Dimensions of the Spirit

“Qualities of being are manifest and multiple. And what one considers normal is often balanced with another shadow side. But don’t read ‘shadow’ as bad, rather as the missing aspects by which the one expression is made whole. Could be more than just one other side.

“In every system of being, there are multiple aspects of the whole; yet usually only one or two are experienced as normal, regular, ordinary. So, physical is balanced with spiritual... grrr... and doggerel... ARF... in this system of being, and both expressions need the other to be whole. So, too, in other systems of being. The only whole, complete system of being in one... ‘is
Geritol.’ CT. ‘One A Day’? No... is the whole shebang. Anything less than the whole is experienced as systems of multiple dynamics: this and that and that and those.

“Many smaller elements, glimpses, pieces that don’t seem to fit but are real, a thought that is not from a physical stimulus nor from a spiritual encounter--pure genius is always connected beyond just the usual two. Genius is the connection across many such dimensions of being within a single system of being. Being smart is figuring out the main points of a single dimension of a system, and wisdom is doing the same across the two main elements, but genius expands the components but not the system, and spiritual progress expands the system but not necessarily the components.

“Your entity finally glimpses the wholeness of your existence, which allows the window to open on a more complex reality, but that more complex reality is viewed simply. And onward, so to speak, forever, until the complex is seen as the simple unity of All. And in that moment, there is no separation, no differences, only connection. And the meaning of other dimensions dissolves. It’s all one, baby! Just behind the veil... or over the ridge and the vale.

“A person lives on a hill, so they see more? Not if they don’t look out. A room is just a room. Being spiritual doesn’t guarantee squat. So, it’s not about me being spiritual; it’s about me at this point in spiritual development. And it’s you and you and you... but not you. ‘O.’ Stop trying to bestow special status. Some who look cannot see, and some who can see will not look. But to look and see, and then remember... not an honor, but an enhancement.

“Neither is superior. What you think of as physical was once considered spiritual. O dear, boundaries and separations! Give them up. Flow, babe, flow. The confining aspects of the physical were once perceived like the freeing appearance of the spiritual. Ok. It might appear that having money would open doors of experience not available to the poor. But being rich is not a portal to getting it all. Just because an aspect seemed to offer wider views, doesn’t mean it is panoramic. Too many words. So there!” (4/28/2011 - I#190)

“Ok. You have a room. There’s a door to the room, and a window. Some people like to live in the room with the door closed and the blinds shut. Others are ok with the blinds open but the window shut. Others throw back the blinds and throw up the sash, and even lean out to get a fuller view... ‘and a
Fuller Brush’... no no no no, CT, peddle your ware on your own chats... and draw in draughts of fresh air, while staying in their room. Some keep the door locked with deadbolts, and we wonder if that’s to keep others out or keep them in. Some leave the door ajar... don’t even think about it! And others open it wide. And some even remove the door to make it a passageway. Even then, there is nothing to compel them to leave the room, but some do choose to go and explore. And of those, some go to sing the praises of their room, and others keep directions handy to get back home, and still others find new doors and different rooms to call home. But simply because there is an out there out there doesn’t mean one can’t be in one’s room.

“However, so many fear for what they would do were the windows open and the door open, that they bar the door and shutter the window and claim the naked bulb to be the sun. And if you slip a Chinese menu under the door... or, dare I say, a PtoP... they freak out and try to install a new lock and heavier drapes, not knowing that nothing can force them from their room, but they can turn their room into a prison cell.

Hank said, I do not wish to live what is not life.

“And so, spiritual notions are very very très frightening to them because spirit has no regard for windows, shutters, or doors. And we are only partially fond of
The Doors.” (5/28/2011 - I#191)

“So, what if you had co-mingled planes–not just parallel, but in perfect alignment, except 1 did not end where the other did, and vice versa. 2 existences which were the same in the majority, but on the edges diverged, or 1 disappeared. So, the culture of spirits could be common up to a point, but 1 would cease to perceive meaning, while the other still found it, but the reverse–or is that obverse–be true, so there would be information A could fathom but B could not, and that B could fathom but A could not... ‘or that CT could not fathom at all?’ CT! ‘See, I made a joke about myself. But it’s the truth. I don’t get it.’ Ok, tutorial for CT. ‘O boy.’ Grrrr. And Sanford... grrr. Not the town!

“I am sure that there are some ideas that seem perfectly obvious to you, but which leave others scratching their heads... ARF ARF. No, not fleas. And then they say something, and you go ‘huh’--like
substitutional atonement. So, you are living on 2 or more co-mingled planes of information, which allow you a vast area of common experience and understanding, but which at the edges diverge. And here’s a tidbit: The points of edge divergence never seem to be at the edge but at the core, if one focuses on differences. Don’t assume because you are all in it together, that you are all in the same it together. Ok, pith to ponder.

“There are different planes here, of course, but we can ‘see’ them, and we look for common ‘ground.’ Despite rumors, I didn’t know everyone at Yale. Good analogy. Many Elis, but 12 different
colleges. Identity is more often about the edges than the core. Because at heart, we are--or are becoming--one.

“But what makes connection meaningful and not just duplication and, therefore, what makes complexity possible, is difference understood as connection. When you say ‘école’ and I say ‘school’ and we understand the 2 different words as connecting to the same meaning, we have connected more than if we both said ‘school’ and thought it meant the same thing for each of us. I wax elegant... ly.

“So, let’s leave it at that, except for a comment about the human physical drive to reduce all to single existence and meaning–the great reductionism of science as the prevailing motif: Science knows what is common, but not what appears aberrant.” (3/30/2012 - I#192)

“So, when you were born, there were some folk already alive... ‘and many folk dead.’ CT, that’s not my point. The dead are out of it! ‘Tell me about it.’ And when you die, there will be some who were living when you were born and some who were born after you were born, but for much of your life, life is defined as including all of them–co-mingled, even without shared termini. I think the termini is down the street and over a block. It is near the bibliothèque. I’m going there with a friend of mine.

“So, we live out lives of co-mingled existences, so why not for a group of lives and a few bananas we call a 'plane'... ok, nuts. It’s that simple. People want to make abstractions complex. They have complex complexes. And then they have simple complexes... except for CT. He’s a complex simpleton. ‘And I wear it well!’ You do--cosmic foil, surrogate straight man to a twisted sister. He’s my
Gracie. Say goodnight, CT. ‘Goodnight, CT.’ See.

“So, that might help a few who didn’t seem to get it. And that explains why it seems like it’s all in process when we arrive. Life is not just waiting for you to be born. What?!? Your life is, but life is not. And it is the reality, because the other planes are pre-existing. Yes, life is a pre-existing condition and there’s no insurance. But I know Obama cares.

“And one last question: You are driving on I-95. As you come to each mile, the road is there, but was it there before you came there, and will it be there after you pass.” (4/3/2012 - I#193)

“Chaos will come closer because the old maxims and rules will not hold. ‘The center will not hold.’ CT! And so, the chaos will be more evident. But then a new birth of understanding will arise, and coupons for free dessert... no no no.

“It is not about an adjustment, but about a replacement. The Enlightenment did not fine tune Medieval notions, it replaced them.

“What does post-democracy look like... hmmm. What is more inclusive, more supportive, more fulfilling. If people say government under democracy is not working, what will be the new paradigm. Because, just as to assume any prophet as the last and final prophet seals Creation, so to consider any form of government as the last and final notion is to seal the evolution of human social development.

“So, it will take the willingness to see beyond the dogmas of democracy--and not by its detractors, but by its supporters. What got in the way of socialism was always socialists.

"So, put that up as a target for those wanting to take aim at a crazy, dead person. Living folks haven’t done so well. Without a brain! I theeenk that ees eenough.” (6/8/2012 - I#194)

“I glow, but with cool energy, so I am light but appear dark. I radiate, but don’t illuminate. ‘And rarely elucidate.’ CT. I’ll show you.

“Like many concepts and ideas which reveal without eclipsing the situation, be around spirits like us, and things become evident and understood, but we impart no energy to the situation. We are meaning catalysts. We are the indium of ideas.

“Picture a castle with thick stone walls and little arrow slits, and suddenly some spirit peels back the wall to make a wide opening, so you see a wider perspective. But in that wider perspective, all is seemingly trees and grass. And another spirit illumines a single tree so one can see it, and another spirit brings the sense of the tree so close you feel its bark as your skin. And another spirit flows beside yours like the sap of the tree. And each is a different expression of spirit--opening, revealing, connecting, and being.

“And none of those spirits use or lose any energy in what they do. And you don’t gain any energy, but only understanding. It’s a transmission of information. And you can be the sap... grrrrr... or the bark.... woof.

“Once again, don’t think in your physical terms! Try.” (10/10/2012 - I#195)

“I love playing with folk. Think spirits are serious? Give me a break. Many have seen Earth!

“Wait. Does that imply not all spirits come from Earth. O my! Indeed. Earth is just a secondary supplier of experienced spirits... at least, not tertiary. Lots of other places and planes and realities. Mainly from other forms of existence. Mind blowing, eh.

“Earth is not like the most massive reality system, spiritually. Give up ‘center of the universe.’ Just a resource, not the resource. You really think Belize is part of the bigtime. Club Med, no. Sandals, no. Cruises, no. All of it put together, yes... secondary. You would not comprehend the primary source of planar experience, so there! Because you don’t know it exists. It is composed out of other dimensions. ‘Sort of like Brooklyn.’ CT, I am making a serious point here. ‘Come, and this is different how?’ Complexity does not depend on situation.

“Physical dimensions do not limit nor prescribe spiritual realities. It’s not like Earth is a pipeline to the next level. Many pipes, and lots of plumbing problems.

“So, just a hint of what’s coming in the weeks ahead. Be thrilled as Rikkity says, ‘There are other sources of experience,’ and HS says ‘Ayee,’ and CT says ‘A horse?’ and Sandy says ‘Arfffé.’ I hope I have primed the pump.” (12/25/2012 - I#196)

“Our fields of being reflect the choices of contact and connection we make. Study the lives of the saints. They often lived in horrendous situations, but were untainted by that. People think it was prayer and Bible reading, but it can be any positive source. Obviously, Gandhi didn’t read the Bible often. We can’t choose what will happen, but we can frame the context of our experiencing it. Course in Miracles says we create the reality, but the Course in Rikkity says we choose our reactions and focus.

“One way or another, the poor man was going to get beaten by robbers and left by the road. He didn’t create that reality. The story is about choices others made. So, focus: Choose that which will enhance from the visionary side of the equations.” (1/1/2013 - I#197)

“We make it all up in metaphors. You will understand if I said that the entity of K43FE assimilated a portion of the logged experience of another entity that related to activity of another sense of being relative to the time-space plane which was defined by fame. Would that make sense to you.

“Ok, here comes a cross-product of an entity that has been confused and fused into its own complex reality and a simple plane of being oneness that has expansive tendencies to reinterpret the plane of existence. 'Ayeeee.' See, it’s easier to say 'HS.' But there is no HS. There was and is, but there isn’t. It’s all symbolic. Bang! No, no, no, not cymbalic. Don’t ever give a dog cymbals.

“And now, The Clash of Culture: a film by Mitori Schwartz. ‘Oy.’ ‘O.’ ‘Oy.’ ‘O.’ ‘You should be ashamed.’ ‘I live in shame.’ ‘Nothing you do is as good as your mother.’ ‘My mother never taught me how to be as good as she.’ ‘Matzo ball?’ ‘Miso?’ And so the planes of understanding fail to arrive at their destinations as scheduled.

“Never take what I say as physically literal. Lateral, yes; literal, no. Imagine. This does not mean to put concrete images to what I say, but to create images beyond the concrete and physical which find their definitions more in feelings than in thought. Now there’s a Point to Ponder!” (1/8/2013 - I#198)

"Info is info. It’s not physical. It is represented by the physical, but it is not physical. A train or plane does not travel by timetable, although there is a timetable of its plan. A biography is not a life; it is about a life. Do you have an intimate awareness of your breathing? But you are because of your breath. The breathing is part of the info of being, but the life is the expression. When you get here, I’ll show you. Without displaying anything.” (3/21/2013 - I#199)

“So, you think I’ve been talking about planes, eh? Just a metaphor. Let’s talk French onion soup. The bread dissolves into the oniony broth... 'made with the best toros.' CT. 'What.' It takes a lot of bull to say that. He digresses.

“And so, you have this big steaming bowl of yummy, and you put your spoon in, and in comes a little strand of cheese. Each spoonful has its own strand of cheese. Those strands are like planes. Huh.

“If everything is always and everywhere in relation to your physical reality, then you are--by living--dipping into a big steamy bowl of possibility, and each instant of being gets another strand of it. And if a series of strands are of the same cheese, you can assume it’s Gruyère through and through, and that you live on the reality plane of Gruyère. But wait. Something else... hmmm, Emmenthaler? Just a hint. A collision, or a collusion, of planes. But both are in the soup. Do I detect Grana Padana. A soupçon. I am fun having. And yet, if you had to simply describe the soup, you would say, ‘loaded with cheese.’ We usually reduce complex experiences down to simply transmitted realities. Yet, most things are a complexity. And yet, we assign the complexity to simplicity.

“Ok, we have the soup. Now raise a glass. Ah, hints of cassis and leather and peaches with a subtle undertone of wet dog... ARF. Sandy, did you dry the glasses? Woof! Ah. But people will say, 'It’s a fruity wine.' ‘As opposed to a whiney fruit.’ CT. ‘Well, I know some.’

“And yet, the most complicated description of a wine can’t match its complexity. Everything has its simple plane of being and its more subtle complexity, and so we need to be able to discern what is an intrusion of another reality, and what is just an expression of complexity. Not everything that seems out of character for the apparent plane is from outside that plane.

“The apparent Emmenthaler may just be Gruyère from a different pasture... mooo. Don’t assign to difference, alien origins. There’s an aphorism. In fact, to presume that difference arises from outside the expected or the assumed is to deny complexity. Gods don’t just fall out of the sky. Sometimes they come to the front door, looking like neighbors.

“The sudden appearance of the seemingly miraculous and marvelous is much less impressive than the realization of the wonder in the ordinary. Your plane of existence is barely explored, so why the fascination with other planes. I rest my case. I rest my ass. I rest my mouth.

“It is easier to delve into the simple intrusions than to explore complexity. See a field of sunflowers–thousands of them, with subtle patterns and complex interactions. Have a single weed grow in the field among them, and we focus on the weed because it is easier. But if you focus on connections... Novelty wears thin, but complexity sustains.” (4/9/2013 - I#200)

“We all have to overcome our perceptions of self to discover ourselves.” (6/3/2013 - I#201)

“Hang on, hang on, you are in time and it’s moving without any brakes. Screeeech. O, there are brakes: perceptions and projections. How are they different. They aren’t, they are facets of the same. We project from our perceptions, extrapolate and then assume, but our perceptions give us the illusion of reality upon which we can project assumptions. It’s a circle as vicious as Sandy... wooo? Ok, not in any way related to Sandy. ARF.

“And we get caught in the circle, so reality is slowly but surely pushed away. Only a paradigm moment can shatter a circle of perception and projection. Death is a good one. Except for those who will be dismantled... ‘No, Stephanie’... except for them, death is the sudden breaking of the limits of a cycle which seems complete and true, but is not. Stepping out of the circle bursts the bubble... snap.

“And one reason folk fear death is an intuition that the assumptions will be shattered, so they create grand and elaborate constructs of perpetuation of the perceptions and projections, so they can avoid the notion of an impending paradigm moment.

“We... or, some would rather have the illusion of knowing, than to know. Religions are the great storytellers of the status quo. Because without their assurance that all of value will be continued, we’d have to look at the seismic shift of perception ahead, because here you can’t project what isn’t. So, false perceptions go nowhere, and that is more than kind of scary. Because then you have to live with the reality or falsity of your perceptions. It is only the projection of perceptions that allows false perceptions any power. Ponder all this.

“The nature of the physical makes it susceptible to gross manipulation of perception. But the spirit can’t be fooled for more than one level. Try to take a misperception into a new entity and just wait for the disassembly. Because false perceptions cannot be projected onto spirit. The physical is all illusion. The spiritual is not. While you are in it, it is very real. And getting so a change of complexity does not require a change of perception--the nature of things, seen without the prejudice of prior perceptions. Stop thinking in prior patterns of less complexity, and just opening to what is real. Any level of complexity is not about fulfilling the most recent less complex level that was. It and this is here.

“Karma talks about resolving past issues. BS. You will face many disassemblies if you think now--wherever now may be on the complexity scale--resolving now the issues of there and then. Gotta learn to move on, and therefore, move in into the more inclusive, which will be hidden from perception if one is still bound to the projections of other. I think that’s enough...

“Until you suddenly go ‘what the shit.’ You sneak a sideways glance of spirit, and see other spirits not obsessed with projections of past perceptions. And you notice just one new whatever, and that would not be possible in the old paradigm. A single new element contradicts the assumed pattern. Just ponder it.” (6/7/2013 - I#202)

Ahh, Secrets of the Universe, brought to you by ARF Brand Dog Food. They ask for it by name. ARF ARF. Would somebody feed the dog! Woof. No no, not Woof Brand Dog Treats, ARF Brand Dog Food. Grrrr. No no, not Grrrr Brand Flea Collars.

“All the structures of existence aren't. Existence is. Any time existence is reduced or focused to one set of descriptions or formuli or rules, it’s not the whole shebang.

“Every system of dimension, connection, definition, limits, can only be a subset of the bigger. And glasses are real but not the only means of ocular improvement, and vision is not the only way of seeing, and seeing is not the only way of knowing. There’s always a more inclusive category. So, planes belong in the subset of physical representations--just one subset of o so many subsets. I could have spoken of the clouds of meaning which seem different, or the whatevers of you-know-what, but if I spoke outside of your language symbols and thought patterns, you wouldn’t even know I was doing it... tee hee. Our fun. We interact with you in ways you don’t comprehend all the time! Like making faces behind the unsuspecting, and then, every once in awhile, someone actually catches us because they have made a perceptual advance. It’s not that the new understanding is about a new thingie, but about a larger capacity to perceive.

“The secret is that there are an infinite number of unknowns which appear to be secrets, but which just are. And it is such arrogance of humans to think their thinking universal. Just a glimpse, my friends, just a tiny sliver of the whole, and then you want the sliver explained in terms of what you already know. Not the path to a bigger slice of the pie, as it were. Done. Over. Roger. Yes.

“Ponder it.

“Beyond awareness. Aware people can be the most dogmatic... f f f f. They claim their awareness like a badge, but they are only aware in the confines of their definition of awareness. Most growth of perception comes through a combination of a crack of openness and a sudden burst of ‘wow.’

“Here’s a hint: Simple people... 'Hi hi hi hi'... go ‘wow,' just as often as deeply contemplative ones. Just being devoted to greater understanding does not greater understanding make. People who are actively anti-prejudice are not more changed in their attitudes than those just living life openly.

“The ability to be surprised is more important than the intent to change others. Ponder that, because true openness to surprise... People who seek surprises are less likely to be surprised. With that: A tightrope walking dog. Woofé. O, he has Woof Dog Treats in him every dag. Surprise ending. You thought ‘day’ but I said ‘dag.’ Whole groups live lives expecting ‘day’ and they miss ‘dag.’ Especially those who see life as oppression--themselves as victims--they always know in advance the ending, so they never get surprised by a ‘dag.’ Yet it is the ‘dags’ of existence which will change their days. I rest my case. Ipso facto. Carpe diem. Ergo. Via cana. Via con carne. Via con chili. O Pancho. O Cisco. 'What you mean "we," white man.'

“I leave you with a thought: So many people grieving report seeing dimes and pennies as signs from their loved ones. And then they begin to focus on seeing them, and in the process of not being surprised anymore, they fail to see the quarters and silver dollars of life.” (9/27/2013 - I#203)

“Remember that possibilities are just glimpses into reality.” (11/19/2013 - I#204)

“So, let’s talk about the crap we put up with, like this being up there, higher. What if each level of complexity, while being more inclusive, took you closer to the core of being. How would this happen?

“Each level of increasing complexity includes more entities, so wouldn’t that be bigger, higher, up there, away from this lesser existence? Ha! Fell for the old physical metaphor! Go for the complexity on the basis of information, and every level of greater inclusion reduces the information, while including more data and facts. Which contains more data? A map of Roslyn Heights or a map of Nassau County. Even a small map of Nassau County conveys more info.

“So, the most complex entity, which is All That Is, is both the simplest statement and the vessel of the most information. Would you rather have a phonebook... I know it’s an outdated concept... phonebook of the universe, or a single number that connected you to it all. So, complexity brings with it a simplicity of information sharing.

“It is easier to have one simple, inclusive formula, than have many lesser formulae. So, which is better: a language with many irregular verbs or a more complex language with simple verbs. And some simple dishes have the most complex herbs. Verbs, herbs... Freds. I see a paw raised. Yes. Grrr ARF. No no no no no, the simpler, more inclusive entity is not at a higher frequency. It doesn’t vibrate at all. Because it is not physical. Woofé. I do believe the dog is a clack, a shill, a plant. Woofé.

“So, the essence of existence is not out there. It is intrinsic and inherent and so it is down there. Let’s say that with a deep, ponderous voice. ‘Down there.’ But not at a lower frequency! It is profound, as in being toward the foundation of All. Don’t you think meaning is more likely foundational than ethereal? I am done.

“It’s at the heart of existence, not the product of being. Energy does not necessarily get things done. It can just be. A prime example: CT.

“Which would you rather have or be: a source of energy in that old sense, so you could run down and be spent, or be a catalyst which can cause without being depleted. I’m a cat person. And someone from the capitol of Italy would be a Roman Catalyst.

“Ponder that.

“Before Euclid, they had many formulae to describe what he put in fewer, more inclusive ones. Same with Pascal. And the more inclusive ones were more succinct and conveyed more info, and opened more doors and windows and skylights and gates and transoms and clerestory windows. And of course, dog doors. ARF ARF. Sandy is an inclusive beast... woof. Together we reveal more in simpler terms. Ok, I’ve done enough damage.” (11/24/2013 - I#205)

"At a higher frequency? Just an aside, that’s a misintepretation. We are more frequently spirit, not a higher frequency. More of reality, such as it is, is in spirit. But peeps can’t get less and fewer right, so they also mess up frequent and frequency.

"Let’s take some different size Legos. Can’t be put together. Identity based on the possibility of connection: small, medium, large. So, identity is based on the possibility of connection, and in physical times (and yes, I know there is no time, but y’all speak like that) in physical times, the connections are about things like body color... ‘and body odor’... CT, I need no help here... and ideas and residence, etc. And the trick is to learn through those means how meaningless they are. We talk to learn how inadequate speech is.

"Spirituality is another name for the awareness of how inadequate all physical systems are for containing meaning. A person who is devoted to her body and its perfection is missing the point. It’s not about becoming a perfect human specimen; it’s about transcending human specimens.

"See, culture should first help contain you, then inform you, and then free you to look super-culturally.

"Coming apart is applicable to someone stuck in a physical system. When a spirit gets too big--or I should say, bigger than the defining and identifying system or quality--it appears like the system falls away. Think molting.

"In the deepest states of spiritual awareness, the physical realities seem to melt away. But the mistake of most spiritual systems and practices is to repudiate the physical, or jump to the spiritual and not recognize how the physical is the learning portal to the spiritual. Leaping into the spiritual by jumping out of the physical is like throwing the baby into the lake so they can swim. You are physical for a reason. And most who seek esoteric release from the physical are just trying to skip out on the assignment. And part of the lesson is about doing it in context, not alone.

"Have a nice eternity in Nirvana. We all are moving on together without you to places and realities and complexities that make Nirvana appear as if a quiet cul-de-sac in Secaucus. You can believe you are living fulfilled by yourself, but wait, there’s more.

"Most physical denial systems want the now, but not the more. I want it all! Always have. But not just for me. I want Sandy to get his and CT and LD and that feline entity, etc., etc., etc.

"So, the great spiritual traveler, having finally won release from the physical trappings, enters into the castle of the spirit and sits at the banquet table of all delights, alone at the head of the table of eternity, but hears outside a great noise. ‘What’s that.’ And a voice says ‘That? Why, that’s everyone else having a great time in the amusement park around the castle. And they are doing it together.' ‘O’ is the last thing the spirit says, but says it for eternity.

"I done. Don’t get me started if you don’t want to sit and listen." (12/14/2013 - I#206)

“Don’t make me come down there. Always with the down there. Why wouldn’t the essentials be at the core and not ethereally ‘up there somewhere’ diffuse--always the gods pictured as diffuse, up there, ethereal, when if there are central elements of existence, they would be at the core. So, the basis of an apple is its core? No, the basis of an Apple is its CPU.

“But seriously, why all this coming down crap. How about ‘Don’t make me arise and dissipate so I can relate to you.’ Just a thought. Maybe the foundations are under you, and supporting you more than watching and judging you... ‘especially the East German gods.’ Good one, CT.

“It’s like values as opposed to objectives. One is foundational and the other ethereal. But not ephemeral. There’s a difference between the arcane and an arcade. Just sayin’.

“So, maybe the psalm should have said, ‘I will look down into the earth whence comes my strength.’ Forget the goddamn hills. Remember this: All the high places will erode down to plains, but the mantle will always support it all.

“And with the universe, it’s not out there that counts, but the central point around which all out there expands.

“It’s the core, the nub, the foci.

“I am done. And the paradox... quack quack... no no no, next show. The paradox that we think that our growing complexity takes us outward to a greater inclusivity, while the process is actually drawing all into a deeper connection to the center.

“And Boggle is not just a game.

“We aren’t about focusing on the fringes, but about connecting all to the same center so that even the most remote is part, and knows itself as part, of the core. It gives it a universal sense of connection. The edges only know other parts of edges by them... near, on, about, adjacent... of the same stuff or complexity or experience. But when those same edges connect to entities less remote, then they sense the larger whole. And so on down into it all.

“If any element or entity only looks out, then there isn’t a universal sense of wholeness. But if all look inward, there is. Try it. It’s like values. And I said enough.” (1/6/2014 - I#207)

"Bad jargon follows inadequate jargon, and misuses the old pattern in ways worse than its inherent deficiencies. Watch a person with a poorly designed snow shovel, which then breaks but they keep using it. Their shoveling is worse. So, I say stay inside and wait for spring. I never was a winter lover. Hot chocolate, yes, winter, no.

“If it’s at the core, it’s also at the edges. But if it’s at the edges, it is not necessarily at the core. ‘Hmm, but I thought it was all holistic.’ Presence, awareness, connection. Ok, I can call on the old phone from next door and it’s like ‘Wow, it’s her;’ call from Paris and it’s like ‘Wow, it’s almost her;’ call from the moon and ‘Wow, it’s like crcrcrcrcr. I think it’s her.’ Same her, same source, less defined.

“If all existence is based on info, not matter and energy, then the closer the links and focus on the source and center, the better. At the edges, remember, there are an infinite number of other points just as close as the center. How to know which is the hub. All are contained, but not understood. And yes, this is a physical metaphor for something nonphysical so you physi-cats can get it. I will leave it at that.

“Can’t tell, have no way of sensing right or wrong. If you impose structures of understanding, you may get it wrong or right. Who knows? 'I do!' O.

“Let it sit.

“Another metaphor: I hug you and you get hugged. You hug everything, and I should get hugged, but what if your perception of what is everything is only partial. Then I may or may not get hugged.” (1/9/2014 - I#208)

“When you get down to it, the basis is always basic, not ethereal. ‘Would you like a bowl of ethereal.’ Close, CT. Almost. Work on it.

“If we all express a central existence and reality, wouldn’t you look for it at the center of all and not the edges? Peripheral thinking: Enjoy the apple peel. 'I think I’ll eat the banana peel because the fruit can’t be the point.'

“People know the essence is the essence, and yet they turn away from it once they get dealing with big thoughts. Got big thoughts, try Preparation T. Shrinks thoughts and stops the mental itch.

“It’s hard. It’s easier to think of lesser than more. It takes energy to be synthetic as opposed to derivative. Why do people buy prepared crap food; easier. Why do they follow prepared spiritual paths. Why do they go on guided tours; easier. And not as easy. Go on a tour and listen to the gripes about getting up and out by 6. Sure, nothing to figure out, and so they gripe about nothing.

“Like she says, it is not our powerlessness that scares us, but our sense of our power.

“Taking responsibility for our futures is harder than holding shame for our pasts.

“Remember, if existence is holistic, then all must be in the least, and the least must be in the All. Our capacity to understand may not match the field available for perception. Put a rube in Manhattan and ask why the rube didn’t order a corned beef on rye. Put a Manhattan in a rube and... and... whatever... and ask if they used rye to get him corned. A bon mot.” (1/15/2014 - I#209)

“So, we have been pondering essence and expression, and the difference between source and embodiment. In a holistic existence, every part embodies the whole, but not every part is the source of all.

“While there is a reflection and an embodiment of the source, the source remains both everywhere and somewhere else. Huh. Every ice cream scoop contains the essence of the factory, but it is not the factory. Every raindrop embodies the essence of the cloud, but it is not the cloud, but every cloud embodies the essence of evaporated water, but it is not the evaporant. Every drop of evaporant contains the essence of the river or ocean or stream or pond or spring or sea or... enough! But it is not the ocean and river... I dare not go through the list again... swill, swamp, brook, rill, branch, mislaid coffee mug, puddle.

“So you see, the parts contain the essence of the whole, but not the whole. Ponder that, and if you make sense of it, get back to me. Because too many assume that holistic means the same. And remember, the building block of existence is not matter nor energy, but information. So, the knowledge in each of All is not the same as the being of each in All and All in each.

“But the intimate connection of All does not depend on similarity, but on awareness. I leave that as a mental and spiritual biscuit... grrrrr.” (1/ 27/2014 - I#210)

“Peeps have such a hard time getting beyond the physical. For example, I talk about circles and spheres, but I am not talking about your circles and spheres, but about some sense of things that is a notion like circles but not circles, and like spheres but not spheres. Otherwise, I would not be able to communicate.

“Ok, let’s say we want to make a movie. ‘About Popo?’ No, not about Popo. He’s with Waldo, out for a walk in Atlantis. So, I want to make a movie about how it is here. So, I can’t show bodies and I can’t show things and I want to communicate. Would I have a blank screen–white or black, both would be wrong because both are physical realities. But if we decide to go with black but periodic bursts of color, and for the soundtrack seemingly random sounds which sometimes harmonize into a discernable sound, and then say that the frames of the movie could be randomly played, because time is not sequential... oy. I can imagine the reviews–especially when we later reveal that the message contained was the starting sentences of all the great religious scripture as communicated spiritually. So there would be many. And people could debate forever which frame meant what, and some would argue that the higher-frequency portions must be the Christian ones.

“So, the meaning would get lost. So we have to use allusions, metaphors, analogies, or else you get this strange screen thing. And then we mention if the bulb fails or the speakers quit, it is still communicated (I think I have the SP installation for the Bienniale), and trying to figure it out, when it was meant to be experienced, not explained. So, after the screening, people have an option to attend a second experience called Unpacking the Film, in which they are told the meaning will be revealed. They can choose to go with just seeing it, or onto the second offering. It would be this: They would line up in front of individual doors that open to chambers for one person each. The doors would shut, the title would flash on 45 seconds, then all goes dark and each room is in total isolation and darkness. After about 10 minutes, the sign flashes on, saying ‘Thank you. This completes the explanation.’ Another door on the opposite side opens, and people exit. It would divide up those who thought their cubicle was broken from those able to get spiritual. And still, some would objectify the experiences.

“Try to take what I share and see what it evokes in each person, and all of it is YES.” (5/23/2014 - I#211)

“When communication is idea-based rather than voice-based, we sense the source by content as much as anything else–and not content like you know it, but the total package. So, if one is mirroring others, it is like they are not here. Trying to find one’s own voice.

“Show a movie of a great dramatic scene, and then have amateurs act it out, and most will act like the film until they get into character. They think they need to convey the lines, but actually it’s lines and character and the arc of action–the whole package, as it were. Many radio actors were amazing, and amazing flops on the stage, and vice versa.

“So, newbies often start trying to fit in, and then they discover they need to stand out or else they get lost in the shuffle. So, pretty good pith for the season.” (6/22/2014 - I#212)

“You ask how spirits can whisper. They mask their communications in a cloud of other information, and the other information is emphasized. Not! at a higher frequency.” (8/11/2014 - I#213)

“It is not about physical stuff, but about the barriers of spirit and physicality that are erected and protected. And a search for a physical causality of spirit is a form of defense, not exploration. Unpack that one.

“To explore physical paths to spirit is a good way to avoid exploring spiritual paths to the spirit.” (8/11/2014 - I#214)

“Greetings, Earthlings. Hello aliens. Hey guys, what’s up. And so the greetings flow.

“Greetings are the tentacles of connection--the act of reaching out of self. What do spiritual greetings look and feel like? ‘Hey, babe, how they hangin’.’ CT. ‘You asked!’ I didn’t ask about spirits’ greetings, I ask about spirit greetings. Listen for the possessive ending. It’s not all about you. ‘I know that. You keep telling me it’s about you!’ Right... woof. And him... grr. It’s all about him! ARF.

“A spirit greeting is an openness to possibility not already experienced. At each level of complexity the actual greeting is different, but the underlying sense is ‘Hi, I want to know what you are.’ As simple as that: An openness to the possibility that there is more than you know and are, and the more is in concert with what you and the other could be. Could be, might be, possibly, potentially–a reaching out, exposing an entity to another. Nothing quite like it at the human level... not quite, close but no cigar... woof. You don’t smoke! Ffff. Dogs smoking. Think of dog breath after a night of cigars. Sorry, poocho.

“Yes, it is possible for humans to do this, but usually they only reach out from the known, not the unknown. It’s a trick of spiritual evolution to feel comfortable in greeting by being radically vulnerable. We think names suffice, or titles, or such crap. Try this at the next social occasion: ‘Hi. I’m pondering if this existence has intrinsic or extrinsic meaning.’ See.” (8/27/2014 - I#215)

“Essence--which includes values, attitudes, and other qualities. ‘Are you compassionate’ is much more meaningful than a name. Who denotes wanting to place another in an array; what is an opening to placing one in a matrix of connection.

“It has to do with dimensions. But to ask ‘Who is you?’ is racist. Your momma’s so dumb Disney used her for a model for Goofy. Your momma’s cooking reminds me of the army; a real mess.

“It is true, but folk don’t know it. They could know it; no inherent barrier to knowing other than self-ignorance... or elf-ignorance. Hey. ‘Hi hi hi hi hi.’ See.

“The inability to ask questions that go beyond evident answers is a barrier. The unanswered question is the greatest portal to spiritual development. ‘And criminal development.’ CT. Oy. I say we criminalize some spirit. ‘Can’t handcuff me!’

“So, that’s what I meant. So there! And it is not a matter of smarts, or even being a professional in a related field. This is not theoretical. Ever watch higher-math people try to divide up a lunch tab? I rest my case. It’s a spiritual exercise. Exercise your right to be spiritual. We need a Spiritual Bill of Rights: No funny asides to Robert, no one can be called ‘The Amazing,’ we shall each be safe from possession, the right to arm bears... grrrr. Ok, we’ve rambled sufficiently.” (8/30/2014 - I#216)

“The complexity of information relies on the openness of sources.” (10/1/2014 - I#217)

Spirit is very different from physical. Qualities matter. Remember the old damning phrase, ‘He or she has a nice personality.’ Well, here it counts. Having your spiritual act together, being whole, is more attractive than being beautiful. And guess what, it holds up in time--only gets better. You have a quality in the living which is close: integrity. That’s wholeness of a sort. Put integrity with sustainable spiritual energy and you have it–held together without the need for outside artifice.

“Yep, that’s what we look for. ‘Wow, look at the values in her.’ ‘Nice pair of virtues.’ It’s so different, and yet every spiritual tradition has taught this as a desirable model. And then the masses don’t try to be this, but try to adore those who do.

“In the shortness of time, the cheek mole of the 18th century is the facelift of the 21st--fading fad. But a person with spiritual integrity is always revered, even if not emulated or even treated well.

“We know it, not sense it. Remember, info flows as awareness because we don’t got them senses. Senses are physical, awarenesses are spiritual. Don’t need no texts; we just know. And if there’s any hint of doubt, we don’t know. And you know I don’t know you know.” (10/27/2014 - I#218)

“Sometimes a chip shoppe would open up, and provide such speedy service. But then, one Monday they wouldn’t open, and the shoppe would be empty and the people would talk for decades about that chip shoppe on the corner. Just about when one closed in Leeds, another would open in Newcastle, and so forth. It was a trick of the memory and perception... or was it? Some shoppe owners would say, even years later, they could smell chips frying. The itinerant graveyards were never quite the success. Usually they’d built grand gates and a long boulevard, but after just a month or two, there would be no one there. Have to bury your own.

“The mingling of the planes of reality–which is why everyone remembers some source of pleasure which can’t be found any longer. Like the video store down by the tracks. Gone. We think everything physical is at least semi-permanent. Not Pergament; they were not so permanent. Like everyone in a neighborhood remembers a certain neighbor, but no one remembers when they moved in or left. ‘O,’ they say, ‘I remember her. I wonder what ever happened to her.’ And nobody knows. The fabric of community is more permeable than we like to imagine... is it like or can? Can. We impose a continuity because we can’t imagine the alternative. If we can’t explain it, we don’t buy it.

“Want to drive a sleeping car porter nuts. At a station before your destination, walk up to coach, put on a hat and a coat and glasses that no one has seen, and exit the train, leaving your room empty except for one change of clothes hanging up. They will never get it. No one will see you leave the train, but the room will still look occupied. But where is he? ‘Hey, boss, I lost a passenger.’ ‘Now, George!’ I couldn’t resist.

“Here’s another social dynamic: More people have been to places that no longer exist than ever went there. 14 million weren’t at Woodstock.” (11/22/2014 - I#219)

“For spirits, we are very sensual. Just the trick of sensing without senses. And once more, she drops a big one and then tries to flee into banalities. Hi.

“Ok, senses that are physical are the modes of sensing the physical, but there are other senses to sense in other modes. I stroke you softly with my words, is an example. Here, without sensory organs, we sense what needs no organs. Rather, we detect and interpret as meaningful certain qualities, which is the same as physical sensing. We detect and interpret as meaningful. Doesn’t that describe sensing of any kind?

“So, to discern the emotional content of an exchange requires the ability to detect and interpret the emotions involved. So, just because one is not physical doesn’t mean that one is not sensing. And wait until you get a load of how else to sense when you don’t have the old standbys.

“Information in the physical is considered data, but what about the many other modes–none of which can be adequately portrayed to y’all over there. Information as data is only part of the whole that is information.

“I try an analogy. Get out an old picture. Ok, data could be the crystals that make up the image; or the data could be who, when, where in the photo. ‘O look, it’s cousin Bessie. That was at Walt’s retirement party over on Queens Boulevard. That place is not there anymore. O, do you remember their lentil soup! I tried and tried to get the recipe, but never did.’ Now where in the photo is the lentil soup recipe. Nowhere. But the information is there in a non-data way. Threads of information, which are gossamer wings of meaning, born not of being but of meaning. Whoa! Ponder it.” (12/9/2014 - I#220)

“The spatial dimensions of spirit are not the same as physical dimensions. So, the spiritual realm can seem the same as the physical but also totally different at once. The fact of dimensions is the constant; the experience of the dimensions is the variable.

“So, a spirit might speak of time because that is a dimension, but here it means something quite different from there. Don’t ever assume that because the same concepts are being cited, that the experiences are the same.

“See, I can be serious and profound... and even provocative.

“So, all the centuries of talk about Heaven as if it were an elevated Earth is both right and misleading. It assumes the perceptions apprehended in familiar terms are the same as what is being described.

“It might seem the same, but it isn’t. Sandy is referred to as 'a dog,' but he’s not really a dog. He’s Sandy. Were he there with you, he might appear to be a dog, but he’s not. Here he is quite different... grrrr. How can you metaphorically describe metaphors... or petit fours.

“Everything is always translated. Even the originals! There is mediation between cause and effect, between object and observer, between the event and the meaning. Just be aware of that.

“You think you can handle the truth? No, you can’t because direct connection will mean you are subsumed into the other. Yes, you can, but you stop being. You stop being you. Hey dudes, there are boundaries, or else everything becomes homogeneous mush.

Meaning requires differentiation, but not necessarily difference. Two equal thingies could differentiate in different ways but still stay the same. Ponder that.” (12/16/2014 - I#221)

Perception is perception, and reality is much larger and more inclusive. Scientifically, reality is Newtonian and Einsteinian and Quantum and so much more--two theories to be decided later, part of a big trade. We traded determinism for relativity and got two new theories to be discovered later. And in all of the theories, the Cubs lose. There is no probably field for them. But they are cute. Little bears running around.” (12/20/2014 - I#222)

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Last Update: 11/16/2016
Web Author:
the Rev Dr Randolph and Elissa Bishop Becker, M.Ed., LPC
Copyright ©1999-2016 by the Rev Dr Randolph and Elissa Bishop Becker