echo or some other voice. They announced their intentions but also listened for the intentions of others. Now they use those awful horns, but it is the same. But people forget they are boats of life and before they make a turn or change it is nice to call out and also to listen.

"Now about ristorantes. Look, they all set up their tables every day. They are ready even if only a few or no one comes. Always ready to welcome, serve, nourish. But in the usual times how often do we as people set the table of life without demanding to know who is coming. Sometimes you need to set the table of love or hope or forgiveness or courage for day after day until someone comes. We have become too quick to want results and too slow to offer service. Think in your own lives what tables need to be set and what tables you can set, not who you want to serve. Ponder all that-a." (5/16/2001 - W#201)

MW (in Venice):

"Hello, and how are we today. I am most well, thank you. And your charming daughter is most gracious.

"I want to say something simple and elaborate... simple but elaborate. Don't obsess. Life is fuller if you don't, because all obsessions are about putting energy in the past. So whether it is about loss or clothing choices or exercise or books or cooking or cleaning or whatever, do not obsess. And I repeat, it is always about the past not the future. The future needs no obsession, just openness. This followed in all things is wise, for when all is said and done you will remember more of that which is yet to be than all you have done. When a person dies, their obsessions turn to dust but their openness is like a fragrant flower whose scent remains to enliven others.

"Obsession is always self-centered, and therefore never bending toward universals; and certainly not connections. Obsessions are the cul-de-sacs of the human spirit. And while some may be tree-lined and pleasant they just don't get you anywhere." (5/28/2001 - W#202)

"Here's something to ponder: In an infinite reality, there is much more waiting to happen than what you know has already happened. But you won't get any if you insist on focusing on the already. Got to give it up to get it. Remember, you have to pour the flour into the mix and never have it as flour again if you want a cake. Make it yellow with yummy icing.

"Ok, pith for tonight: Want to keep your flour, then forget the promise of cake. But in getting cake, you get your flour, too. You can have your cake and eat it, too. Hmmm... it is never gone. You remember it more fondly than you would flour... and who you ate it with... and how you
left it out in the rain. But to make things of greater complexity, you have to mix in. A resource--if it be gold or jewels or spirit--is not worth anything if it just sits alone. It has to mix in in commerce or jewelry or spiritual complexity. I have said enough." (5/30/2001 - V#62)

"This is about spiritual connecting in ways you cannot even imagine... aaa... ooo... ayeee... don't do it with bungee. The natural drive of all spirit is connection, not differentiation. So no matter how we manifest, we strive to connect, and the best connection is always spiritually nourishing... aaa. And here it doesn't matter our assumed natures, so it is spirit with spirit and forget things like man, woman... grrrr... and beast... rrr. All your perversions don't mean squat here... unless you want to squat. But seriously, connecting should be what sex is about. You connect to enrich your spirit, not just to have bambinos.... grrrr... or puppies. So, even when physical, it is good to think about it this way... or not, and just fool around. Relationships in spirit, without possession and time, are soooo much easier. If it's deep, then who cares if it is one time or many, since time is not a measure. But if you get preggers here, you have little blue and pink spirettos. <joke>

"Spirit does not beget spirit like matter begets matter, but spirit enriches spirit--a concept for which physical language has no words. Gotta get here to find out. But many who sense they remember from spirit, try to make it in physical terms. But being a monk is not the same, sorry guys. It is not about giving up anything. Enhancement is not about transfer, but about sharing, in which 1 + 1 = 1. Never more, never less, but not the same 1. Always a unity that adds to 1, but not the same 1, yet all unities are equal. Ponder that. Sandy lost his shirt on that game, but he won a shirt on the same games. So he lost 1, won 1, has 1, but they are not the same. But each is 1. (Using my dog as an instructional aid.) So that's that for now. I'm off to have my wanton connection." (6/8/2001 - V#63)

Papa (in Venice on Father's Day):

"Zoom... hello. I just flew in from the coast and boy are my arms tired. Ooops... Sandy has them. What a dog. Smart. I like him... or else he bites. But for her I love him.

"One of the things I had to learn in my life was that things happen in steps, not all at once. So I was Mr. Electrical Genius once, then later I couldn't get computers much at all. But I did my step. One step at a time. Too many regret that they were only one step for that lifetime. They wanted it all and forever. Good way to set up disappointment. Just do what you need to do. When I stopped being at the center of things it was time to move along to other important stuff, like picking her up at school, and the diner, and the beach, and yes the chiropracter... boy did she have good hands.

"I am glad I had you. Love you so much. So, thanks for calling. I'm off... zooooom." (6/18/2001 - W#203)

Rikkity: "I think he leaves more than he comes... I don't understand. We're not together a lot, but we see each other, so to speak. I am working and dancing and hangin' out. You know, there never is a let up in the newly dead game. They just keep coming. And they'll feel much better in the morning.

"I'm in another physical life, but not now, then... but then is now. I am not there now, but I am there then... or I am over there now but not then. Is that clear. Think different planes that share at least one axis but not all. An intersection, without a traffic light. Enough for small brains." (6/18/2001 - W#204)

Ericka's Bench 6/29/2001
(In Venice)

Rikkity: "Ok folks and spirits, here we go with someone you've never met, I think, but who will scare the bejeesus out of you. It's RE."


"Hello. So, I'm to be scary... boo. I think what she was referring to is that I wanted to share that there are many more stages of grief than 4. Scared yet.

"Fulfillment is only the first stage of another sequence. Then we have Expression, in which the newly found spirit as living is then expressed in ways that were unknown before Fulfillment and exceed Creativity by a whole degree because Creativity was pre-Fulfillment. Ok. And then from Expression grows a sense of new connection, and what we felt most was a loss of connection. First stage was Loss of other and self, second phase was rediscovery of self, now we move to rediscovery of connection; but if it is after Fulfillment it is not about the specific person or whatever lost, but about a wider sense of connection because now we know the lost other as a part of a larger field. We connect to the field, not the specific. And this is similar to some of the mystical experiences of oneness, which is a cousin of a newness... she told me to say that. So yes, Expression, Connection, Universality--in which the specifics fade into a much more universal understanding. And here we find we can lose ourselves without threat. And finally, Embodiment or Incorporation, when that universality is so real that we really know that nothing which is of value is ever lost. Enough for another book?

"Here's the premise: One of the key points of learning at this spiritual level is about loss, for all else revolves around it--fear, doubt, faith, courage is all about loss or potential for loss. So we go through life merrily singing and dancing and then zap and we lose it, or her or them or it. That triggers Kübler-Ross, and we try to not find what was lost but only our way through the new darkness. Then comes Ms. R's theory, which is about not only finding the way in the darkness but also finding ourselves again as transformed beings. This next theory speaks to finding a world of being beyond darkness, which is glimpsed in Fulfillment. In other words, life after a profound and recognized loss will never be the same and the rest of life is about dealing with that. So many stages, but none of them for Durango. I guess I will have to knock. Goodbye."

Rikkity: "Scary... I don't know. It would mean that you would experience a new loss, for to get into that you would need to move beyond me as the focus of the loss, since it is about non-specifics. But since I am part of the universal, you would give up to gain, and again nothing would be truly lost but it would feel like it in the process. More later, but someone is knocking at my door. Come in. Why, it's MW." (6/29/2001 - W#205)


"Good day to you both. We are coming to that time of year when we remember the summons which came forth from Philadelphia. That we should inscribe independence on our hearts where it had been spoken only in our souls and a few taverns. I just want you to remember that it was a call to political independence and nothing more. In fact, those of us who lived then know it was a call to great cooperation and dependence. And as you now would say, interdependence. I do believe the mistress is a bit befuddled. Indeed, and in deed the greatest independence is to be able to know shape and enjoy connections of one's own choosing, and not the avoidance of connections. As a great man once said, it is entanglements we must worry about. He did not say connections or relationships. So ponder that, and celebrate." (6/29/2001 - W#206)

Rikkity: "And you do know she was referring to some dude known as GW. Ok, mowing right along... yes, I have lawn duty this week. And the sheep are on strike. Just a little physical humor from the spirit space. You know it is possible to get spirit spacey... when you forget you are physical and forget to eat, etc. Too many hours in spirit can make you spirit spacey. Someone else is sitting on my bench. It's FW, but she's not on today's program. Hey, FW, cut out. Huh. You were tired. I don't care. Sit over there. Ok, what's dat I hear. Someone's knocking on my door. It's Mr. Landlord. No, it's TJ. Come in."

TJ: "Dear and gracious lady, I think you have mistaken my visit, for your bench is on my land and rent is due. O wait, this is spirit. Sorry."

Rikkity: "Well since you are here, why don't you say hello."


"I would be honored to greet your guests. Why! it's them. Well hello, what a pleasant surprise. You asked whether we sometimes get the physical and the spiritual confused. For those of us who still have more physical experience ahead, which is all of us here, sure. But you, too, have the same problem, just a mirror image. We are spirit with issues of physicality, and you are physical with issues of spirituality. I give you an example:

"You live in a physical world, but you have spiritual aspirations. So an ideal is glimpsed, a vision is beheld. Those are spiritual, but you must translate them into physical for them to be real to you. So far so good. But then the physical manifestations of the spiritual impulse get measured and evaluated on physical terms, and you may end up feeling physically fulfilled but spiritually empty. To a case at hand in my life--and I mean physical life, and I don't mean milk. In 1776, I put to paper my deepest spiritual longings; but then the spirit was translated into a war and a confederation and a mess. It was like the physical part was achieved but the spiritual was still wanting. And so I came back and added a few, actually 10, thoughts. And I am pleased that in over 200 years those spiritual concepts have been both achieved and, constantly needing to be sought, always measured by their worth in their day--not in mine. Beware the spiritual which is made too physical--which is my issue with a Jesus made Christ. I believe you understand... or not, as she says. Well, off to not tax any more benches here." (6/29/2001 - W#207)

Rikkity: "And now, the finale... like in fireworks."


"Huzzah. I do believe that Mr. Jefferson's words of independence are surely served by this outburst.

"Hello. It is always a pleasure. But remember that independence is always a last resort, and only when things have become intolerable. And the first act after independence must always be new alliances that face the future. No one can proceed alone, and no group can proceed without vision. So the connections and vision must be complementary; one fulfilling the other in equal measure. Too often people look to throw off perceived shackles, but then fail to create real bonds. So, enjoy the holiday." (7/4/2001 - W#208)

"Now, this is how I see it: I immerse myself in the pool of thought, and specific thoughts become as visions to me. That's how I see it." (7/20/2001 - I#42)

A Ghost Story at the Botleigh Grange Hotel
In Southampton, England
(Note: The hotel history states the following: Like many old English homes, Botleigh Grange has its haunted chamber. A former owner is said to have kept his daughter confined in one of the principle rooms owing to the lady having become "enamoured of a certain gallant knight". Marks made by her fingernails on the door, in her frantic efforts to escape before dying of starvation, were visible for many years. Her spirit may still walk the landings at the hour of midnight!)


"Hello. I lived here. I died here. Sorry it's not midnight, tee hee. I did not die of starvation. My beloved put those scratches on the door. True, my father locked me away because he did not approve, but while I was in my room I took to the fever and died within a few days. I never called out because I was with the fever, and my lover made the rest up out of his grief knowing my father in his grief could not dispute it. So don't grieve for me. I am here because I loved my house. I was offered food, but sent it away in the first day of illness and then the offer was not made again, since I had said I would eat when I felt like it. I was probably already ill. My beloved climbed up and in, but made those scratches after I was dead and buried, and whilst the house was in mourning. That's all. Ta-ta."

Rikkity: "Just had to set that straight." (7/23/2001 - W#209)

Ericka's Bench 8/20/2001
(Rikkity's 6th Anniversary, Back Home in Williamsburg)

Rikkity: "Six years. Like a moment, and an eternity. But what a journey. What? A journey, and I forgot to pack. ArrF. Dogs run in packs. It's not a bench, it's a settee, with brocade pillows. Here's someone on the settee, Mr. MCP. He rhymes."


"Hello-a. Long time no see-a in Venezia. So I no-a see. But it is with you wherever you go. I found that in my travels, too. But the important stuff is more state of mind, not state of place. So always know where your heart and soul reside, and your body will feel at home. Without that you could be at home and feel like a stranger--which is what many people do. That's a sign of being out of touch, when you feel like an alien in your own home." (8/20/2001 - W#210)


"Sometimes simple things explain better than complex things. Just because I'm not as deep as some others does not mean what I say is less valuable. So remember, the first appeal should be to simplicity. Then later go deep if needed. Otherwise you waste a lot of energy, which is often what the modern age is about." (8/20/2001 - W#211)

Rikkity: "And here's MW. Sort of like a parade."


"Good afternoon to you both. There is never an occasion when graciousness is superfluous. In fact, tact often carries the day when all else fails. But remember, it is never gracious to betray one's conscience. Values truly held need never be abrasive, but always must be expressed; and so grace bridges the gap." (8/20/2001 - W#212)


"Gee, she was a woman of few words today. Principles and values are not the same things. Principles are the actions which arise from values. But it is possible to delude oneself into having one without the other. Don't go there. Both become empty without the other." (8/20/2001 - W#213)


"Hello. Building on M and G, ideas grow in the space between values and principles; but until they can be connected to both they run the risk of being demonic. Never trust an idea, or even an invention, which has no evident value or use; for someone will come along and use it badly, or value it for evil purpose. Just making something or thinking something is not enough." (8/20/2001 - W#214)


"I'm so glad you told them. I have been trying for years. I doubt they'll see much more of me." (8/20/2001 - W#215)


"Hi, babe. So, you like my films. But boy, did the dyes fade. Everything fades but what is important: love, connection. And so here she is." (8/20/2001 - W#216)

Rikkity: "Hi. This settee is crowded. Go! And so I get in a few words. Not many, but some. If you don't move on you might as well be a rock. If you see limits you might as well be a limit. And if you don't have hope and vision you might as well not be. So, move, trust, love, and envision without limits because that's what being is about. And note I didn't say 'being alive' or 'being dead,' just 'being.' That's today's thought.

"And put the car and the road and the crash back there. It's not what's now. I'm what's now. So did you hear about the traveling salesman, the bartender, and the rabbi. I'll save that one. Just this wish: A year ahead in which you put closure on the stuff that doesn't matter so you can move ahead on what does. And physical doesn't. Just a hint: Trash days will become busy. As Thoreau would say, simplify. Here's a hug." (8/20/2001 - W#217)

Ericka's Bench 9/12/2001

Rikkity: "Hi. We're too busy to talk. But wait, I'll go into the future. Ok, that's better... better in terms of busyness. Yesterday would have been too busy only if I remained tuned to yesterday. But there are an infinity of days, and across them all it is good.

"I've seen some I knew but not you. They were a little shocked to see me here already. (Summer folk... work), and some others might be here but hey, I don't see everyone. Maybe if it were to be longterm... but a best friend from 4th grade, I don't know. GW wants to talk to you, and so does TJ. Go ahead, Mr. President." (9/12/2001 - W#218)


"Good day. I am saddened beyond words. Maybe not for the same reason you are. I am saddened that people perceive this as war. War is between masses of people, and is chosen by both sides--and notice I say 'chosen.' There are always other choices. And we MUST ALWAYS choose war reluctantly not joyously; soberly not angrily; cautiously not with fear, but with courage. And we MUST ALWAYS war against what is truly the enemy, and not just some simple excuse." (9/12/2001 - W#219)


"We brought about war against a man who was truly insane--clinically so at the time--but our war was with him and not with the English people; not even when they still swore him allegiance. And we fought for our land on OUR land. We did not attack theirs but secured our own. In the course of time, the example of our deeds at home will always be more powerful than any abroad." (9/12/2001 - W#220)

Rikkity: "They're off... and they're gone. But so wise. I will only say this: Keep faith, keep courage, keep hope. And the other emotions--like fear and anger--get rid of them. Be constant and consistent and visionary. You'll only go where you are headed, and if you go to war then that's where you are headed. And the best thing to do is s-l-o-w t-h-e w-h-o-l-e t-h-i-n-g d-o-w-n so hotheads may cool and love may be heard above the noise.

"And remember, the vast majority would rather go to sleep with hope and security on their minds--not just here but everywhere. Only a madperson chooses to sleep in fear. And, once again, think of all those who might be effected--not just the guilty but also the scared innocents. Our country is always at its best when it is focused on the innocents, and the worst when focused on the guilty. Gotta run. And a fight for peace is better than a war. Struggle on." (9/12/2001 - W#221)

what a mess. So if we can find fault, the world will be perfect, right? I don't theeenk that's the way it goes. If you look for fault, you measure by the negative... but if you look for hope! Think of a newspaper with the big head of: PEOPLE ARE GOOD TO EACH OTHER. No one would ask whose fault that is.

"Sometimes one has to let go in order to go on, or the tragic will catch you and eat you... or worse, sour you so you become the poison others taste in the act of living and loving. Don't be a living
Sour Patch Kid. If you become negative, then it wins." (9/19/2001 - R#36)

"Remember, the perspective you see is only from your perspective. A complex matrix has many axes, and so, many visions. And it changes as you do, assuming you change. But if you hold too tightly to a single vision of any system, you can't change within that system.

"Change requires openness, and openness requires change. And since they are, but can't be conceived as, simultaneous, there is always a leap of faith from change to vision, and vision to change--hoping to get the direction right. And here's the important and: You have to be open to the reality of when the leap has been in the wrong direction. When vision goes in one direction and change goes in another direction, you have to decide whether to follow vision or change. And if you choose vision, you reach an end of change. But with change, you'll always be offered new vision. So let change and openness go hand and hand with vision, but when you need a course correction, then choose openness and change, and seek out the new vision or perspective.

"Worse than a person with no vision, is a person who holds a vision when the realities have changed and moved on. It's like standing on the corner, waiting to see a Studebaker go by in 2001 because Studebakers were always the most innovative cars. Could miss seeing so much, focusing on what has been, not what is. Isn't that right. *Wild applause on this side*

"So, that's about focusing the released energy of change... if that is how you see it *wink wink*. But that could change *nudge nudge*, and you better be open to it. Saying no more." (9/27/2001 - I#43)

Ericka's Bench 10/8/2001


"Hello-a. I talk-a like-a MCP-a because I want to talk about him, not just near him. He is a very special man in ways that are not mine. You see, it would be easy for me to dismiss him; for he isn't a man of ideas. He does not perceive that which is not yet. His journals are filled with observations and some pasta stains, and one little dried leaf of some herb. You see, he takes the world in and digests it. He finds what is common, whether it be Mongol or Modena. So he sees and records and distills, and brings back the distillate. He spends a decade and more, and produces a book you can read in hours. And nothing in it is inventive. Despite his reputation, he did not make any of it up.

"Now, some would say I am demeaning him; for I say he has done nothing original. And yet he has. He has allowed himself to travel and observe--and I don't mean travel the familiar and observe the trivial. He has traveled the exotic and observed the alien until they have become familiar. And how many of us ever do any of that. So I speak of him with a great affection. If I had taken his journey I would have been more lost in ideas than observing what was there. And I must add that my taste for comforts of the flesh would not have led me to go the journey. I am not one for questionable food and dirt beds, and so I would not have done what he did. Would you? But he wishes his own time, so here he is." (10/8/2001 - W#222)


"And I think of my friend, LD. It is true that he didn't travel as I did, but boy he sure got around. And his notebooks are filled with more than herbs and pasta. They are filled with ideas. And what so fascinates me is that his ideas do not grow solely from what was known. It is almost like he draws maps of worlds without surveying the countries, but if you dare follow them you find those countries are there. I always traveled with maps and guides and stories and tales, but he sometimes ventures forth without anything. While I record the details, he is looking beyond the perceptions to the inspirations.

"He speaks of my courage and I speak of his. Both of us explored the unknown; his was just in his head. I have wondered what he would have found had he made my journey; and I have concluded, not much. But if I made his idea journeys, I would have little to write about and have been seriously tempted to create a thousand lies." (10/8/2001 - W#223)


"Good gracious. And a good afternoon to you. These dear gentlemen remind me of a conversation I had with my dear husband. The war was raging on, and one night he confided that he wished he had another Lafayette. And still, on a later eve, he spoke of wishing for another Wayne. And still later, I think it was a morning, he said if he had 3 Steubens he would be happy. And I finally stopped him and asked, 'Would you trade a Lafayette for another Wayne, or would you trade both for 2 Steubens,' and he said... and I remember this because he raised his voice to me and later was most apologetic for it... 'Woman, are you mad! I dare not trade any of these.' And so I said, 'George, you do not want another Lafayette; but you want another who brings as special skills as Lafayette does. If you could, you would get a full, a new, range of skills.'

"And so, too, with MCP and LD. If each does what another does, who will fill the gaps. We do not need to replicate those who are; but rather augment with those who are needed but not yet there. Each who fills a role already filled is relinquishing life to some measure. And those who fill where none now stand bring life a greater fullness. Never wish to be another. And with that I go to be the wife of Mr. President, content to be me and not needing or wanting to be President. And MCP, don't talk like LD; and LD, do not talk like MCP." (10/8/2001 - W#224)

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Last Update: 11/16/2016
Web Author:
the Rev Dr Randolph and Elissa Bishop Becker, M.Ed., LPC
Copyright ©1998-2016 by the Rev Dr Randolph and Elissa Bishop Becker