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It is coming into a
crucial time for the world. And anyone who thinks it is
only about Merica dont know their A
from a hole in the ground. This is global, and anyone who
puts country first... dont know rock and
roll... CT!... is a relic of a nationalistic past,
and probably has the
scars to prove it. Vote locally, think globally. The era of castles is over. So think about a world more united than divided. Think about an airline more United than American. CT! He is so cute. (10/18/2008 - R#108) Everybody dresses up and tries on another plane. The wise know the difference between costume and clothing; the unwise dont (Mission Accomplished). And she! thinks shes up to the job. Sure, right... and I can see Paradise from my house. Well, I can! And the far right are grooming her for 2012. Good. It will be a self-destruct program, which will push moderates in the other direction. And its the modern equivalent of the KKK: Doing some bad, but making good people speak and act. And then the Rapture will come and they will all leave, and we will have Heaven on Earth. The Rapture will take away the bad and leave the rest. Wont they be surprised. And they will get to have eternity with their worst fears, because they are people of fears, not faith. (10/25/2008 - R#109) If people would only know that sharing energy is more powerful than getting energy. In the long run, those who share have much more influence than those who threaten and demandgrease the slicks rather than grit the ways. (3/12/2009 - R#110) So, my man gets the gold! Hey, its time to recognize direction and attitude, vision and values. Thats why he gets a peace award, he didnt do anything... like attack. Hasnt put anyone down, called anyone a person beyond conversation... except for him. No, not even him. O wow. Asks why and how, not how much can we get away with. Yep, so there! Some people dont know the difference of leadership by might, and the belief that right makes might. Sometimes being on the right page is all that history requires. So we are glad. (10/9/2009 - R#111) And now, the Serious Corner: Existential angst is the product of encountering intersecting strands which are not dominant in ones perception of ones reality. We are never anxious about what we believe to be part of our matrixeven the so-called bad parts. But anxiety arises when we experience what is not considered part of our matrix, or even when its rippled wave forms suddenly appear in the midst of familiar waters. One is not existentially anxious about sharks until one is swimming and sees an unexpected fin. And when its in your swimming pool.... Such is existential angst. Serious enough? (10/16/2009 - R#112) When babies fall asleep and look like theyre in la-la land, they are creatively using the experience to integrate their component elements into a personality. More on that later. They are doing the mirror image of what we help spirits do here. We unpack and they pack--getting their act together. Not in a dream state, in a reality state.... or a right to work state. CT. A frantic state? MCP! Dont emulate CT. ARF. No no no no no, not a catatonic state, and dont you start up, too... grrr. Oy. (2/23/2010 - R#113) About the bambinos. Remember how much energy it takes to be physical. Lots! So, this migratory spirit finds itself trapped and expressed with this little inept body, and has to figure out how to survive--which means how to choose to use energy. As a baby, its easy because people feed you and clothe you and hug you, and you get to sleep mucho. But in time, they stop supporting you and leave you to your own devices. And so, over the years, you trade insights and understanding for competence. But then later, when you are older, you dont need as much energy to keep up the act, and then you seem to know more and we call you wise... or dead. CT. But its just reclaiming some that was put aside to be physical. So, babies are struggling with the distribution of energies. And early education is an attempt to set the pattern of this use. But if some of early education is permissive and even playful, then the dimension unseen will be retained. It isnt really about becoming adult; it is about becoming. Adult is just one cultural option. So thats that, until I want to say more. Eventually, personality becomes meaningless, as differentiated spirit is submerged in larger inclusion. Grace in action. Existence is graceful. (3/6/2010 - R#114) Lets talk about intersections: points of change where different energies mingle, and therefore it takes energy to keep them all identified. Its not the change that is the challenge, but the sorting out of the energies. See, a person is on Plane A. Suddenly Plane B intersects and we have all the angles (AB, BA, BAB, ABA, etc.), and the energy gets mixed and you have to sort it out. And even if you stay on A, you need to be sure you only have A energy. Usually that cant happen, but peeps waste energy trying. Usually, those staying on A bring a little of B along, so now it's Plane AB, and there is also a Plane BA. And, even if you are welcoming the planar transition and desire to go from A to B or B to A, you still drag some of the old energy along. And sorting that out takes energy, which is why folks find change so hard... and especially for parking meters. Things change, but nothing is ever left totally behind. (3/18/2010 - R#115) Times they are a-changin. But remember, the changing of the planes falls... no no no no no... releases great energy, and the trick is not to waste it on responding to the negative energy but to build new positively. Seize the opportunities. And thats all I have to say! For now. (3/25/2010 - R#116) Question from an anonymous friend: Can and do some people have physical symptoms of subconscious "psychic" knowledge? I have been having anxiety attacks without me being able to pinpoint the cause. I usually find out after I have one though that something bad has happened to somebody I love. Course doctors want to put me on meds, but I refuse. I don't like the idea of taking pills that may alter who I am and if my suspicion is correct about it being "knowledge" that is not making the cross over to my conscious mind, it probably wouldn't help anyway. Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? Thanks so much for listening. No, her bad feelings are causing the bad events [joke]. But if her panic attacks are a result of contact with the larger energy fields of her connections, then she is experiencing a change in the force, so to speak. But it is less likely to be a specific event, and more likely that she is sensing that the whole field is a little edgythat others of her energy set are not settled. So, Aunt Marie has been worrying about Uncle Bob because hes off his feed, and that worry ripples out. Its not about Bobs ulcer, its about Maries worry about changes in Bob. And disturbed systems have many factors in them, but usually we only notice what we call negative. Anxiety could also be detecting the change of niece Sophie thinking she is at last pregnant, and its a good thing, but we have been acculturated to equate anxiety with threat. But it is as much about opportunity as threat. But we filter and only take note of the negative, because anxiety is not about the details, its about change and the unknown. So, she may be experiencing panic attacks not related to any specific thing, but only her sense that there are unknowns in what had been a stable field of relationship. Or not. But then, the universe might just be out to get her. Thats the way existence is: always trying to end itself. Sure, right. Remember, that is not so! We may not get what we think we need, but existence, in the long run, is here to hold, help, heal, and support our being. If not, the whole shebang would have shebanged long ago. (3/10/2011 - R#117) Ah, the perennial problem for physical beings: to talk, or think, in non-physical terms. Picture a blank canvas. Now take away the canvas. There! Its that simple. But seriously, try that sometime. Or this: Picture a ticking clock and its dial. Let the dial dissolve, and then let the ticking grow fainter and fainter. Theres the reality beyond time. Or, act like old people and young childrenhave an idea but it flutters away, or the words to capture it are missing. The physical world likes ideas trapped in theories and words. They like concepts made concrete... like sidewalks. CT, have you been sniffing model cement again. Wellll... If you can absolutely grasp anything--be it a rock or an idea--then you have just reduced it to the physical. And the worst form of physical capture is debate, because you not only have to capture it but also defend it. Everything defended and everything attacked becomes physical. Ponder that pith shit. The ultimate form of spiritual sharing is storytellingno need to prove. (3/22/2011 - R#118) Meanwhile, at the edge of the known dimensions, theres a stir. By looking quickly back and ahead, one can see a whole nother existence. Hmmm. You never see the alternative realities from dead center. Living on the edges offers the best view, but only if you arent fixated on the center. Now, what could Rikkity be talking about? I dont know. Yes, you do. In the present political climate, focusing on Washington is not going to reveal anything new... unless GW is changing his drawers. CT. I mean weve seen it all! Not me. O well. But look at the edgesWisconsin, even Florida, Arizona. Its there where the alternatives can be glimpsed. It wont start from the center. Never has, never will. Not a mistake that JC didnt come from Rome. The closer you are to the center of things, the less you can seeeven if you turn around to look, because so many behind you are still focused on the center. Get out on the edges and find folks who are working on making the edges ok, not on those who are planning their own trips to the center. Trying to get it right. Not to go national, but just to get it right. An ego trip you agree with is still an ego trip. Listen. If you hear us and them and I, but not we.... And those who speak of confronting rather than inviting: They are the problem, and its up to us to fix it. Sure. Right. The closer you are to the center of an atom, the greater are the forces that keep some pieces together and keep others apart. Ok. (4/12/2011 - R#119) Say hi to Mr. McPooch. ARF ARF. Ok, Sandy, bring them out... woof. You will observe that my canine assistant is rolling a small round bit of steel... or the spiritual equivalent. Next... woof... he is rolling out a large wagon wheel, left over from the community theatre production of Oklahoma... woof. Well done. Ok, lets get the rod, the small steel tube. Pretend it is an axle. So, look at the end of the axle. So, we have this little circle which, if it were traveling as an axle, would be just about where it is. Ok, now we get the wagon wheel... arfé. Take a look at what Sanford is trying to do... grrr. Someone help him, please. How about you. Sure. Ok, Sandy and TJ are putting the axle into the wheel at its hub. Now they are rolling the wheel. Notice anything? A piece of the wheels rim gets to a place before the hug... no, hub does. The axle is where you are, and a piece of the rim is ahead of you. But so, too, is a piece of the rim behind you. And as it rolls, the piece of rim that was ahead, slowly becomes the same as the center, and then becomes behind. And as you make the wheel bigger, the aheadness and behindness is greater. So, one could be tempted to focus only on where the axle is, but this would prove disastrous because by the time the hub got to the pothole, it would be too late. But if one keeps track of where the leading rim is and is heading, disaster can be averted. Thanks, guys. ARF. Anytime, my dear. So, heres a physical representation of the focus away from the center. Any well-balanced wheel will get its hub where it needs to go. But unbalanced and unheeded, it will bounce over the road of life dangerously. And if you have ever ridden in a vehicle with small wheels, you know the ride is less sure and smooth than one with larger wheels. Pushing out the edges actually smooths out the journey. Diversity will always be a smoother long-term passage than particularity. And the roughest of all is a focus only on the axle. So, theres the graphic to go with the previous PtoP. And heres the truth: The axle will go wherever the rim will take it. So focus on the rim. Because if the rim is not moving, the cart aint going anywhere. And it takes infinitely more energy to move the cart by turning the axle than it does by moving the rim. If not, the wheel would have been a stupid discovery. Look, Bob, we can put wheels on this and it will take lots more work to move things. I think I have said enough... for now. (4/16/2011 - R#120) I have seen bin Laden. Theres some of him there, and some there, and way out there, tooall good parts in themselves, but they will not be getting back together for a reunion tour. Finished, disassembled, taken apart. Not quite whole. And the parts add up to less than the whole. Huh. Yep. When you get a spiritual entity that cannot cohere without external energy, the whole is less than the sum of its partswhich is not what I said a moment ago. See. If you pile up two feet worth of sand, you should get a two-foot pile plus the reality of the pile that didnt exist separately in the grains. But if the grains of sand found a way to deflate into each other, robbing each grain of some of its potential, then the pile might be 1.95 high instead, and to be 2, it would need to take something from somewhere else. And in his case, the pile was about .65. His components so disempowered each other to create a massive spiritual deficittoo big for anything to recompense. It wasnt about justice for what he had done, but to prevent even worse yet to come. Its like a nylon rug that always gives you static shocks. You can think that throwing it out is about payback, but its really about preventing the big shock that stops your pacemaker. Often, in anger we do what, in the end, serves our future more than ameliorates our past. We just dont realize it, but those with their acts together know in advance. So, the angry dance the victory dance in Times Square, while the more thoughtful and strategic act out of a perception of the future. One should never say should. But, it would be better if folks worried more about their own feelings, and less about the reactions of others. Heres a test: Are you concerned about how others are reacting? Direct inverse relationship to how well you know yourself. And a double-down inverse to how well you know your elf. Hi. Roderick, long time. Hi. Hi. Now I remember. Hi. So, thats enough. (5/5/2011 - R#121) Im sorry, this stall is occupied. I think they need a shit-in. Occupy all the toilets on Wall Street. Thered be no place to go. Theyd be pissed. Cosponsored by Preparation H. It is what we have been waiting for. TJ says its about time. He also said 'great vintage', but I digress. He thinks he started it. (Mufi: 'Meow.') Hes very busy, providing glue for disparate interests of change. So, we have the go-back crowd and we have the go-forward crowd. A choice, and which one is more promising. It is reminiscent of whether we keep the old interests in place while the common folk are denied, or we keep the common folk in place while the élite are denied. Time for pitchforks and torches, or writs and declarations and barricades in the 13th. 'Will you join in our crusade.' They should get a chorus to sing that at a cardboard barricade. (10/4/2011 - R#122) Occupied and occupied--as in, the occupied West Bank and the occupied Bank of the West... and many bathroom stalls say Occupied. Get 'Occupied' stickers, put over doorknobs, over electronic key slots in hotels. Remember the dude opposite Parliamentjust more of the same, or is that more of the shame. He camped out. No true democracy needs to worry about an occupation movement, so I guess.... The streets belong to the people, except for small chunks here and there. Interesting to watch from afar. So, what does it look like from here. A mess, such a mess... and those shoes. Actually, it looks well organized, without any sugar daddys. Networking! Words. And universal, not particular. They want a specific focus, but its about principles and values, not cases and arguments--next level up. Dont tell me 'what', tell me 'why'. And the corporate powers are bewildered because they think cause and effect, as opposed to principles and actions. Market research cant disclose ethical leanings. Market research asks 'what price will the public allow', and this movement asks 'what will the public accept'. Just enough nuanced difference to bewilderjust like Mr. Potter could never understand George Bailey. And ask the Founding Fathers which side theyre on. Im here! Hey, if we could do Valley Forge for the winter, Wall Street is a piece of cake... or at least a good bagel. We occupied a few houses ourselves. (10/7/2011 - R#123) We do have a democracy, and the people are claiming it. Cant have democracy without turmoil and, after 2001, people tried to avoid turmoil and messiness and this is where we got to. Turmoil avoided is systemic pressure internalized, until the mechanisms of control deny the very qualities they are intended to protectjust as the mechanisms (the coping mechanisms) of grief keep many from healing and wholeness. I spoke the other dayor decadeabout walls. Thats what I mean. A wall protecting democracy creates a prison. Put that up on your bulletin board with lace edgings. A sampler for the 21st century. Its not like we resolved everything in 1776. We just started a new round. The revolution is an attitude, not an event. So dont despair, just be present to the trying times which are now. Democracy is process, not content. Sometimes it is in the booth and sometimes in the street. And watch out what you wish for. The same laws which protect against terrorism, protect against citizenship. This is either a time of correction or a time of revolution, but it will not be allowed to be a time of suppression. I think Ive said enough. Spirit conspiracy laws might be invoked. (11/25/2011 - R#124) There is a release of energy so the combination can take place. A good combo produces energy in excess of what is needed to stay stable. An unstable combo takes in energy to become and continue to be. But a stable one, capable of moving toward greater complexity, has an excess of energy beyond the energy needed to be. So, a stable entity seems creative. "And while certain individualized elements of simpler existence appear gone, they are retained in the energy released. It is part of all existence, and so it is part of the entity and beyond the entity--given up, but not lost. Like a member of a stable culture gives energy into the whole, and can no longer claim it exclusively, but still can benefit from it. Thats benevolence. "Giving so some other entity can possess it is charity, but giving to the whole so all can benefit is benevolence. Stable, more complex entities are benevolent. Ponder that. (1/15/2012 - R#125) In Paris So, why does Paris have its energy? Is it a place on the globe, no. Is it higher frequency, I think not! But at some point in space and time and meaning, spirits of depth found themselves here together, and such a confluence of spirit attracts spirit. A new spiritual law: Positive spiritual energy--which is what 'abundance' is--in which the entities have more than enough energy to be sustained, will attract more such energy. But entities that do not have sufficient energy to sustain, actually repel each other. Hitler and Mussolini hated each other and used each other. Gandhi, on the other hand, supported those who were different but energized. He suffered fools lightly, but welcomed serious disagreement. So, Paris has always attracted energy. It grows on itself. 'What elf?' CT! Youre the elf. Here Elf is a gas brand, and youre an old gasbag. 'Ouch!' So, it is possible to have communities of energy, but not places of energya subtle but important distinction. And the community of those energized bubbles over for all. Just as some activities suck energy, and when those folk gather to do that, energy is sucked. Try military reenactments--everybody looking for something. If you go to give and experience, youll take more than if you go to take. A simple word in French is giving, as opposed to Give me a table and a glass of wine. Oui, madame, follow me. But if you ask, Is it possible to have dinner, ah. People in Key West come to be part of the scene, or to partake of the scene. Again, subtle but important distinction. If you are merely a spectator, then you are taking. Accidental tourists take, and avoid the fabric of the community. A place of energy is always a place with people living lives intertwining. Many 'aha' moments. When connections are so evident, they need comment. So, dont look for places to go, look for places to be. And, if you didnt get it, any place can be the place! (10/2/2012 - R#126) Keep musing about energy of community more than place. And why the Jews had more energy in the desert than they did in Jerusalem. Community more than place. 'Next year,' which is better: in Jerusalem or in connection. And it is never about Paris, but about what happens in Paris. (10/4/2012 - R#127) There are givers and takers. Givers emit energy, and takers suck. FDR was rich and a giver. Ben and Jerry owned a business. Stalin was not rich nor a business man. Abe Lincoln was a lawyer. Jeremiah was a bullfrog... and a good friend of mine. In fact, in these days, a calm presence about the issues will decide more undecided voters than any hysterics. A simple I believe the president is an honorable person and a capable leader of our nation in these times, and I would appreciate your voting for him. Thats all it takes. Arguments drive people away. And if someone is not sure, they may skip voting totally, but the odds are good that if they actually faced a ballot, they would vote for the president. Magic underwear not withstanding. CT wears magic underwear. I do not! I dont wear any. O, too much info, deary. I dont have a body. O, I forgot. Then what are those socks. Nevermind. It is a strange time, as energies mingle. Change is in the air, but continuity can be change. Ponder that. A second term of a visionary pragmatist. If he did all that in a first term, what would a second get done! Equal marriage rights for the dead... woof... and dogs. Picture where energies meet. Is it an eddy or is it a clash of straight lines. Usually, its more of an eddy, with the forces propelling the other one out of its intended path, but in doing so, taking itself out of its intended path, too. We circle the possibilities. The old We will head them off at the pass means we dont confront directly. So, all social progress is oblique. People think that other than a clear win is a defeat, but the deflection of direction is often better than a defeat. Losers like to get sore and get even, but the deflected just become confused and dissipated. (10/21/2012 - R#128) You can only have homeless in a culture which makes homes normative. And so, spirits are all homeless. Aint got no place to call my own. Always everybody around. And we like it that way. Why are places to sleep called 'dorms' at universities, but 'shelters' for the homeless. And why do you study in places named for sleep--dormitories, not studitories. Ponder that. (11/13/2012 - R#129) If it adds, its good. If it demands, it sucks. Terse. (1/16/2013 - R#130) The patterns of activity that point their way to fulfillment may be tiring, but not exhausting. And the patterns of which they are a part will bring more lasting energy. (2/9/2013 - R#131) Remember, love is more... 'than a second-hand...' no no no, CT. Love is more about connection than about anything else--building something more complex from the strength and the needs beyond ones elf. 'Hi hi hi hi.' Everyone needs ones elf. Get your elf-satisfied feeling, ahhhh. (2/14/2013 - R#132) Would we know the state of grace were it to appear? Since it has and is, I guess not. We need an awakening--not about content, but about process. And people focus on mistakes. The world has become a culture of criticism, not construction. If you want something to be otherwise and you could do it, then why complain instead of doing it. First shoot all the lawyers... then the editors, and then the pundits. When did you last hear a pundit with a good pun? I dont mean to criticize, but.... I could pun them under the table. Woof. And ditto for dog. (8/26/2013 - R#133) We are always fighting the last skirmish. They lied and we believed them and got burned. Now they tell the truth and we dont believe them, and so get burned. Why didnt we intervene sooner in Germany and Somalia and Eritrea. But now, Dont intervene. Just the usual mess. And no one praises anyone for needless deaths, and no one praises anyone for taking action. Maybe Congress can debate the excise tax on rubberbands, along party lines. Or vote to vote on the process on voting and refer it to committee. Mr. Speaker, I rise in objection! Our government has overreached its Constitutional authority in regulating fish oil supplements. And meanwhile, in Syria.... How about they blow up the armaments of both sides. (8/30/2013 - R#134) "Listen carefully, you can hear the last gasps of the Tea. But people in the throes of dying can suck energy bigtime. "Picture a family bedside. In one scenario, they are wailing and crying and sobbing and screaming, Dont go! Its too soon, etc. They all stand around screaming, "Etc., etc., etc." ' Good one, CT. In another room scenario, the family tearfully says goodbye, and thanks the person for all theyve been and done, and then leave. No etceteras. Not only is life better, but so is death. We get so many here who recount how hard the living were during the transition. "So, dont put the Tea on life support. Just act like theyve gone bye-bye. And stop arguing with them. And drive them crazy. Ask if theyd like a cuppa or would rather drink Kool-Aid. Shut down the government. 'This hot dog tastes great.' Dump Obamacare. 'Nice weather, eh? Did you see the game last night?' 'Im serious!' 'So was the 4th inning. Wow! And I watched it eating my dinner. What a great hot dog.' Absurdity met with the Theater of the Absurd, even on FB. You know that trolls can be undone by fools, but with beneficience, not maleficence. Troll to be bad, fool to be good. Groucho... actually more Harpo." (10/6/2013 - R#135) Heres my problem: Can I have an evil plan with CT involved. Because true evil takes intelligence. If I understand that, I might be offended. Are you saying evil is a perversion of the human capacity for thought? Yes, I am suggesting active agency which believes that it is superior to the understandings of others. I now tread on dangerous ground. If an Israeli throws a rock over the wall into Palestine because a Palestinian dog is barking... ARFK (Arabic)... thats just not nice. But, if the Israeli claims the Palestinian dog cant be there because God said so, thats evil. It takes some smarts to figure out ways in which you can differentiate so you are superior. And geniuses--or actually, those who think they are geniuses--do this well, but not good. Bad things happen, but evil is created. And now, some evil: CT and Sandy dancing. Both think they can dance. I rest my case. (11/9/2013 - R#136) Seasons are not all they are cracked up to be. Survival mentality is a form of scarcity thinking, in which the limited amount of the positive is seen as balance to the overwhelming adversity. Just ponder those who make virtue out of adversity: Gods way of testing you shit. Or the You wouldnt appreciate this if you didnt experience that. Yellow snapper over some jasmine rice with a subtle sauce of shallots and white wine wont taste as good if you havent had gefilte fish. No. The best things are not comparative. Freedom does not require captivity to feel good. Rights are not defined by their absence. A good donut just is. And the positive cant make up for the negative. (5/26/2014 - R#137) The old man was standing in the desert, and he felt a rumble under his feet. He knew a great quake was coming right where he stood, but to his left was a land he had left and he didnt want to go there. To his right was a land that lay in shadows and he didnt know it, and so he didnt want to go there. Behind him was a land that he could have seen if only he would have turned around, but he didnt want anything or anybody to turn him 'round. And in front of him for as far as he could see was uncharted territory, and that frightened him to his core. And above him lay all the lands of hope and faith, but his fears kept him from looking up, until the ground opened and swallowed him up because he waited until he could find the perfect direction to go, which in the end was any direction. (9/15/2014 - R#138) Picture a field. It is filled with loose dirt, potholes, and your assignment is to build something worthy. So, do you fill the potholes or do you build a mound. Or even an Almond Joy. CT. Well, sometimes Im a nut. Sometimes? I remind us of this image on the eve of elections. Never use the vote to avoid the badthe potholes--of the political world. Always use them to build something. It is always better to be constructive, even if in vain, than to be merely corrective in fear. Thats my election PtoP for this year. If you always vote out of fear, the past will reign. Vote out of vision, and the future might have a chance. Im done. (11/3/2014 - R#139) Is it a wake-up call, or a time of reflection and recommitment to the principles of democracy... or is it just a mess. Too comfortable is never hopeful, until there is a paradigm shift. And you wont know until after it happens. Or you could just despair. So, chalk it up and move on. The 3rd inning of the 4th game of the 38th Series is history, and going over it wont change the outcome, but it sure will take and waste energy. Look for the black storm clouds over DC... no no no no, CT. "Vision and values. Keep on truckin. And keep on the spiritual sharing. The person most needed in the bottom of a pit is not the person with the shovel, but the person who thinks we can get out of the pit. Might not even take a shovel, might just take a rope, or standing on each others shoulders. But watch out for those who advocate levitation. Magical thinking is not the solution (that someone is the savior). (11/7/2014 - R#140) |
Points to Ponder Menu
Update: 11/15/2016
Web Author: the Rev Dr Randolph and
Elissa Bishop Becker, M.Ed., LPC
©1998-2016 by the Rev Dr Randolph and Elissa Bishop Becker