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Learning and Remembering
"Now, Step 8: party... oops.
There is a reward. "Step 4. Ok, let's recap: 1, values; 2, personal assets... or 1, personal assets and 2, values, since life is not linear either. 3: wait and wait and wait... round up the usual suspects, they'll be waiting. And then choose action--what you will do. "So, for example: Mom, you are skilled in writing and you value gap-toothed aardvarks. You ponder that, and decide you will organize an international writing campaign for orthodonture for aardvarks (to create gaps, of course). Dad, you silver-tongued orator who values sloth, you would slowly ponder, and then speak out in defense of the slovenly. Get it. Match talents to values, Step 4. And yes, there are Steps 5, 6, 7, and, o yes, 8. More on that later... or sooner... or now. "5 is focus. When you know what you are doing and why, and it matches your skills and you've thought about it, focus on it. Don't play the waterfront, don't spread yourself too thin... not to mention your elf. So if you are focusing on aardvarks, don't get all a-twitter about terns. So, seriously, if the point is A, don't get distracted by B. Focus. And 6: persevere, persevere, persevere. Rome wasn't built in a day; it took 17 (Italian workers!). "So focus, persevere, and, 7: conspire. Make connections. You don't have to do it all, nor should you expect others to do yours. So, baboons are someone else's concern, but you could work on shared orthodonture. If there is a larger picture--which there always is--then conspiring gets you closer without your having to give up your choice or your focus. And then, when success comes, 8: party. "You don't have to go it alone, but you have to do it yourself. Ponder that. And watch the energy flow. When it looks like a shower, not a faucet, you are not focused. Don't get upset by everything, but get upset by something. Remember that it is the sum total of all, and not just your own sum total, that counts. And don't do Step 2 or 1 based on 4 or 5. VICTORY." (10/24/2003 - Y#81) "Remember Step 3: patience. Nothing of any lasting meaning is ever fully realized in a single lifetime, both for individuals and societies. People want Heaven now! when Heaven is the sum total of the infinite processes of becoming, and ain't happening this week, bubbie. Next week? No. Week after? No way, José. Last week of March 2056, naw. "Everyone wants quantum, when all each can give is incremental. But increments add up. It's like frequent flyer miles. You want to go to Europe: 50,000, so you start collecting a trip here and a trip there, and then one here again and one to Ashtabula and then Merced and then Milwaukee and a short hop to Tweed International Airport in New Haven and voilà, you've got 27,000... oops, not enough, so you fly more. And then, just before you hit the mark, 2 things could happen: You fly again and get to go to Europe. And which flight was it that got you there. The first? The last? The one to Ashtabula? Or, just before you hit the mark, your doctor says the earache you have means no more flying, sorry, tough luck. But then, was the prep meaningless? Did the prior trips suddenly become worthless? And then, what if you transfer your miles to your nephew and he goes on one trip, has enough miles, and goes to Europe and meets his sweetie--a real cutie of a guy from Amsterdam--and they hook up for life, and they adopt a kid who they raise, and she becomes a great international diplomat and helps peace break out. Were your trips for naught. And for the religious crowd: Did it diminish Moses because he never got to the Promised Land. "Don't be in an incessant hurry to get to the end, because the end doesn't justify the means nor even hinge on one piece or another. Do what you are called to do, as revealed by what you cherish and who you are. Nothing more is required. There is nothing you have to achieve and finish in life, but there is much you can work on. That's Rikkity's aphorism for today." (10/28/2003 - Y#82) "Why do people fear horizons and what's on the other side. Ponder. "We fear the known and project that because we would live in terror if we admitted that, so we claim the known, and fear the unknown as a compromise. That's why even when the unknown is known, we still fear. You would think knowing the unknown would help us relax, but it doesn't. Get it. Maybe this spiritual level is about anxiety, and learning to live beyond it. Just a thought from a mindless spirit." (12/6/2003 - Y#83) "We gotta do what we gotta do. Hey, there's a test: How many people have any sense that there's anything they gotta do. Too many are too passionless. Too many think faith is what keeps you from doing bad things. But no, it is best when it is leading you to good things--things which, when you do them, fulfill you spiritually. "He called it bliss, I call it passion, some say the way; it's all the same. It's when you live such that you feel you are on the cutting edge of existence. We all gotta do what we gotta do... or else we come back and gotta do it some more. So why not now! And yet, so many say they'll do that later. But with an infinite later, they'll never do it. "So, it's a simple test: Are you doing what you are here to do. And that's not all serious shit, either: relaxing when we have to, sleeping, dreaming, laughing, making love, making lives--all as important as all the tasks we think we need to do for others. So, right now I'm gonna lie down in the sun and sip... moooo." (1/26/2004 - Y#84) "Not doubt, but question. Questioning is not doubt. If doubt is the shadow of faith, then doubt would be another absence of questioning. Questioning is more like opening a window in the firm wall of faith. You don't want the wall to fall down, but you want a better view. "Doubt is thinking there is no wall that can stand. And in the midst of destruction, you don't get many grand vistas. Ah, the new Grand Vista: 6 cylinders of power... and room for 10 if they are the size of MCP." (2/6/2004 - Y#85) "Sometimes, when the going gets rough, you have to energize and rev up--meet the circumstances with vigor. But sometimes it's better to chill out and let go and allow the spirit to get a real sense of itself. Reaction can be good or not; proaction can, too. But no action can also serve... or not. "When we step back... ARF... or fall back, we allow ourselves and the universe to set the stage, and not the circumstances. And if one believes that the universal is transcendent of the particular, then a longer view is better. Now, if CT were drowning out there in the surf, it would be no time for contemplation. But in the absence of a crisis, contemplation can be the wisest action. "Too often we rush to the alarm bell with fire hoses drawn, only to discover the problem is a cat up a tree... grrrrr. So there we are with a hose but no fire, and a cat but no ladder. Not everything is urgent, and that which is not urgent is usually harmed by urgent actions. So slow down... arrrrf... stop... f... pause... rrf?... no, pause! "I have often said the truth resides in the cracks between the facts. So, too, eternity is found in the time between the seconds, and the universe in the space between the elements. So chill, relax... o yes. "The choices is between jumping and standing, but both are actually motions--one is just slower... muucchh slloowweerr. You need to ask 'Is this an emergency.' If so, act; if not, ponder. And if you find that a great portion of things feel or seem to be emergencies, you've got a problem of perspective or a delusion of your worth. No one is called to fix everything, but everyone is called to fix something. Get either side of that wrong, and you'll make a mess... and lose yourself in the process. "The motion to act will become as certain as needed with a little inaction... except if CT is drowning. "Those who say you have to act NOW, just want to use your energy and not your thoughts and intuitions. Follow the energy! Is it focused, deliberate, and energizing. If not, wait until what you feel called to do does fulfill those qualities." (2/24/2004 - Y#86) "You can embody a value; you can embrace a value; you can incorporate a value. But you can't encompass a value--always bigger than a physical container. Keep pondering... rot those brain cells." (3/5/2004 - Y#87) "If you are looking for yourself outside yourself, you might miss yourself. And if you look inside yourself only, you might not see yourself; for we only see in relationship, not in profile. And if you expect the universe to give you a portrait of yourself, it will probably be with you holding numbers under your chin. "Others are quick to tell us of our failures; we need to be aware of our insights, because often our insights don't spill out... but it's ok if your insides don't spill out. That's what skin is for. Thick-skinned people think they protect their innermost selves, but they also keep their deepest insights from being shared. "Be like a permeable membrane, but only if you have a good sense of self. Barriers are needed only where identity is weak. Truly strong identities--which reflect empowering entities--never violate boundaries because they don't need to go robbing energy. "I need an energy bar... k.... grrrrrr. He's soooo cute. Can he keep me?" (5/18/2004 - Y#88) "Always look for the sum, not the parts. Many easy paths of easy steps lead to giant leaps at the end, while the harder steps evenly attain the summit." (6/2/2004 - Y#89) "I have been noticing that some people go to the website and say 'Sure, ok, but I want more.' Well, they're not going to get it! blech. Because... duh... they wouldn't get it if they got it. They want ultimate universal answers, like what one who is all with All would understand. They want to go from the middle of the deck right to the top. Hey guys, it's not about me telling you, but about you learning and remembering. And it's making a great assumption to believe that all us dead people know the universal ultimate answers. If we did, we wouldn't be dead, we'd be gone! And not out of here, but intensely into here. The answer is never out there, it's always right here. Look, see... no, not over there, here. Right here, next to the green thing with horns. Can't see it, well then you'll just have to look for it in your own way, and it probably won't be green nor have horns. It might look like CT... or me... or Sandy... or even you! "The secrets of the universe are never separate from you, and your growing complexity takes you closer to full embodiment of their understanding. Why do people always assume someone else is the messiah or the prophet or the buddha. I don't know. Well, neither do I, so there... and here. I argue with myself and lose, but I get in the last word. No, you don't. Yes, I do. "And others might know, but it is not what we will learn and dismember... oops, remember. 'Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket,' and you'll get burned... ouch! Look to yourself as the star of your constellation--one which gives light and hope, but which doesn't have larger meaning until seen in the context of other stars. The Big Dipper makes no sense if we look star by star. If we look for a Starbucks, they're on every corner.... mocha! So, there it is, folks. All you ever need... or not. "Asian cultures find learning this easier, but they are not a model for us. They don't get attached to what they learn. We just don't learn, and they don't get attached. Hard to remember, either way. Huh. If I were to seriously take or not as my mantra, I would never learn anything either, even as I learn little by investing myself in the experience of others. Damned if you do and damned if you don't... or not. Whatever." (6/25/2004 - Y#90) "And first, I want to apologize for him. So, I was going to tell you something vital, but what? You already know it all, but do you pay attention. The universe tells you. "There is nothing which I can say which would imply anything unnatural, or even supernatural. All I share is the very natural. You see, all your discoveries will always be limited to the natural. And one test of their validity is if others can understand them, too--not agree, but understand... which is not the same as standing under. "If anyone asks you to suspend belief, don't. They are asking you to do the unnatural, for what is more natural than using your powers of understanding. "We do not seek other worlds and other realities, we just seek this one more thoroughly. "Beware the supernaturalists. They envision their own world, not yours... and many are wacko. The heart of any real exploration is reality... or so I was told during my alien abduction. I abducted an alien and ate it. It tasted just like chicken... yum yum. And fried delusions on the side. Hey, hi, ho, hum. Here's my dog... arrrf. He's been eating an alien bone... aarrf...rrr... aarraarrbaarrrf. O sorry, but I already apologized for him... r. But did he have to do it on the ruby sandals (summer wear in Oz). "Pronouncement is not revelation. It has to be real to be revealed. Pipe dreams do not verify the pipe. It seems easy, but it's not, because their sense of the ordinary is not special enough. For example, peeps like to think of fairy godmothers who will--with a wave of a wand--make them ok, when the real path might take some work. Cinderella needed to say no to the stepmother, and free herself of subjugation. Do you really believe that, after the prince wed her, she wouldn't fall into the same resentful subjugated role with him. And damned if Sleeping Beauty didn't nap a lot, when all she really had to do was get up. His kiss wouldn't work come the next late night. But we love magic because it implies craft but not work. "There is magic, but it is contained in the ordinary world and work of learning. Remember when you really learned and remembered something, wasn't there a feeling of magic afoot--like long division, wow! And fractals! And death! With the ordinary so magical, who needs otherwise. Ok. "Their sight is so short, and they don't see the lives ahead--expedient, not prudent. In a world in which you think nothing will work, you allow yourself the delusion of promise. And for awhile, it works. (See reference to Great Escape.) And those whom you cannot understand, may well be elsewhere in their journeys to wholeness... or not. Remember the little engine: 'I think I can.' Lack of faith leads many to a surfeit of assumptions. Pith." (7/8/2004 - Y#91) "There is nothing new under the sun except understanding. Put that on my witty remarks calendar. But it's true! The possibilities are all there, but not until you can understand them. And you can only choose what you understand; otherwise, it's an imposition or an accident... or, in many cases, an accident waiting to happen." (7/18/2004 - Y#92) "When we get bods, we are not assigned--no big Soul Placement Bureau in the sky. And do we choose, no. Huh. Not assigned and not chosen, what's left? My favorite, and it's so random: random, because the lessons we need to learn and remember are spiritual, not physical. And until we are almost fulfilled at this level, there are lots of things to learn and remember. So it doesn't matter if you show up as a Brahmin in India or an itinerant carpenter in Palestine or a tribal chief in Arabia or a black orphan in Detroit or a wealthy farmer in Texas or a lonely guy in Vatican City. There's something to be learned in any incarnation. And since they are not sequential, hierarchical, and invariant, there is no right order. The universe is vast enough to offer us wisdom wherever and however and whoever we find ourselves to be. And when you are close enough to have only one lifetime of learning to remember and grow from, it won't matter which form you take, because you will have learned and remembered how to learn and remember from any experience. "At the first encounter with a spiritual level, you may take several lives before you get something you learn and remember as yours. But later, fewer, and at last, any would do and you need none because you are out of here! And I'm out of here. "Randomness does not exclude patterns. At the beginning of an incarnation, you might not see the connections, but later you can. Expansive spirits are evidence of this knowledge. Scarcity thinkers are early-timers, thinking there is only one of anything--one pattern, one life, one connection, one entity, etc.... one tunnel of light. Hey folks, it's a franchise!" (8/10/2004 - Y#93) "So, do we get assigned learnings. Do we choose. Yes, by our whole being, and what is not yet understood. We are assigned by our own lives. And we choose, in a sense, by what we have not chosen before. Get it. "Ok, you have a test with 50 questions, numbered 1 through 50... or 50 through 1. You, on Day 1, answer questions 12, 17, 19, 34, 46, 49. Ok, on Day 2 you are assigned, by your own prior actions, the questions that are left. Or to put it another way, you have chosen on Day 1 what you will do on Day 2, etc. Take a long series of lives, get in the middle, and you can't tell assignment from choice. So it goes... or not. "Back to the test: You look at question 1 and say 'huh,' and then 2 and 'huh,' etc., but when you get to 12 you go, 'O' and do it. Later you can deal with 1, and you may never look at 37 until much later. And trying to prep by reading about someone else's test is not much help. Qualities of life help, answers of life don't. "Infinite number of questions from which your life learnings are extracted. Your lives are your test, and someone else's is theirs. And then, to confuse it all, you could have the same questions as another, but with different answers. And remember! this is either an analogy or a metaphor. I am not! saying there is a test, or 50 questions. Am I implying it's all multiple choice? No, it's analogy, duh. Don't ever take spirits literally... or do so at your own peril. But seriously, you need 75 to pass... no no no no... 100. You are either fulfilled, and therefore ready, or not. "Life, time... Newsweek, Look, Mad... nothing and everything helps you. Wait, let's take this apart. You cannot exist separate from All That Is, and All That Is cannot exist without you in it, so All That Is offers your fulfilled self a place in the whole of it all. You--at each and every stage of spiritual complexity--have a place to fill. Hey, having a place to be is a great help! Otherwise, you're out of here. And the fact that there's a place waiting for your fulfilled self is the best offer you'll get. "All of your wholeness is aided by this promise, and it's not conditional--not on time or sequence or whatever. You have to do the work, but the inclusion is a given. I say that's a big support. And, of course, there's us guides, who remind you you have to do it for yourself. If I had a banana for each time a spirit asked me for an answer, I'd be the best friend of a gorilla... with fudge sauce. Ok, I wax ponderous... and I stop." (8/13/2004 - Y#94) "The toughest times for visions are times of insecurity. The times we most need vision are times of insecurity, when we don't or can't see options. One of life's little tricks: When you need it most, it's hardest to come by--like water on a desert hike. One of the learnings that needs to be remembered is how to focus on what's possible in the face of impossibilities. "Vision in easy times is like watered-down lemonade: somewhat pleasant, but not truly refreshing. But focusing vision in easy times helps us to know how at harder times. A team that can focus on the essentials when they're up by 40 points knows how and what to do when they're down. "And the more you try to level your focus across all times, the more you'll have vision as a resource in the tough times. Getting through a tough trough is thought to be rough, but only for those who have peeked at the peaks without full attention. Pith for sale, o pith for sale... deep pith, smooth pith, real pith for sale. "It's the same things and the same learnings, so just think how much easier it would be to do it when times are good and the fudge flows. We give a sigh of relief and become slackers--spiritual couch potatoes. And we've been given the crap about Job, etc., and think you've gotta be down to really look up. But hey, the view from the mountain top is always farther--even if the view from the valley is needed and inspiring. I go, I take my pith with me... I pithed off." (8/27/2004 - Y#95) "Pith: Whenever people look for titles and logos more than values and vision, watch out. You can't brand an idea. Ideas have a worth of their own. People try to impart worth to them, or exploit their worth for other purposes... or other porpoises. "No one can possess an idea. If it can be boxed and sold, it's a concept, not an idea. And don't ask about trends, fads, crazes. An idea is more fundamental. Ideas are the building blocks on which concepts sit... unless they are too close to the edge and fall off. "The universe is filled with wasted thoughts, but it is equally filled with the grand and awesome. Rasti say 'Be the idea, don't speak the idea.' And I say 'Dance the idea.' " (2/25/2005 - Y#96) "Ok, here we go... and we're back. Why is it that those most committed to spirit--as in soul--are the same least committed to giving spirit its life beyond the physical. They spend so much energy keeping bodies alive, and I can tell you bodies aren't all they're cracked up to be... although I had a great one. "Now, if we are going to try to focus on values, then we better ask: values for what? There are some great values which keep kings on thrones, and some which bring riots to the streets. Are these what we want. We need to value what leads us toward the fulfillment of our potential. Values for too small, or too particular, visions just won't do. "A value should never be stated without its objective. We value this because ______ or, We value this to ______. So one test of any value is to see it as a verb, and ask what its object is. You are the noun, the value verb, and then what. And don't be surprised by the expediency of most things stated as values." (3/19/2005 - Y#97) "Ok, a bad marketing idea: Clues for the clueless. Because the clueless can't tell clues from shit. The clueless need to be shown how clues can help and how clues work, and much more, and then clues might be useful. It's like the story of the people out in the wilderness who received an airdrop of things, and were so happy to get the food. Later, when they were again starving, the plane came by with another airdrop of tools and a note which asked 'How did the seeds do.' Clues for the clueless." (4/8/2005 - Y#98) "Values which are not made explicit are at best pernicious, and at worst, missing. And evident means thought, felt, lived, and expressed... or at least Parcel Posted (i.e., written will do, mutes included). Values should be so evident by some means of commonly understood expression, that no one will have any doubts. That's honest values. Anything less can become a tool or weapon. What we act from but do not express is our hidden agenda, which is a power play or manipulation. To act out of values, but to say 'I'll keep my values to myself'... or my elf... is manipulative at best, and at worst is a complex defensive mechanism to avoid any responsibility. I would rather deal with someone with no values than with someone who claims to be principled but I don't know how or what. And I and we and even they... but not him... are perplexed when those who claim honesty as a highest value want to keep values personal and hidden. I theenk not! "No value which is truly valued, and understood as having value, is ever afraid of the light of day or the dark of night or the fray of engagement. It's easy to create excuses for doing otherwise, but excuses are never values. "Right now, we have an interesting juxtaposition in your world. Those who are least certain of their values are acting most courageously with them, and it's because those who feel their values most strongly and centrally are acting like cowards. Sort it out! Now! Go! Do! Act! Speak! ARF! Good boy... arff." (7/18/2005 - Y#99) "Keep up the word, and the word is values. Nothing else matters, because good deeds done without walues are yust random acts. And yes, values without deeds are like fish without bicycles. So, carry on." (7/22/2005 - Y#100) "I'm learning all the time... which doesn't exist. So, does that mean I'm not learning or I'm learning everything? Not the latter and not the former. I learn what an entity at this level can, and then slam! Wall. I get hints, clues, intimations, and I can't get them. Like it's right on the tip of my tongue (which I don't have) and I can't say it. The verge... da verge... I'm on da verge of understanding. "You are actually closer to fulfillment when the learning slows down and the mysteries increase, because you are then on da verge. Ponder that. "Stupid heads think they are learning and learned. Big brains know they don't know it all, so there! Non-specific specifications of entity evolution." (7/26/2005 - Y#101) "People seem to be ok for a while, and then it dawns on them: 'O, this is scary.' Why, because it pushes the envelope--makes them have to choose between retreating and changing some basic assumptions. Just because they're scared, doesn't mean they don't hear! "Worry about the ones who aren't scared, because they aren't paying attention. Anything important is always a little scary. Otherwise, it would be familiar and known. "It's easier to not be scared by the untruths. Ok, that's the pith." (11/30/2005 - Y#102) I always leave breadcrumbs. As Alex Trebek says, all the Final Jeopardy answers contain clues to the questions. So, too, with moi. Look for the hints more than the facts. This is a pattern, not a report. And never forget that everything is a work in progress. (1/25/2006 - Y#103) "Whats the point of mind over matter, if matter is an illusion--the power of positive stinking. He fed the poor by telling them their realities were their choice. And if you cant control what happens to you, but you can control how you react, focusing on controlling what happens is a great way to avoid risking responsibility for your reactions. And then you are double down: You think you are focusing on what you theoretically can do, and not on what you can; so you fail twice: victim². Change that attitude, and the rest becomes easy. Ok, Im pithed. (2/17/2006 - Y#104) "Ok, awhile back someone there (no names) said they didnt think I was giving as much pith. And I just want to set the record obscure. Archeology: You get this stratum and its all new and full. And you analyze whats there and, after a while, Im waiting, Im waiting, you say, not much new here. And then you dig a little deeper, and suddenly: A new stratum chuck full of chuck bones (must have been a Groundhog Day ritual). And so it goes: stratum on stratum, layer on layer, crap on crap. So we have strings and strands and strata. We many have different layers, various strata... or, as we say, stratavarius. CT! Go pluck out your guts and make a bow. What, strings? Ooops. Pluck out your beard and make a bow. Now go. Ok, where was I. Beard, guts, violins, violences, layers, devils food cakes, birthdays, newness... thats it. There is always another level waiting, but you cant go there until youre ready. So sit back, ponder the latest. And remember, all physical representations are for the purpose of illustration, and do not imply factual physical reality. Read the fine print. (3/31/2006 - Y#105) "Now lets quiz the wonder dog... ARF. Sandy... ARF... what is the meaning of life. Woof woof snap. O, nihilism... grrr... existentialism... grr... realism... arf. Sit... woof. Me, too? Sure, ok. Its all an allusion. Life is just a metaphor, but its never a simile... I guess... or not. Like why? Because its not like anything else. But it can be sensed through reference to other things. So life is a bowl of cherries--delicious, but it has its pits. But it is not like a bowl of cherries because it doesnt have a bowl. If you try to expand your spiritual understanding by thinking what something is like, you dont expand. But if you sense what reminds you of this spiritual that, then you can expand because you understand that the spiritual is infinite. Everything can point to everything else in a system, but not everything is like everything else in a system. Sunsets may connect you to sunrises and to starry nights, but they are not the same. A starry night is not a sunset. Ok, ponder that. Compare and contrast. (4/23/2006 - Y#106) "You are not there to figure out here, but to figure out there. Dont skip grades. And then get where were going. The paradigm shifted and nobody took a reading, so its hard to get our bearings, and what the Founding Fathers thought is irrelevant... Hey!... to their situation... O. Illuminating, but not definitive... and certainly not split infinitive. Look for the signs and patterns. Try to fit the pieces into new matrices, not old ones. At the womans prison they had matrices. My matrices is lumpy. Lumpy was Wallys friend. Wally was an astronaut. His last name rhymes with hurrah. Hurrah for Captain Spaulding. 'One night I shot an elephant in my pajamas.' How he got in my pajamas is irrelephant... but I digress. Ok, put the old pieces in new matrices... did I mention the womans prison?... and then see the spaces for newnesses. But this is old wisdom. Dont put new wine in old wine skins... and dont put new wine in old winos... CT! Get it? You think the past lives are less complex, but maybe its just that the matrix has more dimensions, and the pieces known are the same... hmmm. It doesnt imply more complexity in experience, not until you learn and remember new pieces. Hey, a Devils Food cake in a Bundt pan is still just a Devils Food cake. But put in a tunnel of fudge and wow! Zits. Ok. (6/4/2006 - Y#107) "Nothing is certain but death and faxes <grin> . So, do you risk or play it safe. Your lives hang on the answer (spiritual lives). If it is something you desire and dont go for, you shut down the house of spirit. Sooo many get to the fork in the road and choose neither. Every time we opt for what our spirits tell us, we add a new layer of depth to our spirits--a sharpening of focus of a facet. Dull people have dull facets--the lines of identity get blurry. When we choose, we put things into focus. Ever notice how, once a choice is made, everything seems clearer? Thats the realization of this. So opt, decide, choose. Dont let things just happen. 'I am the master of my fate'... I am the captain of my rowboat... CT. But know that you are creating the life you will learn from. Much easier to learn from what is chosen than from what is imposed. I think thats enough. Pax Nabisco. (9/9/2006 - Y#108) "So, how many different planes of being are there: physical, spiritual, and ______? Heres a real stumper: Since numbers relate to physicality, the answer is not a number. Its not a word, but a perception, an idea, a notion... notions and needles, first floor. Just imagine what is beyond your ability to name and know--at least at this level. But amoebas cant name and know banana splits. They stall out about one scoop, since they have no experience above 1. So we have a ten-base math system, but three-toed sloths have a three-based system, and amoebas a one-based system... and LD, any system he wants. It is about numbers at a certain point, but not before or after that (using before and after in a totally incorrect way, but you know what I mean because thats where youse is). One of the reasons that some religions grow irrelevant, is that they use symbol systems, like language, which no longer apply. Hebrew was great thousands of years ago, but not now. And Arabic has no root for the idea of democracy. And Illinoisians have no word for mountain, and upland doesnt cut it. You can only truly experience what you have tools to name; the rest is speculative... I guess. So do you expand your edge of experience and look for ways to communicate it, or do you expand ways to communicate and see what experiences arise. Ponder that. Put it in a pot and simmer for 18 hours or until tender. Or to put it another way, can you force your body to digest a totally foreign substance, or does your body need to change so you can expand your diet. A sudden catastrophe, all normal foods are gone, who survives: those who adapt to whats left, or those already ready to digest whats left. Chicken or egg? Thats enough. (11/16/2006 - Y#109) "I was thinking about language. Ok, I wasnt thinking because I have no brain, but I was doing deductive exercises of sensation... or whatever. Take a word. Now, that word has an identity, but it also has a context. And it has an etymology with a provenance of other language bases. So amorous relates to love and to amo in Latin. And so it could be I am feeling amorous now or it could be I dont give a damn how amorous you feel. Get lost. And it also has side relations to other languages, such as amore... When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, thats amore... and amour. And just as it is related to those, they also connect to the strand of amo running through history. But sometimes words in different languages are not from the same root. And sometimes they are just freaks of appropriation. Just figure how the word internet could get into Hebrew, but it has. Just an illustration of strands and strings and relations and patterns and evolving entities. Theres a reason we speak in this way, because language mirrors reality. We cant see what we dont have language for; true, but we cant make reality with made-up words. Newspeak will only last a short time. Just a Moo ramble. Ponder it... and why Ponds soap is so good for your complexion. Can you put Ponds Cold Cream in the microwave. People in different linguistic strands. So, you can think more like someone who speaks Spanish than Chinese, but less so than one who speaks British... and Cockney, guv ot dont give us no botta, mon. Language, over entities, is more determinant than race. (11/23/2006 - Y#110) "Entities are not physical. The universe is just one big idea... or not. Maybe its 1.37. We are all expressions of a concept, and that concept is being--which implies another universe of nonbeing. But thats too much for now, but hinted at by entropy. A hug can be an idea and still be a hug, just as a dog can be an idea and still be a dog... ARF. (11/28/2006 - Y#111) "Things grab physical beings. Try dying. We can sense a chair, but not sit on it; it is and its not. Its concept we keep, not its substance. Aha, pith without planning. Ever see a practice pad, no sound. I learned in my spirit, and the spirit of the piano... or the concept of the piano. You can think of things which do not exist, but by whose concept you can experience. The idea of peanut butter sticks to the roof of your soul. Do not detachment, but lack of attachment--two different concepts. One pushes away, and the other chooses not to grab. Affirm transience, and know that what endures, what persists, is not physical... except for junk mail (just the idea--concepts you didnt solicit). But letting go of what you have allowed to hold you brings new possibilities. (1/8/2007 - Y#112) "I tell you this: Nothing ever learned on drugs is really remembered, because it is always attributed to the drugs. Escape, yes; advancement, no. You see, the deep insights about existence do not come from altered reality. The trick of the spirit is that you cant really incorporate an insight that is not yours. And if you dont do the work of learning and remembering your shit, then youll wake up in the morning and say I knew the secrets of the universe but I forgot. But what is yours is also universal, so if you try for the bigtime and dont look for yours, youll get nowhere. The whole is made of its parts, not itself... and not its elf. Hi. Roderick! Hi. I thought you had gone back. Hi. O well. Ok, a question. How does someone congenitally blind know to go to the light. Do such people experience the light in NDE. If so, its not the birth memory, is it? We sit here and ponder such. And why are foot-long hot dogs 10 inches. And whats new about New Hampshire with an Old Man as their symbol. Get it right. Too much not-time on our not-hands. Guess not. O well. But seriously, that bit about your learning and bigger learnings is important. If you saw the whole meaning of existence flash before you, it would mean nothing--and in fact, thats always happening. But to master your pieces of it, ahhh. Get the square right and the next square right, and in the end youve got the whole board. And dont use artificial means unless you love artificial understandings. I guess thats enough. (3/28/2007 - Y#113) |
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Update: 11/16/2016
Web Author: the Rev Dr Randolph and
Elissa Bishop Becker, M.Ed., LPC
©1998-2016 by the Rev Dr Randolph and Elissa Bishop Becker