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01/23/2000 - IDEAS
Session Start: Sun Jan 23
20:47:59 2000 *** Now talking in #SpiritualPersistence *** Topic is ' 2,4~ "Ideas" 2,7Spiritual 2,8Discussion 2,9Tonight 2,11January 23 0,12at 9pm 2,13EST ~ 0,2Hosted by Rev. Dr. Randolph Becker & Elissa Bishop Becker (and Rikkity). URL: www.spiritualpersistence.com ' *** Sharon (sdobbins1@***.we.mediaone.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence *** Jackie (ADCjava@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence *** RevRandy (bishopbeck@***.lft.widomaker.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy. . . . .hello Sharon. . . . .hi randy *** Elissabrb is now known as Elissa Elissa. . . . .hey sharon! *** TF88 (TF88@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Sharon. . . . .hi elissa RevRandy. . . . .hello TF Elissa. . . . .((((((TF)))))) Sharon. . . . .hi tf TF88. . . . .hello randy, elissa and sharon *** beka (ADCjava@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence *** Lea (ADCjava@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Elissa. . . . .hey beka! *** fvdl (ADCjava@195.38.232.***) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy. . . . .hello beka and lea beka. . . . .hi there elissa! beka. . . . .smile, hi revr Elissa. . . . .welcome lea and fvdl (gosh that's hard to pronounce) Lea. . . . .hello beka. . . . .fvdl wonder how ya say tht beka. . . . .wndr hwystht RevRandy. . . . .and hello fvdl fvdl. . . . .it is an acronym Elissa. . . . .jihsytr? fvdl. . . . .hi all beka. . . . .hello everyone? * fvdl rings the doorbell... fvdl. . . . .hehe. Elissa. . . . .fvdl what's it an acronym for? beka. . . . .CHUCKLE... my DOGS just ran to the front door!!!!!!!!!! and are BARKING!!!!!!!! RevRandy. . . . .bad dog, bad dog fvdl. . . . .Elissa : It is for the first letters of my name. fvdl. . . . .And it is unique in the whole world, never met another FvdL Elissa. . . . .i'm not surprised fvdl lol beka. . . . .dogs have returned, hearing beka's "it's ok... just computer friends...." *** fvdl is now known as Frank Frank. . . . .maybe it is more easy this way Elissa. . . . .beka the dogs were barking at us? RevRandy. . . . .good dogs, good dogs Elissa. . . . .hi frank beka. . . . .yes! they heard the DOORBELL! Elissa. . . . .hahahaha RevRandy. . . . .now you can be frank with us Frank. . . . .elissa : That is my first name. Elissa. . . . .you're elissa? then who am i? RevRandy. . . . .you are you beka. . . . .yes, who IS inside you? RevRandy. . . . .but I am me Elissa. . . . .no IM me :) beka. . . . .hence the beauty of anaphors (pronouns) RevRandy. . . . .no, i am me (actually later tonight we will meet ME) beka. . . . .huh? rr? ah... Elissa. . . . .actually later tonight we will be rikkity :) beka. . . . .tonight HERE? Elissa. . . . .yep Elissa. . . . .right here live and in person beka. . . . .DO YOU Mean in ptop? Elissa. . . . .nope RevRandy. . . . .NOPE - or as she would say, dead and in person beka. . . . .how can you tell that will happen? beka. . . . .whoa.... wow. now THAT is candide Elissa. . . . .she tells me and i obey lol *** common (ADCjava@***.splitrock.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence *** Deni (________@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence beka. . . . .how can ya tell about ricketty? Elissa. . . . .beka she tells me and i have an exercise i do and she comes through beka. . . . .thanks E. RevRandy. . . . .hello deni and common Deni. . . . .hiya RevRandy. . . . .So, are we ready to get started???????? beka. . . . .sure thing *** deezee (dzogg@***.brazoria.tgn.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy. . . . .welcome deezee deezee. . . . .ty RevRandy. . . . .and welcome to all RevRandy. . . . .If you are new with us, we will be offering up a short explanation of what this is all about in just a moment *** Jackie (ADCjava@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy. . . . .welcome jackie Jackie. . . . .Hi Rev and everyone RevRandy. . . . .so let's get started RevRandy. . . . .we welcome you all RevRandy. . . . .and especially any who are new to SP *** Hanna (Hanna@***.on.bellglobal.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy. . . . .and even those who are old SPers like Miss Hanna - welcome Hanna. . . . .:) Elissa. . . . .hey ((((((hanna)))))) Elissa. . . . .she's not that old Hanna. . . . .:P lol Elissa. . . . .lol RevRandy. . . . .a little history is in order, I think Elissa. . . . .want the intro? Elissa. . . . .ok then! Elissa. . . . .RevRandy has been a Unitarian Universalist minister for Elissa. . . . .almost 30 years, with a thriving congregation in Elissa. . . . .Williamsburg, VA. Elissa. . . . .I am a writer, medium, and published poet, and Elissa. . . . .am currently a Masters candidate in Community Counseling Elissa. . . . .at the College of William and Mary. Elissa. . . . .My and RevRandy's daughter, Ericka (now known as Rikkity in spirit) Elissa. . . . .died in an automobile collision with a drunk driver Elissa. . . . .on August 20, 1995. Elissa. . . . .She was 20 years old, and going into Elissa. . . . .her junior year at Yale. 8 days after her death, RevRandy Elissa. . . . .and I began communicating with her. Elissa. . . . .Spiritual Persistence is Rikkity's name for that body of Elissa. . . . .wisdom she has shared with us in the form of Points to Elissa. . . . .Ponder. Elissa. . . . .It is a unique vision of the nature of spiritual Elissa. . . . .and physical existence, of the continuity between life Elissa. . . . .and death, of connection, and of our place in the universe. Elissa. . . . .And it is guidance we follow that has helped us to learn, Elissa. . . . .to heal from grief, and to live better lives. We are here to Elissa. . . . .share this wisdom with you and to explore what it means Elissa. . . . .to you personally, Elissa. . . . .as we learn from one another on this journey. Elissa. . . . .If you have any further questions, please feel free to Elissa. . . . .private message (pm) anyone with an "@" in front of their name Elissa. . . . . or email Randy or me anytime. Thanks Elissa. . . . .for coming...and again, welcome! Does anyone have any questions before we begin? RevRandy. . . . .no questions?? *** JayBee (ADCjava@***.nconnect.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy. . . . .then let's begin with our invocation RevRandy. . . . .some simple words RevRandy. . . . .to start our time together RevRandy. . . . .May we be connected to all things loving RevRandy. . . . .protected from all things evil RevRandy. . . . .and guided in all ways gracious. Blessed Be * Jackie : ~ Amen ~ Deni-Thumper. . . . .Amen Hanna. . . . .Blessings to all Elissa. . . . .amen~ beka. . . . .blessed be Lea. . . . .Amen deezee. . . . .amen JayBee. . . . .Amen RevRandy. . . . .Tonight we have several things to share for pondering and discussing RevRandy. . . . .and later, after the 10p (ET) break RevRandy. . . . .Ms. Rikkity herself has threatened a visit Elissa. . . . .:) RevRandy. . . . .by way of some more recent history RevRandy. . . . .on Friday we had a conversation RevRandy. . . . .with some on the other side RevRandy. . . . .and we thought we would share those conversations RevRandy. . . . .and some questions that seem to arise from them. RevRandy. . . . .So, here's where we started RevRandy. . . . .with our friend MCP who has spoken with us many times before: *** Pinky (ADCjava@***.ns.sympatico.ca) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy. . . . . 0,2"It is a big problem-a. I came back from the East with ideas and spices and RevRandy. . . . . 0,2spaghetti, and what do the people want. Ideas, no; spices, in moderation; RevRandy. . . . . 0,2spaghetti, you like-a pasta I bring-a you 2 1/2 pounds-a the best pasta you RevRandy. . . . . 0,2ever tasted. So they went for the physical. But has pasta changed the world, RevRandy. . . . . 0,2not really; and spices, a leeetle; and ideas, o yes. But ideas have always RevRandy. . . . . 0,2been the currency of least value; it's like they are the packing tissue RevRandy. . . . . 0,2around the real stuff. But ideas are the transformative gifts of the RevRandy. . . . . 0,2universe. RevRandy. . . . . 0,2 RevRandy. . . . . 0,2"And it is not the separation of economic classes that is the big struggle, but RevRandy. . . . . 0,2the division of those with the new ideas and those without a clue. Some RevRandy. . . . . 0,2belong to the future, but most belong to the past. When a system attempted RevRandy. . . . . 0,2to deal with the class struggle as economic it failed in less than 100 RevRandy. . . . . 0,2years, but the ideas of the Buddha have lasted thousands. And so it is RevRandy. . . . . 0,2today. If everyone were color blind and all had the same access to resources RevRandy. . . . . 0,2and we could not hear-a accents-a, then the whole thing would hinge on RevRandy. . . . . 0,2ideas. Just because we are not that classless yet doesn't mean the same is RevRandy. . . . . 0,2not true. RevRandy. . . . . 0,2 RevRandy. . . . . 0,2"And I prefer marinara with a good anchovy twinge. She's back, I go-a." RevRandy. . . . .so, there is MCP RevRandy. . . . .with some provocative thoughts RevRandy. . . . . 0,1???? how do you think people are divided into classes by ideas - RevRandy. . . . . 0,1and how could that be changed? RevRandy. . . . .the cyberfloor is open - what do you see in his words? Jackie. . . . .Maslow's hierarchy of needs, when one level is satisfied, you can go on beka. . . . .a friend of mine used to say that bigotry is hardening of the categories... i think that applies more broadly to ideas in general... RevRandy. . . . .are ideas at the pinnacle of the hierarchy, or are they at the base? beka. . . . .but i didn't mean to interrupt about maslow Jackie. . . . .self-actualization is at the top, the basic food, survival needs at the bottom beka. . . . .interesting... well, ideas COME from conscious beings, eh... and if we have the hubris to disting. them from inanimate beings. RevRandy. . . . .but if we think of ideas as something other than survival needs ..... RevRandy. . . . .yet maybe they are the stuff of survival beka. . . . .are you doing ideas as independent of humans or from humans beka. . . . .um spirits RevRandy. . . . .ideas as conscious understandings of realities of experience RevRandy. . . . .i think beka. . . . .or ideas are conscious hypotheses fvdl. . . . .maybe it means that for the basic needs we are all the same ? Elissa. . . . .that makes sense fvdl TF88. . . . .well, isn't it like someone who goes to an exotic vacation place, but chooses to eat in McDonald's? TF88. . . . .staying with what is comfortable fvdl. . . . .For all your information (English is not my native language). beka. . . . .wouldn't have known that fvdl RevRandy. . . . .o, what is? Elissa. . . . .you're doing fine fvdl Elissa. . . . .dutch RevRandy. . . . .well, for many of us for whom English is our native tongue, by the end of evening our fingers are typongw real fdunwy Elissa. . . . .let me ask you guys this: can we survive without ideas? RevRandy. . . . .would we be human without them beka. . . . .ideas as gifts of the universe....lovely image RevRandy. . . . .and transformative gifts at that beka. . . . .yes, transformative IF you let them in. that is if, you allow the possibility of change. Jackie. . . . .I guess I'm thinking that the working class is into thinking about survival, and that those who are more financially secure, have the time to think of different ideas RevRandy. . . . .ah - the concept of change arises Elissa. . . . .if you allow for possibility :) beka. . . . .yes, interesting, now that you mention it. relevant. and incorporated RevRandy. . . . .Jackie - I wonder if that is true in practice - that peasants out working don't have deep thoughts Jackie. . . . .do they get to follow up on them Jackie. . . . .I'm sure they do, eg. look at all the uprisings *** gus_magilke (ADCjava@206.9.111.***) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy. . . . .why did the great leaders of thought - Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, for example - surround themselves more with working class and less with noble or wealthy class gus_magilke. . . . .Rev, Because they were the real people, the "salt of the earth" Elissa. . . . .jackie i think that may be true about ideas as we usually think of them, but would any of us be here without them? what if no one had thought of the wheel because they were too hungry? beka. . . . .people are afraid of ideas because ideas CONSTRUCT our understanding of the world, and people are afraid of letting go *** ||kiwi|| (cyalata@***.r1.gwy.scscon.InfoAve.Net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Elissa. . . . .o randy, that's a provocative thought RevRandy. . . . .construct or de-construct beka. . . . .reflect, undergird, offer explanation (yikes, kinda like "religion') Elissa. . . . .beka yes! Elissa. . . . .(to what you said before) fvdl. . . . .jackie : i don't agree. A lot of people are interested in 'believing' and in spiritual facts. Elissa. . . . .what does "real" mean to you gus? gus_magilke. . . . .Real people feel the day to day trials and tribulations of life; they are not protected as the elite are Elissa. . . . .ah gus... i think we may be on to something here... real people are not as invested in the power structure or the past, are they gus_magilke. . . . .I guess I should say hello and no they are not they work for every thing they have nothing is given to them Elissa. . . . .hello gus, but maybe even more importantly they have a freedom to explore new possibilities because they have less to lose gus_magilke. . . . .Elissa yes so true RevRandy. . . . .but I keep hearing MCP query - if we could eliminate differences based on cultural assumptions, and be open to the ideas of all ... RevRandy. . . . .what would the world be like -- and are our class distinctions a way of not having to deal with the ideas of all beka. . . . .hmmm so class distinctions aren't about like what kind of job you can get and hence all that ensues? beka. . . . .we do live in a dominant societal motif -- a framework of interpretation -- POWER, PRESTIGE -- that is so deep we don't even see it. RevRandy. . . . .in fact, they may be smokescreens to keep us from the real distinctions, those with access to both ideas and their implementation and those without RevRandy. . . . .one of the challenges we have been given recently by Rikkity is to think about how the universality or lack of it of knowledge (ideas, technology, etc) is the biggest structural form of discrimination fvdl. . . . .maybe it means that in fact a lot of religions are based on the same principles, but that humans choose to 'create' the differences ? RevRandy. . . . .good point fvdl RevRandy. . . . .and differences that have nothing to do with the core concepts fvdl. . . . .If we don't know it is in fact the same, then we start to create differences ourselves. ||kiwi||. . . . .einstein said..imagination is more important than knowledge.. RevRandy. . . . .right - knowledge is about the past - imagination is about the future ||kiwi||. . . . .the human is such that irrespective of power structure..it will seek to go around it..nature abhors walls..as frost said RevRandy. . . . .and to them the systems of culture are the systems of oppression at the same time - so why not think outside that box Elissa. . . . .we do create differences, and another of rikkity's friends spoke to that very thing as you will hear later RevRandy. . . . .nature also abhors vacuums, unless the rug is very, very, very dirty ||kiwi||. . . . .nature abhors voids..also ||kiwi||. . . . .:) ||kiwi||. . . . .syncronicity. Jackie. . . . .funny ||kiwi||. . . . .:) Elissa. . . . .kiwi, we seem to like our walls though, don't we? we certainly build a lot of them *** Boo (ADCjava@***.tnt2.sylva.nc.da.uu.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence *** fang (ADCjava@***.cld.brightok.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy. . . . .well, let me move us on with another of our visitors on Friday RevRandy. . . . .after MCP spoke, we talked with LD RevRandy. . . . .and here is what he said to us: RevRandy. . . . . 0,2"Good morning. My friend MCP has made an excellent point. In my life I was RevRandy. . . . . 0,2often moved from place to place by politics and religion. I was seen as RevRandy. . . . . 0,2valuable for what I could make, with their dreams of alchemy in the RevRandy. . . . . 0,2forefront. But what I had most were ideas, and here's a big thought--so big RevRandy. . . . . 0,2it will take thousands of years to understand. But, this weekend only, it RevRandy. . . . . 0,2will be available interest-free for all of 2000: RevRandy. . . . . 0,2 RevRandy. . . . . 0,2"When the mind focuses on products, then the test of ideas is success. But RevRandy. . . . . 0,2to have success one must then deny all the failures. But the ideas that lead RevRandy. . . . . 0,2to immediate success often have more to do with the past. Ideas that RevRandy. . . . . 0,2challenge the future often fail in the present. So, when we speak about the RevRandy. . . . . 0,2equality of ideas we mean the equality of success and failure as well; for RevRandy. . . . . 0,2today's failures may lead to tomorrow's successes. And when we create a RevRandy. . . . . 0,2society of success but try to limit that success to a perpetuation of what RevRandy. . . . . 0,2has been, we deny both success and failure. So a new idea comes along, RevRandy. . . . . 0,2fails, and we laugh at the idea only to rue our laughter later; or it is a RevRandy. . . . . 0,2success but we honor it only if it enhances the previous collective vision. RevRandy. . . . . 0,2But the great ideas are those that float without either success or failure RevRandy. . . . . 0,2because they belong to tomorrow. RevRandy. . . . . 0,2 RevRandy. . . . . 0,2"But watch, every age is the same: Praise the trivial novelties of the RevRandy. . . . . 0,2ideas, but prosecute and persecute the big ideas of transformation. And RevRandy. . . . . 0,2always remember, the status quo wants ideas that appear new but which change RevRandy. . . . . 0,2nothing. And now I go to think of ideas. Remember, most people view paradise RevRandy. . . . . 0,2like home. Few dare to even think of something beyond our wildest desires. RevRandy. . . . . 0,2And now she is bringing a dog my way, a dog with pasta breath." beka. . . . .seems to be challenging the very idea of "success" and "failure" beka. . . . .challenges 'success' 'failure' and our authenticity in responding to ideas *** Fbi (ADCjava@***.lft.widomaker.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence ||kiwi||. . . . .yes we love sittin on the dock of the bay..to contemplate..reflect..when we know the walls well..then its time to move on.. fvdl. . . . .revr : maybe it is about the knowledge and imagination fills each other in, but also restrain each other. ||kiwi||. . . . .walls keep in..they keep out as well Elissa. . . . .yes kiwi :) RevRandy. . . . .I too think there is always a two-wayness about much of this ||kiwi||. . . . .we must be like a window..to look in..to look out fvdl. . . . .revr : you need knowledge in a certain extend to have imagination RevRandy. . . . .but that same knowledge can keep you from imagining fvdl. . . . .revr : but your knowledge will restrain you as well. fvdl. . . . .revr : it was in my textbar (hehe) Elissa. . . . .can we focus on success and still move toward the future? beka. . . . .that's interesting E. Elissa. . . . .what happens when we reject what our failures and mistakes might have taught us? fvdl. . . . .elissa : then the same will happen again. If you don't learn, you will stumble again (i guess ???) Elissa. . . . .fvdl i believe that, too, but we can also keep ignoring it :) fang. . . . .or you have to learn the lesson again a different way RevRandy. . . . .if we only do what will succeed, isn't that just repeating the past - and not risking the future TF88. . . . .what is success? Elissa. . . . .good question, tf Fbi. . . . .TF...completion of a task TF88. . . . .I don't know..."completion of a task" sounds pretty lifeless to me beka. . . . .dontcha think you gotta focus on success some? beka. . . . .i mean you can learn from failures -- from the wrong choices, or the missteps, that's not rejecting, and yet it's still seeking THE FIT... ||kiwi||. . . . .if we did not savor the success..the reward ..what would be the incentive.. RevRandy. . . . .THE FIT is different from success, it seems to me IMHO beka. . . . .yes, and hence i was suggesting a different definition of success beka. . . . .but maybe that's just sleepy sunday thinking Elissa. . . . .lol beka RevRandy. . . . .someone ring a doorbell so beka's dog will wake her up beka. . . . .hey i was trying to be quiet here a bit beka. . . . .smile ||kiwi||. . . . .:) RevRandy. . . . .;-) * beka rings the doorbell... Elissa. . . . .aaaaarrrrrrrrf ||kiwi||. . . . .heheh RevRandy. . . . .arrrrrrffffffffffffffffffffffffff * beka rings the doorbell... RevRandy. . . . .rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Jackie. . . . .come in beka. . . . .dogs are now investigating!!!!!!!! Fbi. . . . .Woa, Avon Calling?... gus_magilke. . . . .To reject our past failures and mistakes is to court insanity gus_magilke. . . . .it causes stagnation *** fvdl is now known as Frank_fvdl Elissa. . . . .success in our society means what? RevRandy. . . . .so often, it seems, we do not pay heed to our mistakes, but only to our successes, even if those successes were unintentional ||kiwi||. . . . .yet..we must not be intoxicated..balance..to know the difference..to accept..or to have the courage to go forward..change..a baby step at a time..sometimes.. Frank_fvdl. . . . .gus : When you don't learn from a mistake or an error, the next time you face it, you will make the same mistake ? gus_magilke. . . . .Frank :true RevRandy. . . . .so, what is success Elissa. . . . .no one seems to have a clear idea of what success means RevRandy. . . . .and is it the opposite of failure? TF88. . . . .to me, success is doing to the best of your ability...no matter the outcome RevRandy. . . . .ah - TF - that is putting an new spin on it ||kiwi||. . . . .success has many fathers..failure is often an orphan.. beka. . . . .nice observation kiwi! Jackie. . . . .knowing what you want out of life and being happy striving toward it RevRandy. . . . .jackie - so success is being aimed in the right direction, not necessarily arriving somewhere Elissa. . . . .o jackie! there's the rub, isn't it! if you know what you want then you've already decided, already set limits on possibilities and excluded the new directions your failures could point you towards RevRandy. . . . .how to not be aimless but also to be open Jackie. . . . .success is being open to new ideas gus_magilke. . . . .we don't have to learn from our mistakes but if we don't learn what's the use Frank_fvdl. . . . .But I guess that there is a difference between learning a spiritual lesson, and a life-lesson. RevRandy. . . . .what is the difference, frank Frank_fvdl. . . . .revr : I mean with a life lesson (maybe used the wrong words) like lock your house door or else (etc) RevRandy. . . . .ah ha - got it frank gus_magilke. . . . .Frank: every REAL life lesson is a spiritual one ||kiwi||. . . . .better to have loved and lost..then never loved at all.. Jackie. . . . .yes, getting there is half the fun :) Frank_fvdl. . . . .revr : With a spiritual lesson i mean like 'think about other people', 'dont kill' etc. RevRandy. . . . .or behind or beneath every life lesson is the potential for a spiritual one gus_magilke. . . . .If we are in the right mind frame RevRandy. . . . .you learn to lock your doors - but underneath is the issue of fear Frank_fvdl. . . . .revr : not the issue of fear, but the simple fact that things will get stolen. But that is not a spiritual lesson. RevRandy. . . . .but what does it mean to have things stolen - they are just things gus_magilke. . . . .I never lock my door RevRandy. . . . .someone stole my door Frank_fvdl. . . . .revr : that is what I say. That is not a real lesson. Frank_fvdl. . . . .revr : hehe gus_magilke. . . . .What I have is not worth the trouble ||kiwi||. . . . .im sorry to leave this most delightful discussion...u all have a blessed night RevRandy. . . . .night kiwi ||kiwi||. . . . .^i^/ ||kiwi||. . . . .:) gus_magilke. . . . .nite kiwi Frank_fvdl. . . . .night kiwi RevRandy. . . . .I just went back and looked again at some of what LD said - RevRandy. . . . . 0,2"When the mind focuses on products, then the test of ideas is success. But RevRandy. . . . . 0,2to have success one must then deny all the failures. But the ideas that lead RevRandy. . . . . 0,2to immediate success often have more to do with the past. Ideas that RevRandy. . . . . 0,2challenge the future often fail in the present. beka. . . . .excuse me guys, must go too, hugs all, beka RevRandy. . . . .nite beka Elissa. . . . .nite beka... pet the dogs RevRandy. . . . .arfffffarf beka. . . . .smile nite nite Elissa. . . . .aren't we all taught that we will be successful if we do certain things a certain way, if we follow rules and bring an apple to the teacher? RevRandy. . . . .focus on products Frank_fvdl. . . . .It means that people has to invest in the future. There isn't usually direct good result Jackie. . . . .persistence pays off, don't worry if at first you don't succeed, try try again Elissa. . . . .right jackie... try the same things again and again so you can do them with no mistakes RevRandy. . . . .and what appears to be most successful may lead to a dead end RevRandy. . . . .xerography was known from the 1890s on, but was consider a meaningless idea .... until the late 1950s RevRandy. . . . .now, many of the spiritual ideas that were derided are being seen as meaningful again gus_magilke. . . . .In our society we are conditioned to want immediate success fang. . . . .can i ask a question? Jackie. . . . .please RevRandy. . . . .and here's an idea - break time - for those who need a break RevRandy. . . . .but keep on talking RevRandy. . . . .fang? fang. . . . .i know we are suppose to see the god spirit in all fang. . . . .and i can do it for almost everyone, fang. . . . .except my roommate RevRandy. . . . .sometimes the spiritual components of a person just don't combine to make a person who can generate that god-given energy RevRandy. . . . .but needs to suck it in from others just to stay whole fang. . . . .he makes me very agitated and angry fang. . . . .but i'm really trying RevRandy. . . . .so, what you see is a bad matching of spiritual material, each piece of which has that spark of divinity in it, but which in total seems to lack it RevRandy. . . . .like the combination of chemical elements that in their own right are beneficial, but when combined become poisonous TF88. . . . .fang...maybe you need to stop trying and start allowing Jackie. . . . .get a new roommate fang. . . . .but i feel taken advantage of fang. . . . .oh ok Fbi. . . . .Fang, the people I have most trouble with are the ones who reflect the traits I don't like about myself. It has taken me mega years to recognize that RevRandy. . . . .(have you tried dolls and pins?) *** Elissa is now known as Elissabrb RevRandy. . . . .and when you get agitated and angry, you feed your energy into his need for it gus_magilke. . . . .Fang if your lives are not compatible maybe its time to move on fang. . . . .i love you revrandy RevRandy. . . . .ty fang RevRandy. . . . .(((((remember - this is break time - back with the formal stuff in about 7 minutes))))) fang. . . . .unfortunately my house fvdl. . . . .fang : try to find the things in your roommate that you like. fang. . . . .oh heaven help me then fvdl. . . . .fang : hehe RevRandy. . . . .or move your thinking beyond him (or, if necessary, move out/on) gus_magilke. . . . .fvdl: good thinking build from there Jackie. . . . .send him packing *** RevRandy is now known as RevRandybrb fvdl. . . . .gus : that's the dutch spirit (hehe) TF88. . . . .the responsibility of our own reactions though lie with us *** RevRandybrb is now known as RevRandy *** Carol (gezobezo@***.epix.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy. . . . .well - it is just about time to reconvene fvdl. . . . .recovene ? RevRandy. . . . .come together again *** Elissabrb is now known as Elissa-Rikkity Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .hey guys, whassup? RevRandy. . . . .hey Moo Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .hey dude, duck! hahaha TF88. . . . .{{{Rikkity}}} Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .hi tf! you met my friend TF88. . . . .yes I did! *** RevRandy has quit IRC (QUIT: Leaving ) Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .ooops the dude didn't duck hahahaha Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .it's been a while since i've been here, and it's good to be with you again Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .i want to start by asking you a question Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .what's the first thing you ask when someone introduces you to a new game? fang. . . . .what are the rules? fvdl. . . . .rikkity : the game rules ? Sharon. . . . .how do you play it? Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .yes Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .yes *** RevRandy (bishopbeck@***.lft.widomaker.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Sharon. . . . .wb randy Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .what are the rules Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .randy i told you to duck RevRandy. . . . .did I ever listen to you (ha) Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .and where do the rules come from? fang. . . . .whoever made up the game? Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .come on, you guys know this one TF88. . . . .other people who decided them gus_magilke. . . . .game master creates them *** bluelight (starlite@***.sedona.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .and when did these people make those rules? RevRandy. . . . .sometime in the past?? Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .dad shhhhhhhhhhhhhh fang. . . . .in the beginning gus_magilke. . . . .while creating the game fvdl. . . . .I guess the rules are our model of how it works ? Jackie. . . . .baseball Jackie. . . . .sorry Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .but dad is correct and jackie is funny... Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .the rules come from the past. gus_magilke. . . . .ohhhh Knowledge Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .they contain nothing new, and are self-sustaining only... ONLY Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .if we agree to follow them. Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .we are told we must follow them to win, to succeed, but on whose terms do we do Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .this winning and succeeding? our own? i theeeenk not! gus_magilke. . . . .i'm listening gus_magilke. . . . .or reading Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .remember that rules are made to keep the status quo the same. adventures have no rules, Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .and so if you want to live an adventure, if you want your life to be real life Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .and to contain meaning and learning and possibility, be aware of where the rules are that you follow. gus_magilke. . . . .ya gotta bend the rules Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .and rules are not the same as structure. Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .structure lets us make sense of our experiences, it does not tell us what Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .our experience will be. Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .think about the difference between a house and a prison. Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .a house contains life, it orders it to some extent, but the Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .way it orders it is our choice (within our budgets of course). Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .in a prison you have no choice, but you have many many rules. Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .ever wonder why the prison system doesn't work? Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .there's your answer... or part of the question. Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .it contains the past, and leaves no room for the future. Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .games and their rules are like prisons, Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .and so often we walk into them willingly because we are Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .promised great rewards for doing the "right" things in the "right" way. Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .we all have probably had the experience of hearing an older person *** Zuzu (zuzusangel@***.cybertours.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .advise us about how to be successful and knowing deep in our souls gus_magilke. . . . .no wonder I hate playing games Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .that their advice would not work for us because our world was Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .different from theirs. our world had changed, and their rules Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .would not lead us to the same place they found. Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .remember bobby fischer. Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .he walked away from the game and no one understood Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .how he could do that... Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .how could he walk away from all that success. now you know. Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .live as an adventure, live in possibilities, live toward the future and Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .toward the horizons. Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .the only structure you need is the ripples of the great ideas Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .that flow from the mind of All That Is through Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .the universe and inform all we are and all we will be. Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .and now i must go and let your discussion proceed. Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .learn and remember. Elissa-Rikkity. . . . .goodbye. TF88. . . . .thank you Rikkity RevRandy. . . . .thank you Rikkity fvdl. . . . .thnx rikkity RevRandy. . . . .watch out for the popcorn fang. . . . .ty rikkity RevRandy. . . . .so, any reactions to what she had to say????? TF88. . . . .yes fvdl. . . . .I have Jackie. . . . .Carpe diem, live in the moment, with an eye to the future *** Elissa-Rikkity is now known as Elissabrb RevRandy. . . . .go ahead fang. . . . .i'm ready for the computer chip that they can put in my brain fang. . . . .then i won't forget TF88. . . . .I greatly appreciated her thought about walking away from the game when you don't care for the rules TF88. . . . .this was something I personally needed to hear RevRandy. . . . .or else you play someone else's game fvdl. . . . .I think that a life-span (f.i. 70 years) which is a human live, is a sort of game for a spirit. fvdl. . . . .That a spirit will learn from it fvdl. . . . .And evolve that way. But the spirit is free to choose which live it wants to live fvdl. . . . .like a computer game, where you can choose which level etc. TF88. . . . .I do not like the rules in my profession and have somewhat walked away...of late I have been thinking TF88. . . . .of walking back, but making my own rules gus_magilke. . . . .If we break the rules it opens us to the divine or the possibility of it *** Shar (SharPump@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy. . . . .if we do not choose to live by our own sense of the rules, why play? bluelight. . . . .i've already walked away from a game but we can't kid ourselves we still do play into some games.. i think RevRandy. . . . .o, yes, we get caught - but maybe we learn (and remember) fvdl. . . . .Life itself is not a game, but for the spirit it looks like a game. Not a game in the meaning of game fvdl. . . . .but more like that you can choose (as spirit) what live you can do. And what to learn that life RevRandy. . . . .the difference between structure and rules applies I think - RevRandy. . . . .in life we look for structures that help us see meaning gus_magilke. . . . .When we are our most creative we are working without the rules TF88. . . . .it can take tremendous courage to change the rules, and those who do for big scale things can take a big beating RevRandy. . . . .a beating .... but not at their own hand! TF88. . . . .no, at the hands of others fvdl. . . . .revr : not a beating, just an experience you want to have, to learn more. fvdl. . . . .revr : like playing a computer game a lot of times to start being more experienced. gus_magilke. . . . .TF you gotta shake the dust off and keep going RevRandy. . . . .Glenn Gould, for instance ... played his music, his way -- despite what others said TF88. . . . .yes randy...exactly TF88. . . . .(although, not very respectfully of the composer) *wink* bluelight. . . . .it's easy to play Glenn Gould's way.. is harder to play with feeling .. imho RevRandy. . . . .I was reading the other day about Beethoven, and his decision to add another movement to a piano sonata .... and all thought it was scandalous .... not by the rules RevRandy. . . . .and that decision revolutionized compositions in the future bluelight. . . . .i thot that was Brahms RevRandy RevRandy. . . . .he too ... each of those we call genius make a leap from the rules to the structures that give them meaning bluelight. . . . .{---- lol .. back to de books this time with glasses on fvdl. . . . .revr : someone who can use his imagination without being to much blocked by standard rules. RevRandy. . . . .I have one other piece from Friday I want to share as well ... and it might go along with this theme RevRandy. . . . .it is from someone with the initials ME, which can be confusing, in a sense RevRandy. . . . . 0,2"Hello, mon. No problem, mon. Here's a laid-back thought. When the most RevRandy. . . . . 0,2mellow ideas are suggested, no one likes them as they are but want them RevRandy. . . . . 0,2dressed up with differences and obligations and physical realities. Rasti RevRandy. . . . . 0,2didn't need no ganga, but people wanted a sign of difference. Ain't nothing RevRandy. . . . . 0,2sacred about a cow. RevRandy. . . . . 0,2 RevRandy. . . . . 0,2"Wait a minute." RevRandy. . . . . RevRandy. . . . . 0,2"Or should I say more sacred about a cow." RevRandy. . . . . 0,2 RevRandy. . . . . 0,2"Moooooo." RevRandy. . . . . 0,2 RevRandy. . . . . 0,2"People had to put the idea of sacred somewhere. So this is my test. An idea RevRandy. . . . . 0,2comes along. I say, "Hi Mr. Idea" and he says, "Hi mon" and I say, "What you RevRandy. . . . . 0,2thinking, mon" and Idea says this: "Here's my thought" and then I ask, "What RevRandy. . . . . 0,2do I do with it" and if Idea answers, "Do this or that" I say, "Nice meeting RevRandy. . . . . 0,2you, bye" but if Idea says to me, "Think me and you will later know if you RevRandy. . . . . 0,2need to do something" I say, "Idea, we could be friends." And if Idea just RevRandy. . . . . 0,2says, "Think me" then Idea is me. So I test it all. Ideas don't got no RevRandy. . . . . 0,2obligation. They are thoughts, not princes. They do not rule me... and I RevRandy. . . . . 0,2mean ME. RevRandy. . . . . 0,2 RevRandy. . . . . 0,2"So use that test and be mellow. The greatest compliment of an idea is not, RevRandy. . . . . 0,2"I'll do that" but, "I'll think about that." Doing doesn't take thought but RevRandy. . . . . 0,2thinking does; and ideas are thoughts, not deeds. Whoa, mon. That's enough." Jackie. . . . .are you saying following the rules==sacred cow RevRandy. . . . .making the cow a sacred thing is making an idea into a rule RevRandy. . . . .so yes, a sacred cow is a sacred cow, so to speak RevRandy. . . . .( I should add, to clear things up, that cows are and were Rikkity's favorite animal - hence the comments and the Mooooo) TF88. . . . .so we participate with the idea RevRandy. . . . .ideas should be about thinking about them, not having to be obedient to them fvdl. . . . .It says (I guess) that a thought isn't reality immediate, and thoughts are imaginate (ion). RevRandy. . . . .yes, fvdl, thoughts should be imaginative .... not restrictive RevRandy. . . . .if an idea demands a specific action, not just thought, walk away from it fvdl. . . . .but they are revr, cause most thoughts are based upon human-referral, and that is called knowledge. RevRandy. . . . .but the transformative ideas are those that stir up thought, not which immediately call for action RevRandy. . . . .knowledge is about the past --- and carries an obligation with it gus_magilke. . . . .now that makes sense RevRandy. . . . .I have sat through too many religious services where someone tries to preach (pitch) an idea, only to then say "and here is what you should think/believe/do about it" RevRandy. . . . .as if the idea alone could not carry its own weight fvdl. . . . .knowledge = realized (imagination (based upon knowledge) ); (a lot of mathematics at 4:40 am gus_magilke. . . . .I'm a little feeble minded I got lost for awhile RevRandy. . . . .I get lost a lot .... but that's ok .... I find some great things while lost gus_magilke. . . . .ya right i just found my #$%^& RevRandy. . . . .and you didn't even know it was lost!?! gus_magilke. . . . .your rite REV *** Elissabrb is now known as Elissa TF88. . . . .anytime there's a "should" attached...it's a trigger that I'm not being asked to participate, but being dictated to. RevRandy. . . . .yes TF RevRandy. . . . .yet, isn't that what rules are - a lot of shoulds TF88. . . . .should, ought, must...they're all the same RevRandy. . . . .yep - the same ilk - all asking us not to think about the idea, just buy in gus_magilke. . . . .There must be something in me that knew this from a very young age *** Shrink (ADCjava@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence TF88. . . . .wb Elissa :) many thanks Elissa. . . . .thanks tf :) and you're most welcome Elissa. . . . .trying to catch up! RevRandy. . . . .she's huffing and puffing, trying to catch up fvdl. . . . .revr : doesn't she know what rikitty said ? RevRandy. . . . .not when she is in her "trance" state Elissa. . . . .i know the general idea but not all the words fvdl RevRandy. . . . .I think a lot of us here are inherently ornery bluelight. . . . .LOL RR RevRandy. . . . .some previous life (lives) must have taught us these lessons *** Tonya (ADCjava@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence *** Grace (ADCjava@216.37.163.***) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Tonya. . . . .Hello fvdl. . . . .revr : i am sure about that. RevRandy. . . . .hi Tonya and Grace fvdl. . . . .hi Grace. . . . .Hi RevRandy. . . . .and so while some are reaching for the rules, others of us are reaching beyond the rules *** zee (bayridge1@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence gus_magilke. . . . .my line of work is very creative and I love it bluelight. . . . .maybe this is why we feel 'different' all our lifes Jackie. . . . .different--in that we have learned something from past lives? Tonya. . . . .I have a question:-) RevRandy. . . . .yes tonya bluelight. . . . .RevRandy.. maybe it was necessary for us to b born into structure and rules for us to realize all this? Tonya. . . . .Why would a soul "Choose" to suffer horribly in this life? RevRandy. . . . .I do not think it is a matter of choice .... but rather the circumstances that arise and what we can learn from them Tonya. . . . .I have read that some choose the suffering to learn from it but I like your answer better:-) Elissa. . . . .tonya :) *** Kel (kczarnick@***.splitrock.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy. . . . .for instance .... many may be born into poverty .... and some learn a lesson of victim-hood from it; others empowerment. And if one of the lessons that one needed was empowerment,... RevRandy. . . . .then one got that ... but could have gotten it from being born in other status also Tonya. . . . .I see, Thank you RevRandy. . . . .I cannot believe that suffering is a necessary component to our spiritual fulfillment, although it may be a path we have to travel RevRandy. . . . .just by circumstances Tonya. . . . .I watched my husband suffer awfully & die..... RevRandy. . . . .((((Tonya)))))))) Tonya. . . . .Thank you....... Tonya. . . . .I prayed for him to go...... gus_magilke. . . . .sorry Tonya gus_magilke. . . . .it must have been painful Tonya. . . . .very, but in the end he went peacefully.... RevRandy. . . . .how did your husband deal with it, Tonya Tonya. . . . .Nobly:-) Tonya. . . . .He had his bad days but for the most part he was always upbeat for lack of a better word Grace. . . . .is it "wrong" to wish not to suffer anymore?? RevRandy. . . . .I believe it is never right to wish to suffer, or to accept suffering TF88. . . . .I think a part of learning is learning how to not suffer in an insufferable situation RevRandy. . . . .amen TF Grace. . . . .:) there's that catch 22 again...it follows me were ever i go and start asking questions...thanks TF TF88. . . . .:) Grace Elissa. . . . .grace of course it isn't wrong... the challenge is to learn from any experience bluelight. . . . .but we can sometimes 'tune out bluelight. . . . .suffering can't we? Elissa. . . . .when we tune out suffering we run the risk of tuning out that which is joyful as well bluelight. . . . .Elissa .. in prayer i tuned out pain but i was in joy then bluelight. . . . .i didnt' know this was possible but it happened i believe to show me that it is Elissa. . . . .as long as you don't try to avoid it, blue... seeking a space of peace is not the same as avoiding it bluelight. . . . .Elissa i don't c the difference . maybe u can explain .. Elissa. . . . .avoiding pain means blocking it out, trying to pretend it doesn't exist... seeking peace within the pain is acknowledging it and finding a way to deal with it, blue bluelight. . . . .E.. i was talking about physical pain .. r u? gus_magilke. . . . .Elissa that was well put Elissa. . . . .thank you gus bluelight. . . . .i can c that very much for other kinds of pain Grace. . . . .mental anguish too bluelight, you can avoid it or pretend it doesnt exist.... Elissa. . . . .physical pain is harder to avoid... but many people find a way through drugs, alcohol, etc. bluelight. . . . .yes i can c that .. i was talking about physical pain RevRandy. . . . .Blue - I have seen people with intense physical pain who had tried to avoid it (medication) but whose only relief came by a conscious refocusing of their energy/being bluelight. . . . .yes .. but the body/mind has a way of dealing with pain without drugs and more effectively bluelight. . . . .refocus .. prayer.. whatever .. RevRandy. . . . .yep - blue - intense prayer is just such a refocus RevRandy. . . . .saying that I will not let my life be centered on the pain, but rather on something/someone that I see as the source of light and joy zee. . . . .rev ? RevRandy. . . . .yes zee zee. . . . .can it look like they are suffering and they are not ? RevRandy. . . . .I would never suppose to know what another is feeling in the absence of their expressing it gus_magilke. . . . .Amen REV RevRandy. . . . .so, what we might find intolerable is not so bad for someone else bluelight. . . . .i agree zee.. sometimes the person who is ill can take it better than those watching .. sometimes RevRandy. . . . .suffering can be a state of mind more than a physical state --- like the study Victor Frankl did of concentration camp residents RevRandy. . . . .the same situation but many, diverse reactions to it RevRandy. . . . .stilling the pain is different than ignoring the pain or avoiding the pain Tonya. . . . .There ARE things worse than death.... Elissa. . . . .definitely true tonya RevRandy. . . . .there are many things worse than death, especially when one has a sense of spiritual persistence Grace. . . . .true tonya and death seems kind in comparison gus_magilke. . . . .There must be breaks in the pain or insanity would ensue RevRandy. . . . .but the breaks may be in the perception of the pain, not in the pain gus_magilke. . . . .God will never give us more than we can handle : with his help TF88. . . . .yes tonya...i like to think of it as "we all get out of here alive" Tonya. . . . .LOL TF TF88. . . . .:) Grace. . . . .hehe..smirk....just without our skin attached...(For TF's comment above) (smile) Elissa. . . . .lol grace Elissa. . . . .buncha comedians here... i love it :) RevRandy. . . . .hey - if you can't laugh at life, what's the point Tonya. . . . .Court jesters in a former life:-) RevRandy. . . . .I was a village idiot - I know this for a fact - Tonya. . . . .LOL TF88. . . . .ROFL randy Elissa. . . . .that's true lolol RevRandy. . . . .Rikkity told me all about it Tonya. . . . .I'm new, What do you mean by "Spiritual Persistence"? RevRandy. . . . .a sense of a continuity of our spiritual existence RevRandy. . . . .that we have arisen from less complex spiritual matter that persists in us; that we, in our turn , and at our own fulfillment, will join with other spiritual matter to create more complex spiritual beings in which we will persist. Nothing lost in the spiritual universe - spiritual persistence Tonya. . . . .Gosh, I'm glad I found this place....does my soul good:-) RevRandy. . . . .glad you are here too - we are here every Sunday eve gus_magilke. . . . .I'm glad you are here too *** uni (ADCjava@***.s49.as2.xnb.nj.dialup.rcn.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence gus_magilke. . . . .Tonya Elissa. . . . .tonya we're glad you're here :) Grace. . . . .funny you are talking about past lives...I just now finished reading Weiss first book which is why i was late getting here tonight...ah love coincidences Tonya. . . . .Does Rikkity do past life readings? Elissa. . . . .she has for us tonya... we know quite a bit about our past lives RevRandy. . . . .(sometimes too much ;) Tonya. . . . .neat.....I want to do that some day fvdl. . . . .elissa : you can ask your own spirit about your own past lifes as well. Elissa. . . . .o yes fvdl, and i have done that too Elissa. . . . .tf knows brian weiss RevRandy. . . . .and therefore it must follow that Brian Weiss knows TF Elissa. . . . .we also know about a future life TF88. . . . .LOL randy...that is true Tonya. . . . .I am just beginning in meditation etc. need to find a group zee. . . . .are you talking about MANY MINDS MANY MASTERS TF88. . . . .Many Lives, Many Masters *** Happy (ADCjava@***.carlnet.org) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Grace. . . . .the one about Catherine TF88. . . . .yes, that's Many Lives, Many Masters...about Catherine *** suwan (stiara@***.tznet.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy. . . . .Well, folks, once again my great-grandparents' 110 year old clock has struck the hour, and we come to the end of an SP session suwan. . . . .:) Elissa. . . . .(((((((suwan)))))))) wait... i'm not hugging you, you're late bluelight. . . . .:( RR Jackie. . . . .hi suwan suwan. . . . .but at least I'm here! TF88. . . . .hi suwan! Elissa. . . . .you are :) TF88. . . . .{{{{Suwan}}}} I'm hugging her :P gus_magilke. . . . .hi suwan Elissa. . . . .but you still get 2 demerits Tonya. . . . .I will be here next Sunday..... RevRandy. . . . .you can keep talking - but I've been up since 6 something this morning .... suwan. . . . .thanks tickle! Elissa. . . . .lol tf bluelight. . . . .that's ok suwan she doesn't mean it bluelight. . . . .lolol RevRandy. . . . .y'all come back, y'hear! Tonya. . . . .See you all later. Elissa. . . . .ok, rainbow song time... TF88. . . . .thanks randy Jackie. . . . .nite rev Tonya. . . . .Thank you Rev RevRandy. . . . .nite all - bluelight. . . . .ok RR we let u go :D bye bye gus_magilke. . . . .nite REV Elissa. . . . .thank you all for being here. it's been a great evening! RevRandy. . . . .bye RevRandy. . . . .tata suwan. . . . .night rev! [SOUND] * Playing txplay20.mrc to #SpiritualPersistence with 50ms delay Elissa. . . . . 1,8!Elissa rainbow.mid 8,1 :o) bluelight. . . . .::::waving:::: TF88. . . . .night everyone...light and love RevRandy. . . . .and wait for the closing music RevRandy. . . . .ahhhhhh suwan. . . . .night TF bluelight. . . . .dum de dum dum suwan. . . . .sheesh got here just in time to say goodnight! RevRandy. . . . .and get two demerits Elissa. . . . .well surely it was worth that suwan :P * Jackie : Goodnight everyone! RevRandy. . . . .nite Jackie suwan. . . . .well except for the demerits Elissa. . . . .nite jackie Elissa. . . . .suwan get here early next week and i'll deduct them RevRandy. . . . .nite all zee. . . . .goodnite all |
Update: 5/18/2013
Web Author: the Rev Dr Randolph and
Elissa Bishop Becker, M.Ed., LPC, NCC
Copyright ©2001-2013 by the Rev Dr Randolph and Elissa Bishop
Becker, M.Ed.