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06/04/2000 - MIRACLES
Session Start: Sun Jun 04
20:51:58 2000 *** Now talking in #SpiritualPersistence *** Topic is ' 2,4~ Tonight's 2,7Topic: 2,8"Miracles" 2,9Sunday 2,11June 4 0,12at 9pm 2,13EDT ~ 0,2Hosted by Rev. Dr. Randolph Becker & Elissa Bishop Becker (and Rikkity). URL: www.spiritualpersistence.com ' RevRandy . . . hi everyone RevRandy . . . we will get started in about five minutes (if I can get elissa back) RevRandy . . . so sit tight -- choose a favorite chair here in SP RevRandy . . . there are beverages on the back table, and snacks too RevRandy . . . enjoy *** DEB (ADCjava@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence *** StF (ADCjava@***.worldpath.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy . . . hello DEB and StF StF . . . Hi room :) DEB . . . hi rev randy RevRandy . . . yeah - Elissa is back babe . . . hi StF . . . Hi Elissa *** Elissabrb is now known as Elissa *** Deni (Deni@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence t_kahle . . . Hi Elissa Elissa . . . hey everybody!!! Keepongoin . . . Hi Elissa and Deni Deni . . . hi ") t_kahle . . . Thank you for sending all the P to P e-mails. I love them!! Elissa . . . hi t and babe and deni-face and jackie and stf! Elissa . . . o good, t StF . . . yes, me too, they also strike a chord :) babe . . . hi Elissa . . . tonight's gonna be great... my energy's crackling like crazy! Elissa . . . Rikkity's here :) *** TF88 (TF88@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Deni . . . snap crackle POP! Deni . . . hi Rikkity! Elissa . . . i'm surprised... not lol Keepongoin . . . Hi Rikkity babe . . . feel like i know everyone *** ^^summer-rain (me@203.42.107.***) has joined #SpiritualPersistence *** sharross (sharross@***.tnt2.hackensack.nj.da.uu.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Elissa . . . hi sharr! long time no see lol RevRandy . . . hey - sharr!!!!!! sharross . . . hahah yeh E !! *** WhiteTiger (hypernoodl@***.door.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Elissa . . . hey whitetiger! i missed you and hyper! RevRandy . . . WT - welcome WhiteTiger . . . Elissa :) we missed you folks too WhiteTiger . . . thx RR :) Elissa . . . i was thinking you're going to like tonight, wt WhiteTiger . . . I like all of these sessions, Elissa ;) Elissa . . . thanks wt :) me too lol... but i'm totally biased *** WhiteTiger is now known as Hypernoodle RevRandy . . . OKAY - RevRandy . . . time to settle down, and settle in ... RevRandy . . . welcome to Spiritual Persistence (often called SP) Elissa . . . welcome! RevRandy . . . a weekly gathering to explore, consider, discussion, ponder, and general be with one another and the spirits beyond RevRandy . . . before we begin, do we have any new people here who like Elissa to give the quick tour *** Hanna (Hanna@***.on.bellglobal.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence babe . . . ok RevRandy . . . Hanna?!?!?!?!?! Elissa . . . babe is new Elissa . . . hanna who????? Hanna . . . yes, c'est moi! :) Hanna . . . ohhhhh :P Hanna . . . hey everyone! :) Elissa . . . (((((((hanna)))))))))) babe . . . hi Keepongoin . . . HI Hanna RevRandy . . . hello - ok Elissa - better give the intro, since Hanna needs to know what we do here Hypernoodle . . . Hi hanna :) Keepongoin . . . LOL Deni . . . rofl Hanna . . . ya ya ok sharross . . . hahah *** Hypernoodle is now known as WhiteTiger Elissa . . . RevRandy has been a Unitarian Universalist minister for Elissa . . . almost 30 years, with a thriving congregation in Elissa . . . Williamsburg, VA. Elissa . . . I am a writer, medium, and published poet, and Elissa . . . am currently a Masters student in Community Counseling Elissa . . . at the College of William and Mary. Elissa . . . My and RevRandy's daughter, Ericka (now known as Rikkity in spirit) Elissa . . . died in an automobile collision with a drunk driver Elissa . . . on August 20, 1995. Elissa . . . She was 20 years old, and going into Elissa . . . her junior year at Yale. 8 days after her death, RevRandy Elissa . . . and I began communicating with her. Elissa . . . Spiritual Persistence is Rikkity's name for that body of Elissa . . . wisdom she has shared with us in the form of Points to Elissa . . . Ponder. Elissa . . . It is a unique vision of the nature of spiritual Elissa . . . and physical existence, of the continuity between life Elissa . . . and death, of connection, and of our place in the universe. Elissa . . . And it is guidance we follow that has helped us to learn, Elissa . . . to heal from grief, and to live better lives. We are here to Elissa . . . share this wisdom with you and to explore what it means Elissa . . . to you personally, Elissa . . . as we learn from one another on this journey. Elissa . . . If you have any further questions, please feel free to Elissa . . . private message (pm) anyone with an "@" in front of their name Elissa . . . or email Randy or me anytime. Elissa . . . Thanks Elissa . . . for coming...and again, welcome! Does anyone have any questions Elissa . . . before we begin? babe . . . why do i feel like I know u Elissa . . . maybe you just feel at home here, babe Elissa . . . or maybe you know me :) *** journey (ptomli4650@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence babe . . . maybe i am also psychic Elissa . . . we all are... just some of us don't know it yet Elissa . . . hey journey! journey . . . Hi keep and elissa and All! Hanna . . . i think I remember you 'liss Elissa . . . hmmmm.... hanna... the name sounds familiar RevRandy . . . Before we begin each session RevRandy . . . we take a moment (and get quiet) RevRandy . . . and offer a simple invocation RevRandy . . . please join in the spirit of these words RevRandy . . . May we be connected to all things loving RevRandy . . . Protected from all things evil, RevRandy . . . and guided in all ways gracious. Blessed Be Hanna . . . Blessings to all Elissa . . . amen~ sharross . . . Amen Deni . . . Amen! StF . . . amen journey . . . Amen Jackie . . . amen TF88 . . . peace babe . . . amen Keepongoin . . . amen WhiteTiger . . . aho RevRandy . . . Now a few simple ground rules - if you want to pass notes to each other during the session - that's fine RevRandy . . . just do it as pm to each other (lol) RevRandy . . . And tonight we have a slightly different format Elissa . . . and make sure your tray-tables are in the upright position RevRandy . . . and locked * WhiteTiger hates the takeoffs and landings Elissa . . . lol RevRandy . . . we will begin with a simple explanation of how we got to tonight's topic RevRandy . . . and then it will flow from there RevRandy . . . as Elissa and I each have chosen 2 Points to Ponder to illustrate what we think is the topic RevRandy . . . or relevant to the topic RevRandy . . . or close to the topic Elissa . . . or not RevRandy . . . or at least not too far afield from the topic RevRandy . . . or in the same country as the topic t_kahle . . . jeepers Jackie . . . the suspense is killing me WhiteTiger . . . lol RevRandy . . . In one of our recent calls with Rikkity, she pointed to a quotation used in a book I am reading Elissa . . . and the topic is........... RevRandy . . . about Emerson RevRandy . . . but the quotation is not from Emerson (as far as I can tell) RevRandy . . . but from T. S. Eliot. RevRandy . . . 0,1"We have a mental habit which makes it easier for us to explain the miraculous in natural terms RevRandy . . . 0,1than to explain the natural in miraculous." T.S. Eliot WhiteTiger . . . hmmmmm RevRandy . . . And she (Rikkity) gave us the directions about the 2 PtoPs we were to select and discuss RevRandy . . . Now today, Rikkity said some further things about this topic: RevRandy . . . 0,2"We don't do much reduction of the miraculous to the ordinary... To force RevRandy . . . 0,2any experience into a single system of understanding based on our limited RevRandy . . . 0,2perceptive abilities is to deny the majesty of creation. You know--and mark RevRandy . . . 0,2this well--you don't have to choose between the miraculous and the natural. RevRandy . . . 0,2Scientific explanations can coexist with spiritual ones, if you think of RevRandy . . . 0,2science and spirit differently than is now usually the case. And I don't RevRandy . . . 0,2mean using pseudo-science to prove spirit nor a meta-spirituality to embrace RevRandy . . . 0,2science, but something more. And that's something you can discuss tonight RevRandy . . . 0,2and get ideas of what that would look like. Ponder that together." RevRandy . . . 0,2(6/4/2000) Elissa . . . and she will have more to say about that later... in person, so to speak :) RevRandy . . . So, there was the assignment - simple - eh? Elissa . . . sure Elissa . . . no problem RevRandy . . . (yep - she has promised (threatened) to be here tonight) WhiteTiger . . . yup... simple :) StF . . . :) RevRandy . . . So, with those two pieces in mind, I offer a Point to Ponder and then some of my own reflections on it: RevRandy . . . 0,2"About probable realities. It's a math concept. RevRandy . . . 0,2At any point in time there are infinite probable realities. RevRandy . . . 0,2We just know one. RevRandy . . . 0,2Here's an image: a point of light... just one, not thousands. RevRandy . . . 0,2From that point the light goes out in many directions. RevRandy . . . 0,2One probable reality is that it lights this page; another is that it is seen from Mars; RevRandy . . . 0,2another is that it is swallowed up by a black hole, etc. RevRandy . . . 0,2All true, all equally probable; but in your existence you follow just one strand of possibilities. RevRandy . . . 0,2Sequence, not time. You see ABCDE, but there also could be a ZYXW or a REDQ or a NJHG or a ASKU5. *** Sherman (ADCjava@***.sk.sympatico.ca) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy . . . 0,2All sequences, all equally possible and probable--even if the sequence is ABCDE. RevRandy . . . 0,2It's not about time. We have probable selves. RevRandy . . . 0,2 RevRandy . . . 0,2"Here's another one. RevRandy . . . 0,2In numbers you have evens and odds; all numbers are one or the other, in your thinking. RevRandy . . . 0,2But maybe there are others, which your thinking doesn't know, but which are just as real. RevRandy . . . 0,2Just because you have ten fingers doesn't make ten the base of all realities. RevRandy . . . 0,2It adds to All That Is--not personal, but collective. RevRandy . . . 0,2And some day, so to speak, we may unite with a parallel self that took a road not taken by us. RevRandy . . . 0,2We move in realities with many of 'us'es but we don't notice because most don't look like us physically, only spiritually. RevRandy . . . 0,2Ponder that...or not." (4/20/99 - B#29) Elissa . . . hey sherman :) RevRandy . . . Now, why did I choose this one? RevRandy . . . especially to illustrate this concept Sherman . . . Hi Everyone RevRandy . . . I think it is the notion that there can be many different paths, all equally probable RevRandy . . . that flow from any point in our spiritual existence. RevRandy . . . And although they may appear to be different paths, they are all inter-related RevRandy . . . and some different ones, in different realities, may take us to the same places RevRandy . . . So, while we like to think that we live in a land of set realities and scientific certainty RevRandy . . . (or at least are told that is the way it is) RevRandy . . . in fact there are many sets of facts RevRandy . . . which therefore means RevRandy . . . there are many sets of natural things RevRandy . . . each part of some larger reality RevRandy . . . all of which are equally true RevRandy . . . in the larger sense RevRandy . . . and what we perceive to be miraculous is often the intersection of more than one of the strands of reality RevRandy . . . or a glimpse into a wider perspective RevRandy . . . and if we take that glimpse and pin it down with the language RevRandy . . . imges RevRandy . . . theories RevRandy . . . of only one of the paths, one of the strands of our multi-faceted existence RevRandy . . . then we rob the miraculous of its very nature ... of transcending any specific we now understand RevRandy . . . I see this particularly in the reference to having ten fingers .... and therefore the assumption of all math being based on 10 RevRandy . . . For centuries, when mathematicians found problems that exceeded the limits of this thinking in 10s they reduced the problem so it was recast in 10s RevRandy . . . and then solved a completely different problem. RevRandy . . . If we continued to think in terms of 10 as an absolute way of thinking in math, we would not have these computers to work on which rely on a base 2 system RevRandy . . . so, in similar way, what would (or do) we deny ourselves, by limiting spiritual possibilities to those which fit RevRandy . . . already discovered natural scientific understandings? *** Blarney (gailey@***.boston.navipath.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy . . . I keep pondering that. RevRandy . . . But, what do you see in this? *** alice (ADCjava@***.hm.interlynx.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Elissa . . . very cool randy :) RevRandy . . . ty StF . . . Probable self...and parallel self... WhiteTiger . . . sounds like (un)common sense to me :) journey . . . well that stretches the mind as usual journey . . . lol t_kahle . . . I think this one might be over my head RevRandy . . . get out the rack - and stretch that mind StF . . . I often wake up from dreams that are ME but the ME is different from this me Elissa . . . mind stretching... does that burn any calories? journey . . . I wish :) babe . . . in life we all see things differently RevRandy . . . StF - what does it feel like to you t_kahle . . . Yet, I'm really interested because I am a teacher of science. Elissa . . . t, it's to ponder, not to get completely StF . . . I know it is ME, this same physical person...but she has different attitudes StF . . . different ways of speaking.. WhiteTiger . . . StF- sounds like ya know a more "basic" or "essential" you in yer dreams... and have trouble reconciling it with the here/now mask/persona StF . . . maybe... journey . . . but to me this makes me think of the saying All time is now and we experience many facets of now RevRandy . . . t_ - maybe this will help put it in perspective - as long as everything was pictured with the earth at the center of the universe, no one could see the other miraculous possibilities t_kahle . . . thank Elissa, I keep trying to UNDERSTAND everything completely and right now!! LOL t_kahle . . . thank you Elissa . . . t that's something many of us have had to unlearn TF88 . . . that's very interesting. The numbers portion brings to mind the differences between western and eastern music scales. Two different paths, both just as real. RevRandy . . . TF - yes - I like that ... good example StF . . . Math & music are 2 of the "laws" of the universe, yes? RevRandy . . . and can we envision a way in which they are not separate? RevRandy . . . is math a "law" or an experience? what would make it a "law"? Elissa . . . to envision a connection we need to widen our perspective WhiteTiger . . . I was fascinated with the science/miraculous dichotomy... seems to me it's ALL miraculous, and science is just a tool we use cause it works and gives us a false sense of understanding RevRandy . . . aha Elissa . . . is it false, or is it just part of the whole StF . . . Seems like I remember reading a book by the man who wrote Jonathan L. Seagull where he talked about meeting a different self that existed in a parallel universe, because he had made different choices Deni . . . isn't that Dif self actually just other aspects of the self? WhiteTiger . . . good post, Deni :) journey . . . well, if we have all these different layers to our aura then perhaps each layer is unique in its experiences as well RevRandy . . . but they are all our experiences - we just have not learned to integrate them Elissa . . . the gaps are in our perception, not in reality Elissa . . . hahaha but of course perception IS reality WhiteTiger . . . seems likely, Journey... the carburetor doesn't experience the trip to the market the same as the tires or doors on the car journey . . . yes, i agree, that is why perhaps dreams are so important StF . . . yes, like we are all the same, just viewing life, etc from a different "place" Elissa . . . right stf RevRandy . . . On this thread of about not getting it all yet .... when Einsteinian physics replaced Newtonian, it was not because Newton was wrong, only that his theories only worked in a limit sphere RevRandy . . . and someday relativity will be seen as horribly limited .... and yet still true in its own way Deni . . . I can't WAIT for that!! :) RevRandy . . . it is not about denying something else, but incorporating into ever more inclusive, complex understandings Elissa . . . randy's working on it deni lol RevRandy . . . shhhhhhh WhiteTiger . . . and the errors in relativity will be admitted, rather than covered up, just as the fallacies of newtonian physics have come to be Deni . . . lol Elissa . . . oooo wt that's a key to growth isn't it RevRandy . . . they will be admitted (unless organized religion has something to do with it -- then expect centuries of equivocation) StF . . . and the fact that there are no errors, only different ways of viewing... and not Knowing yet Elissa . . . yep WhiteTiger . . . sure seems to be ;) can't grasp the new when ya got both grubby paws clenched on the old ;) Elissa . . . yes, gotta let go of the old but not try to destroy it RevRandy . . . and that is, for me, what it means to take the miraculous and describe it away with limited terms babe . . . every second brings a new reality StF . . . yes, why do ppl seem to think miracles only occurred in the past? StF . . . Only in old books, like the Bible... WhiteTiger . . . "destruction", like "creation" is one of those fictitious abilities we imagine ourselves to have, imo RevRandy . . . So, Elissa - how about your first PtoP? Elissa . . . a different slant on the topic, but this one allows for many different slants Elissa . . . 0,12"Everybody is always here, but I can only sense the Elissa . . . 0,12ones who have a role to play with me right now. Elissa . . . 0,12If and when I need to learn from them, they will Elissa . . . 0,12be here for me. It's the same in life. People appear Elissa . . . 0,12to come and go from your life but they are always Elissa . . . 0,12there--it is your sensing that comes and goes. Elissa . . . 0,12That's why sometimes you need someone and it seems Elissa . . . 0,12like they suddenly appear across a crowded room. Elissa . . . 0,12"You create your own reality but the universe provides Elissa . . . 0,12the materials. Focus or sense or attend or notice or Elissa . . . 0,12separate from background or give credence to or Elissa . . . 0,12envision or let happen. If you paid attention to that Elissa . . . 0,12list you would see that here there is no substantial Elissa . . . 0,12difference between religious concepts like prayer or Elissa . . . 0,12surrender or intense meditation or yoga empty mind Elissa . . . 0,12or humanistic intense reason or Gestalt or Elissa . . . 0,12transactional analysis. All can be paths to Elissa . . . 0,12relationships we seek or need, or that seek or need us. Elissa . . . 0,12"If you truly need to relate only you can keep it from Elissa . . . 0,12happening. And if you don't want to relate no path Elissa . . . 0,12can take you there. And if you want to relate any and Elissa . . . 0,12every path will take you there." (10/8/95 - I#1) Elissa . . . this is meaningful to me in terms of seeing the miraculous in Elissa . . . the ordinary because it was this ptop that opened my Elissa . . . perspective... Elissa . . . after hearing this i began to allow for the Elissa . . . possibility of focusing on what i sought or needed, and Elissa . . . noticing who or what sought or needed me... i began to Elissa . . . find that if i needed to speak to someone i could simply Elissa . . . wait and they would appear--in a supermarket, a movie Elissa . . . theater, a restaurant, etc... Elissa . . . i also found that those who Elissa . . . needed something from me began to seek to me out more Elissa . . . frequently once i allowed myself to focus in that way. my Elissa . . . days became increasingly filled with little miracles, until Elissa . . . now i take them for granted... it's just life! Elissa . . . it doesn't Elissa . . . involve conscious effort at manifestation or positive Elissa . . . thinking or affirmations... Elissa . . . it simply is the way things Elissa . . . work :) WhiteTiger . . . good PtoP :) one point to contend though... imo, we don't create squat, including our own experiences... any more than ordering chateaubriand from the menu makes one a cordon bleu chef Sherman . . . That's so true Elissa. Sometimes we just have to pay attention to the signs. RevRandy . . . but maybe we create the menu? RevRandy . . . (like that ebb) Elissa . . . create in the sense that we focus on and open to what is there, wt... Elissa . . . and in the process of doing that we change what is there by interacting with it Elissa . . . (i believe at the moment) WhiteTiger . . . I don't think so RR... in my understanding creation is the sole and monopolistic baliwick of one and only one StF . . . Like you dont need to "become" spiritual to know truth... StF . . . Truth is...and is available to you where ever you are WhiteTiger . . . This is a point WhiteTiger . . . Tiger and I debate heartily (hypernoodle) Elissa . . . yes stf StF . . . It will appear in the form you need...your type of miracle TF88 . . . so to create is to discover Elissa . . . if we are part of that One, then we are cocreators... otherwise we're talking about a separation RevRandy . . . but I do not perceive myself as separate from all-that-is, so then I am co-creator StF . . . You only need recognition and acceptance Elissa . . . lol randy WhiteTiger . . . agree elissa... I just prefer the more precise term "choose" ;) RevRandy . . . hey , E, we agree StF . . . thank God! lol RevRandy . . . lol StF . . . makes for a smoother household, RR! RevRandy . . . it does .... but sometimes less fun Elissa . . . ok wt :) but choose implies it is independent of a context t_kahle . . . What exactly does it mean "people tend to come and go from our lives"? (someone leaves your house because it's time to go home?) or they don't want to be near you at all anymore? or they die? t_kahle . . . Or am I being too literal again??? LOL Elissa . . . lol randy WhiteTiger . . . mmmmm... can't quite get that one down, RR... "co-creator" implies a certain minimal amount of parity... and that is the one thing I have never seen a glimmer of, personally RevRandy . . . t_ there were some people I needed to know at one point in my life ... and then they faded as we each did not need each other in the same way RevRandy . . . WT - parity, or participation? StF . . . T...someone sent me an email the other day..saying some ppl are with you for a "Season" some for a "Reason" WhiteTiger . . . I see an implication of parity in the term... but then, I'm weird :) StF . . . like RR just said, when the season or reason is over, the relationship moved on TF88 . . . what does parity mean please? Elissa . . . and some people are just there when we need them RevRandy . . . it means an equality - TF88 . . . thank you RevRandy . . . being in balance WhiteTiger . . . or more precisely, an equivalence StF . . . yes...:) it said that too :) Elissa . . . i like weird, wt lol what does that make me? WhiteTiger . . . a fellow traveler? *innocent look* Elissa . . . good answer!!! Elissa . . . so, does this make sense to you guys in terms of miracles? WhiteTiger . . . lol... hyper is puffing up like a blowfish... I'm gonna give her the keyboard before she explodes ;) StF . . . So, enjoy your life, the ppl and experiences that come into it..and dont sweat it RevRandy . . . WT - pose a question for you -- Jose and Maria work in a factory owned by Luigi -- Luigi designed a certain product, but now Jose and Maria get the raw materials and makes the product -- who is the creator of the product when I get one from the factory? Elissa . . . manuel RevRandy . . . ROFLMAO StF . . . And welcome miracles! Deni . . . every moment is a miracle...some moments are more miraculous than others babe . . . what is ppl StF . . . people babe . . . thanks journey . . . a parent gives birth to a child and although the child cannot give birth to the parent, still they do give birth to their child journey . . . both creators RevRandy . . . I keep finding that when I most need a "miracle" even when I don't know it, one comes StF . . . And if you need a miracle, ask for it, it will come TF88 . . . yes, but do you wait for the miracle to come or do you become involved in bringing the miracle? Elissa . . . ah TF, will it be there if we don't see it :) Elissa . . . the old tree falling the forest thingie StF . . . the point is in the recognition and understanding for the future RevRandy . . . if miracles are things beyond explanations at our present level of knowing, then, yes, miracles abound StF . . . I consider aspirin a miracle... StF . . . I dont know how it works...but it works Deni . . . Elissa IS the miracle! sharross . . . :) RevRandy . . . amen t_kahle . . . Most of the miracles that I experience, happen only to me. If I try to put any into words to explain, ppl think I'm a little loose. *** WhiteTiger is now known as Hypernoodle journey . . . our perception dictates the "miracle" i believe RevRandy . . . T_ - that is the way with mystical experiences Deni . . . hi hypernoodle! Elissa . . . o sure... deni you looking for a raise? Hypernoodle . . . HI Deni :) Deni . . . yeah E! Hanna . . . lol Elissa . . . ok you got it!!!!! lol Deni . . . SWEEEEEEEEEEEET! Elissa . . . i'll give you hanna's share Deni . . . see what miracles can bring! RevRandy . . . well, folks, talking about miracles -- it is time for a short break .... for about 9 minutes, and then back with ..... Elissa . . . da moo :) Elissa . . . bbbbbbbbrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkkk t_kahle . . . I don't tend to hang out with ppl who are as open-minded as I am. Makes for problems. RevRandy . . . so talk among yourself or yourselves, or your elves *** Elissa is now known as Elissabrb t_kahle . . . open-minded, or empty headed. t_kahle . . . I'm not sure which. RevRandy . . . no put downs (even self put downs, please) Hypernoodle . . . Guess it depends on how open minded you are and whether your brains fell out huh? journey . . . tkahle, i kept much to myself till i knew what i really believed StF . . . yes, t...I enjoy your ideas :) t_kahle . . . I didn't mean empty headed as a put down. Hypernoodle . . . :) t_kahle . . . Sorry if I offended. Deni . . . hey I'm still trying to figure out what I believe RevRandy . . . but the opposite is being so closed minded that one does not even accept oneself - and there are plenty of them folks Hypernoodle . . . yep StF . . . try writing it down, deni journey . . . that is why my nick is journey...still journeying inside and out, lol (t_kahle) I guess I mean more like an empty "wrung out" sponge. Hypernoodle . . . I like to listen and wait for words that indicate I can talk to someone without being taken as totally nutso Deni . . . thats cool journey! t_kahle . . . I want to know everything - now! RevRandy . . . ok folks - see if you can find your seats again *** Elissabrb is now known as Elissa-Rikkity Elissa-Rikkity . . . hi hi hi Elissa-Rikkity . . . it's me RevRandy . . . hello mooooo Deni . . . hiya Rik Elissa-Rikkity . . . hi StF . . . wb elissa...and Hi rikkity TF88 . . . :) Hypernoodle . . . :) journey . . . hi and welcome Rikkity Elissa-Rikkity . . . yes, you are all once again graced by my presence, haha Elissa-Rikkity . . . except for hanna :P Elissa-Rikkity . . . so look, and listen, and ponder well. Elissa-Rikkity . . . think about gears. Elissa-Rikkity . . . if you think about science and spirituality as two separate gears Elissa-Rikkity . . . you will not see a machine that runs smoothly toward the future Elissa-Rikkity . . . in this millennium. Elissa-Rikkity . . . but think of the gears this way: Elissa-Rikkity . . . each of them has protrusions and insertion points... Elissa-Rikkity . . . not gaps, not holes, not empty spaces Elissa-Rikkity . . . but insertions points... edges, Elissa-Rikkity . . . growing edges, if you will. Elissa-Rikkity . . . the protrusions are that which is meaningful to each, Elissa-Rikkity . . . the edges are where they may be able to find connection. Elissa-Rikkity . . . without lubrication Elissa-Rikkity . . . they will grate when they meet... Elissa-Rikkity . . . they will feel scratchy and do damage to each other Elissa-Rikkity . . . and become less sure of the meaning they have found. Elissa-Rikkity . . . this is not good. Hypernoodle . . . lmao... and mutual motion (progress) is a matter of the repeated collisions of the protrusions on the two gears Elissa-Rikkity . . . the idea is not to degrade, but to upgrade. Elissa-Rikkity . . . so, with a bit of oil of olay... Elissa-Rikkity . . . no, i mean oil for lubrication-- Elissa-Rikkity . . . and that oil is understanding and awareness and openness *** Hypernoodle is now known as WhiteTiger Elissa-Rikkity . . . and possibility--those growing edges can meet and mesh and meld. Elissa-Rikkity . . . the meaning that science has found and the meaning Elissa-Rikkity . . . that spirituality has found are not mutually exclusive. Elissa-Rikkity . . . there are edges that are about a stuck point Elissa-Rikkity . . . or a confusion or something that looks Elissa-Rikkity . . . incongruous but is not and so Elissa-Rikkity . . . the frustration makes each side defend its meaning Elissa-Rikkity . . . and discount the others value. Elissa-Rikkity . . . your assignment is to look for where the edges meet, Elissa-Rikkity . . . look for where the insertions points can be filled Elissa-Rikkity . . . with meaning, Elissa-Rikkity . . . look for where the gears can come together Elissa-Rikkity . . . and that combining will be what drives Elissa-Rikkity . . . the new paradigm. Elissa-Rikkity . . . drive the new Chevrolet Paradigm, Elissa-Rikkity . . . now $400 off if you are graduating in the next 6 months, hahaha. Elissa-Rikkity . . . so, that's it. go and look for the connections WhiteTiger . . . rich corinthian leather? Elissa-Rikkity . . . that will be fueled with your energy-- Elissa-Rikkity . . . and i mean YOUR energy. Elissa-Rikkity . . . good night. *** Elissa-Rikkity is now known as Elissa Hanna . . . Thank you rikkity! :) journey . . . ty Rikkity RevRandy . . . ty moo Deni . . . thanks and goodnight WhiteTiger . . . interesting :) Elissa . . . i'm not back yet babe . . . thanks Deni . . . need help E? RevRandy . . . that last little bit made me realise that the Chevrolet Paradigm will be a manual shift, not automatic .... WhiteTiger . . . lol RevRandy . . . it won't just happen - we will have to do the work, and make the choices, and sense the road we are on *** Zee (bayridge1@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence t_kahle . . . I am so confused RevRandy . . . T_ how so? t_kahle . . . what just happened? Elissa . . . thanks deni-face... i'm going outside for a minute :) journey . . . to me it seems she speaks of walking in awareness between who we are and those that we feel are not spiritual RevRandy . . . what just happened was that Rikkity spoke through Elissa - RevRandy . . . a live PtoP so to speak t_kahle . . . alrighty then journey . . . she is awesome RevRandy . . . interesting images of the gears ---- RevRandy . . . she is going outside for a moment or two to cool down ... RevRandy . . . and when she is back, maybe we can discuss that ... RevRandy . . . until then, let me share another of the points I had chosen about miracles. so to speak RevRandy . . . 0,2 0,2"Angels are figments of imagination... RevRandy . . . 0,2or symbols of the interactive nature of the relationship between the temporal physical realm RevRandy . . . 0,2and the eternal manifestation of a spiritual or psychic, I guess...so they're present within existence. RevRandy . . . 0,2Some say 'guides,' some say 'spirits,' the Church copyrighted 'angels.' RevRandy . . . 0,2 RevRandy . . . 0,2"There has always been a need to see some form of the divine that could literally touch the human. RevRandy . . . 0,2But hey, if you sense the divine within you, you don't need it. RevRandy . . . 0,2Rather than divine messengers and protectors, we really have divine companions--us and you and them and et al. RevRandy . . . 0,2Ahhh, just call me angel of the morning. RevRandy . . . 0,2"Angels are not separate. RevRandy . . . 0,2There is only one reality, but it has many levels of complexity. RevRandy . . . 0,2If we had beings who had never been human, then we would have more than one reality. RevRandy . . . 0,2And if we have two, why not three...or 87. And some of the 87 could be so-called 'evil,' which is not true. RevRandy . . . 0,2Think of it: a tea-lady reality, unable to sustain itself. No customers. RevRandy . . . 0,2"You see, in this cleverly and pathetically simple way, RevRandy . . . 0,2I have masterfully demonstrated that there is either a single reality of great complexity, RevRandy . . . 0,2or an infinite number of incomplete and unstable realities. RevRandy . . . 0,2And which do you think can sustain itself. Obviously, the 'one.' RevRandy . . . 0,2And its elves and fairies and gnomes... garden gnomes. But not trolls. RevRandy . . . RevRandy . . . 0,2"Here's a thought: RevRandy . . . 0,2if elves and gnomes don't really exist, how come every culture has some form of this being in its mythology. RevRandy . . . 0,2Because it's symbolic of smaller--i.e., less complex--spiritual beings. RevRandy . . . 0,2So see, we know what we don't think we know. RevRandy . . . 0,2And angels symbolize more complex spiritual beings--i.e, God. RevRandy . . . 0,2And we're stuck here in the middle." (9/11/98 - I#25) RevRandy . . . Why did I pick this -- RevRandy . . . welllllllll RevRandy . . . it is the middle portion - RevRandy . . . in which she speaks about having proven RevRandy . . . that either there is a single reality of great complexity RevRandy . . . or an infinite number of incomplete and unstable realities. RevRandy . . . And then she rhetorically asks which can sustain itself, and the answer would be the single reality RevRandy . . . now, if there is only a single reality, in which we exist in many ways, with many different planes, RevRandy . . . and all that seems separate is really part of a larger, not-yet-understood whole *** Shelby (ADCjava@***.qconline.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence WhiteTiger . . . RR- to answer your earlier Q... the creator is the only one that creates... the very concept of the thing made in Luigi's factory was set out as an inherent possibility in the structure of this place... all Luigi and Co did was discover what always was, and bring what they can perceive of it's aspect to the fore in 3D (imo) RevRandy . . . miracles fall into the area in which RevRandy . . . the presently known and the future known become intertwined *** Starseed (Renee@***.modempools.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy . . . and to reduce that connection back into the definitions of only a piece, a part of the whole, would be to rob it of its essence. RevRandy . . . or least that is what I see. How about you? Elissa . . . i'm back... sort of lol RevRandy . . . did this speak to you in any way TF88 . . . wb elissa Elissa . . . ty tf :) RevRandy . . . or now that Elissa is back, want to talk about what Rikkity had to say? *** Danoon (ADCjava@216.79.53.***) has joined #SpiritualPersistence WhiteTiger . . . mmmm... seems to me we have no choice but to rob everything of some part of it's essence, RR... so far I haven't seen anyone who can hold all aspects of even so much as a single grain of sand... we dip our thimbles in the ocean, then show off our "sea" we have captured, it seems to me RevRandy . . . WT - yes, so far, but what is yet to come ?????? Elissa . . . wt i think the point is to try--to focus forward, not to get it all... not yet WhiteTiger . . . the next baby step ;) at this point it seems a bit foolish to me to be worrying about the hi jump ;) RevRandy . . . and as for the factory, if all Luigi and company did was detect what was already there, then where did the idea come from for the "Creator" to place it there *** fang (fang@***.cld.brightok.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy . . . was there a super-creator? WhiteTiger . . . agree elissa... I'm just being a gadfly tonight, I guess TF88 . . . working toward and worrying about are two different things RevRandy . . . eye on the prize --- RevRandy . . . even if I don't think I will win it this time around Elissa . . . that's ok, wt... we need to hear all those random thoughts out there :) Elissa . . . true tf... very different Elissa . . . hey fang! t_kahle . . . So, is there a super creator? Or where we all there working together? *** Kybear (ddhilk@***.dip.cdsnet.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy . . . there is a super creator, and we is it RevRandy . . . kybear, hi! t_kahle . . . we is it? t_kahle . . . us guys? Hanna . . . disappointed tkahle? RevRandy . . . why must we see creation (in the big sense) as separate from us? Hanna . . . lol Kybear . . . well hello all (((((((BIG ROOM HUG))))) Elissa . . . hey ky you're late! WhiteTiger . . . mmmmm... one source, and the idea of something preceding it is self contradictory, it seems to me Starseed . . . :)) journey . . . i am just thinking that rikkity's point was not so much scientific as it was finding wholeness now journey . . . wholeness within RevRandy . . . WT - unless one thinks of circles, not lines WhiteTiger . . . ack! please! not zen... LOL RevRandy . . . but what if the first is last, and so the circle is drawn, and the created is the creator, t_kahle . . . Then why does this creator have so many unanswered questions? RevRandy . . . then the circle is broken when we are encouraged to stop in any one point of the movement Hanna . . . I agree journey.. and also that the scientific and spiritual are moving closer together.. and if we don't allow for the merging (lubrication).. they are going to have a hard time working together. WhiteTiger . . . circles and lines are defined by motion... and it seems to me that defining the creator in terms of our limited understanding of what is, is kinda like the anthropomorphism of most religions RevRandy . . . WT - I agree, so I will not personify, but only speak of my sense that I am never separate from "it", and it cannot exist without me WhiteTiger . . . what is, is... that we are so limited we must perceive it in sequential slices (of time) just points out that we ain't up to the job of standing with the creator, imo t_kahle . . . you're a regular walking thesaurus there WT. Most of this is soooooo over my head. journey . . . yes hanna, but science aside..not caring one way or the other scientifically,.her point spoke to me of people who we feel are not spiritual in general and the meshing of ideas, speaking together and such Hanna . . . yes journey.. nicely put :) journey . . . lol tkahle Starseed . . . and within the circle we are all connected t_kahle . . . Or maybe I'm just tired. RevRandy . . . yes, all connected WhiteTiger . . . or I'm just wordy LOL RevRandy . . . well, I know that elissa has one more point to share! Elissa . . . yes and i'm glad all i have to do is cut and paste at this point lol Elissa . . . ok, here goes: Elissa . . . 0,13"It's not a dichotomy. There is no separation Elissa . . . 0,13between the divine and the other. In most perceptions, Elissa . . . 0,13one strives to become one with the divine or the Elissa . . . 0,13universe or whatever. But this is how I see it: Elissa . . . 0,13you and I and all will become the divine because Elissa . . . 0,13we are all already part of it--it is in us and we Elissa . . . 0,13are in it. No separation; no hierarchy. Elissa . . . 0,13"A physical parallel: hydrogen is an element, water Elissa . . . 0,13is a compound (see, I did pay attention in class), Elissa . . . 0,13and polymagnesium carbohydrate is a complex compound, Elissa . . . 0,13and a house is made of thousands of compounds, Elissa . . . 0,13and the universe has many houses. But which is real. Elissa . . . 0,13All of them are as real as the next, and all are part Elissa . . . 0,13of the universe. Complexity is not a measure but a Elissa . . . 0,13description. Elissa . . . 0,13"So with entities, is the level before this less valid. Elissa . . . 0,13Is the level to come more valid. In spiritual terms, Elissa . . . 0,13no. Everything is! And everything will be! It has Elissa . . . 0,13always been! How it relates and forms in ever-more Elissa . . . 0,13complex ways is the process of all being; and someday-- Elissa . . . 0,13or maybe night--it will all be unified and that is what Elissa . . . 0,13some would call the divine, All That Is in one being. Elissa . . . 0,13But we are never separate from it. Nothing exists Elissa . . . 0,13outside it, or maybe not. Maybe there are other Elissa . . . 0,13realities, all moving toward their own unities; and Elissa . . . 0,13when each and all are unified the process repeats all Elissa . . . 0,13over on a grander scale. But All That Is is! It's not! Elissa . . . 0,13about any individual act of communion with the divine; Elissa . . . 0,13it's about infinite acts of union within the divine. Elissa . . . 0,13Save yourself and miss the whole shabang. Elissa . . . 0,13"Those who seek their own fulfillment simply delay the Elissa . . . 0,13larger processes. It's not about differentiation; Elissa . . . 0,13it's about integration, connection. Together we can Elissa . . . 0,13move on, separately we are pitiful. So the task is not Elissa . . . 0,13to seek the divine and find a personal connection, it Elissa . . . 0,13is to feel the divine and make eternal connection with Elissa . . . 0,13others. You can't build if you don't get together. Elissa . . . 0,13That's all." (12/2/96 - V#24) Elissa . . . it's not a dichotomy... you and i are already a part of Elissa . . . the divine. we are within it and it is within us and *** cynsitive42 (ADCjava@***.tnt1.greenville.sc.da.uu.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Elissa . . . all the wonder we see in nature is a function of the Elissa . . . interaction between us and the universe... that is an Elissa . . . awesome thought to me! it's too big to comprehend Elissa . . . completely. but when i see a red sun setting in a Elissa . . . pink-gold sky or a magnificent rainbow or the light Elissa . . . in a baby's new eyes, when my breath catches for a Elissa . . . moment in awe and wonder, i also get a glimpse of the Elissa . . . miracle of my soul... of all of our souls. and in those Elissa . . . moments the ordinary becomes miraculous and the Elissa . . . miraculous ordinary... and i sense my connection to Elissa . . . All That Is because i sense that i am not perfect or Elissa . . . complete, but contain the potential to be whole and Elissa . . . grander than i know... the miraculous paradox that i Elissa . . . will be more than i am when i become who i am. Elissa . . . and that's all i have to say about that :) journey . . . that was beautiful! Elissa . . . thank you journey journey . . . yw Starseed . . . sounds as if you are referring to living fully in the now RevRandy . . . awesome Elissa . . . in the now and into the future, star RevRandy . . . and if we contain the future possibility, potential, then to explain it in past terms is to deny that potential Starseed . . . but if we live within the circular time we will cocreate that reality WhiteTiger . . . can ya expand on that a bit, RR? RevRandy . . . if I understand what E is speaking of, and Rikkity too, we hold within us not only what has been but the potential for what will be. RevRandy . . . As we use the metaphors, images, theories, facts of the past to describe our present experiences RevRandy . . . we tie ourselves to that past, rather than bid us proceed into the future RevRandy . . . a future where we do not yet have the words, metaphors, images, theories, or facts to describe WhiteTiger . . . ok... I can agree with that, if "within us" doesn't mean the cross section of us that is in the split instant of "now" that we perceive RevRandy . . . only the emerging experience RevRandy . . . I speak holistically of all that we each are, as a complex yet still becoming more complex spiritual entity WhiteTiger . . . ahhhh... we're talking apples and oranges I think... I'll shut up, cause I'm on a sidetrip, it looks like RevRandy . . . enjoy the OJ t_kahle . . . Oh dear, my sponge is full, I think I'd better get it's container to the pillow before it starts leaking. WhiteTiger . . . lol * TF88 tiptoes out...night and thanks Elissa . . . lol t! *** TF88 has quit IRC (QUIT: With wisdom comes calmness. With calmness comes wisdom. ) Elissa . . . wt i want to respond to what you said but i can't lol RevRandy . . . the floor is open! WhiteTiger . . . that's ok elissa :) I'm in an odd mood tonight... seem to be rather fractious Elissa . . . i noticed lol Elissa . . . need oil? fang . . . can i ask a question? Elissa . . . sure fang... always! fang . . . i put the blind rottweiler down a couple of weeks ago, do you think god will be angry with me? Starseed . . . that was humane fang Elissa . . . o fang, god doesn't get angry... what matters is are you angry with yourself? RevRandy . . . no fang - that was a caring thing to do fang . . . i felt bad that i couldn't give her the kind of life i would have liked to Elissa . . . Rikkity says anger is an attempt to get energy when we feel powerless... god doesn't feel powerless Starseed . . . (((((((fang)))))))))) fang . . . i feel powerless alot WhiteTiger . . . I like that description of anger :) fang . . . lost and powerless, helpless and hopeless RevRandy . . . ((((((((((((fang)))))))))) fang . . . sounds like a song lol Elissa . . . fang you need to come to terms with that, but remember that you had limited control over what happened... it's not your fault Elissa . . . a country song lol *** WhiteTiger is now known as Hypernoodle Starseed . . . lol Elissa . . . fang, how about this: write her a letter and tell her about all your feelings fang . . . yea too bad i'm not a music writer, i'd have a lot of sad country songs, or blues :) RevRandy . . . good way to get those feelings out ... in music, in words, fang . . . i'm still having trouble writing a letter to my dad, Hypernoodle . . . sometimes you just have to start writing, then let it flow Elissa . . . ok, when you're ready... or create some sort of ritual in her honor RevRandy . . . the first sentence is always the hardest, I find fang . . . does crying through the whole thing matter Hypernoodle . . . It is because of that blank sheet of paper journey . . . fang your intention was loving, is loving :) Elissa . . . no, crying is healing Elissa . . . and any last thoughts on miracles before we turn into pumpkins? Starseed . . . love them fang . . . yes, i was praying for my parents to meet her on the other side, and that she would be able to see and play when she got there Hypernoodle . . . I still believe miracles are all around us Starseed . . . i love them fang . . . i doo too Elissa . . . ((((((star)))))) RevRandy . . . it is the hour of 11 on this here east coast Elissa . . . anyone else want a hug? they're free! fang . . . i just have a hard time seeing them, but i feel like the puppies were miracles journey . . . just that they happen all the time, thank God, Creator..the Universe Hypernoodle . . . lol ((((Elissa)))) How about one back? Elissa . . . then they are, fang :) Starseed . . . ((((((((RR)))))))))(((((((((Elissa))))))))) Elissa . . . (((((((hyper)))))))))))) fang . . . ((((((((((((((rr,elissa))))))))))))))))) Elissa . . . ((((((((((((fang)))))))))))))) Hypernoodle . . . (((RR))) journey . . . thanks again RR and Elissa and Rikkity for your insight and PtoP Hanna . . . me me... me me me Elissa . . . ((((((((((journey))))))))))))) yes, thank god and the universe... and us!!! Hypernoodle . . . ((((Hanna)))) Elissa . . . (((((((((((hanna)))))))))))))) RevRandy . . . thanks to you all Starseed . . . (((((((((Dear Hanna)))))))))))))))) RevRandy . . . ((((((((((((((((((((everybody)))))))))))))))))))) group hug journey . . . hhehe elissa, i include us all ways :) Elissa . . . (((((((((((((SP))))))))))))))) Hanna . . . Ahhhhhh thank you 'lissa and hypernoodle & starseed!! :) journey . . . gosh i might have to sing the barney song...lol Starseed . . . lol [SOUND] * Playing txplay20.mrc to #SpiritualPersistence with 50ms delay Elissa . . . 13,0!Elissa rainbow.mid 0,13 :o) Hypernoodle . . . I love you, you love me........ Elissa . . . now everybody remember your assignment or Rikkity will be pissed! Hypernoodle . . . We have ALL those Barney videos :) fang . . . i love you you love me we're a happy family Elissa . . . rofl!!!!! fang . . . what was it for the latecomer? Hypernoodle . . . Rats.....I missed the assignment fang . . . demerit winner Hypernoodle . . . oh well....no homework! Elissa . . . you wish hyper lol Hypernoodle . . . lol Elissa . . . wt will tell you Hypernoodle . . . You think? Elissa . . . i know... or else LOL Starseed . . . ((((((((((Room))))))))))))))))))) *** RevRandy (bishopbeck@***.lft.widomaker.com) has left #SpiritualPersistence * Hanna waves goodnight to all - stay safe! :) fang . . . night all god bless and dog kisses to you journey . . . nite fang, bless you Hypernoodle . . . take care, fang :) journey . . . Goodnite Elissa, marie and hyper, stay well and happy..elissa i shall find your book :) Hypernoodle . . . night Journey Elissa . . . love you! Elissa . . . bye :) Hypernoodle . . . love to all of you :) *** Disconnected Session Close: Sun Jun 04 23:31:42 2000 |
Update: 5/18/2013
Web Author: the Rev Dr Randolph and
Elissa Bishop Becker, M.Ed., LPC, NCC
Copyright ©1999-2013 by the Rev Dr Randolph and Elissa Bishop
Becker, M.Ed.