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Session Start: Sun Oct 01
21:09:38 2000 *** Now talking in #SpiritualPersistence *** Topic is ' 2,4~ Next 2,7Topic: 2,8"Living and Enjoying" 2,9Sunday 2,11October 1 0,12at 9pm 2,13EDT ~ 0,2Hosted by Rev. Dr. Randolph Becker & Elissa Bishop Becker, M.Ed. (and Rikkity). URL: www.spiritualpersistence.com ' Deni . . .hey there is Lissa! Elissa . . . deni-face! Elissa . . . hi cat Cat . . . Hi Elissa *** fang (fang@***.cld.brightok.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Elissa . . . hey fang :) RevRandy . . . hey fang fang . . . hey *** WhitTiger (whitetiger@***.door.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy . . . hello WT Elissa . . . wt da man :) WhitTiger . . . RR :) RevRandy . . . wait - it is not Whitetiger .... it is WhitTiger -- he lost his e Elissa . . . wt you're missing an "e" lol Elissa . . . i'm sorta half here guys, so forgive me if i seem out of it... i'm morphing :) WhitTiger . . . lol *** WhitTiger is now known as WhiteTiger *** imadreamer (ADCjava@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy . . . hello ima Deni . . . hi ima Elissa . . . hey imadreamer imadreamer . . . hi RevRandy . . . well, hello everyone RevRandy . . . and welcome to Spiritual Persistence RevRandy . . . our weekly chat RevRandy . . . wherein we try to explore some concepts of spiritual persistence RevRandy . . . our messages from the other side RevRandy . . . life RevRandy . . . death RevRandy . . . meaning RevRandy . . . fulfillment RevRandy . . . etc RevRandy . . . Anyone new here who would like the intro from Elissa? Cat . . . I am new. *** Honey_Child (ADCjava@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Elissa . . . ok, i give you the tour :) imadreamer . . . me too please Honey_Child . . . Hello Everyone RevRandy . . . it's for everyone Elissa . . . RevRandy has been a Unitarian Universalist minister for Elissa . . . almost 30 years, with a thriving congregation in Elissa . . . Williamsburg, VA. Elissa . . . I am a writer, medium, and counselor with Elissa . . . a Masters degree (M.Ed.) in Community Counseling. Elissa . . . My and RevRandy's daughter, Ericka (now known as Rikkity in spirit) Elissa . . . died in an automobile collision with a drunk driver Elissa . . . on August 20, 1995. Elissa . . . She was 20 years old, and going into Elissa . . . her junior year at Yale. 8 days after her death, RevRandy Elissa . . . and I began communicating with her. Elissa . . . Spiritual Persistence is Rikkity's name for the Elissa . . . wisdom she has shared with us in the form of Points to Elissa . . . Ponder. Elissa . . . It is a unique vision of the nature of spiritual Elissa . . . and physical existence, of the continuity between life Elissa . . . and death, of connection, and of our place in the universe. Elissa . . . And it is guidance we follow that has helped us to learn, Elissa . . . to heal from grief, and to live better lives. We are here to Elissa . . . share this wisdom with you and to explore what it means Elissa . . . to you personally, as we learn from one another on this journey. Elissa . . . If you have any further questions, please feel free to Elissa . . . private message (pm) anyone with an "@" in front of their name Elissa . . . or email Randy (RevRandy@spiritualpersistence.com) Elissa . . . or me (ebb@spiritualpersistence.com) any time. Please let us know Elissa . . . if you would like to be on our email list. Thanks for coming... Elissa . . . and again, welcome! Elissa . . . Does anyone have any questions before we begin? WhiteTiger . . . lol... will there be refreshments, after? Cat . . . No. RevRandy . . . yes - at your house *** suwan (stiara@208.129.40.***) has joined #SpiritualPersistence WhiteTiger . . . rats... snagged again Cat . . . Spiritual refreshment, right? Elissa . . . if you bring them, wt lol... but Rikkity will be here and she's refreshing :) Elissa . . . right, cat! Elissa . . . ((((((suwan)))))) imadreamer . . . Elissa could you tell us how your daughter first made contact with you *** Hypernoodle (hypernoodl@***.door.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy . . . hello hyper Hypernoodle . . . HI RR :) Elissa . . . well, right after her death i felt her presence.... before she communicated in words with us WhiteTiger . . . Dudette ;) Hypernoodle . . . TigerDude :) fang . . . elissa is blessed Elissa . . . i said to Randy "she's huge" imadreamer . . . so she communicates in actual words??? Elissa . . . and then realized that i had to try to connect with her... it came as an intention on both sides Honey_Child . . . How did you try to connect? Elissa . . . o yes, ima... in fact, she will be here at about 10:12 tonight RevRandy . . . we reached out and she reached out Elissa . . . hey hyper! imadreamer . . . you mean here on this chat??? RevRandy . . . about????? Elissa . . . yep RevRandy . . . yes, here Hypernoodle . . . HI Elissa :) imadreamer . . . wow how does that happen? Elissa . . . honey, that's a long story and we tried a couple of times before we actually reached her Cat . . . Elissa, do you channel her? Elissa . . . i'll be channeling her tonight RevRandy . . . (but we met some other nice spirits along the way) imadreamer . . . ok so she will be speaking "through" you? Honey_Child . . . guides? Elissa . . . we connect in many different ways and that's one of them Elissa . . . yes, guides Elissa . . . yes ima RevRandy . . . guides and "neighbors" RevRandy . . . one of the things I have learned in this process is to not expect that "there" will be the same as "here" in terms of how entities relate, etc RevRandy . . . so many of our words for things are just approximations to what it must be like there Honey_Child . . . do you hear actual sentences--or just words...the presence..is it a smell, a thought...how do you know FOR sure that it is her. Do you ever worry about your imagination. I do and I am so unsure. I just want to connect with my loved one. I need that RevRandy . . . Sentences? Long treatises at times Elissa . . . o my... a lot of questions! honey, maybe it would be better if you emailed us Elissa . . . we have to begin our topic RevRandy . . . we would be glad to share *** ingie (ADCjava@***.dialup.mindspring.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Honey_Child . . . Yeah, I think I will. Sorry--very new to this Elissa . . . you will see some of what she shares tonight imadreamer . . . thank you RevRandy . . . before we begin each session Elissa . . . no problem, honey :) RevRandy . . . we invite you to join us in some simple but special words of invocation (from Rikkity) RevRandy . . . 0,2May we be connected to all things loving RevRandy . . . 0,2Protected from all things evil RevRandy . . . 0,2And guided in all ways gracious. RevRandy . . . Amen Deni . . . Amen Elissa . . . amen~ imadreamer . . . amen Cat . . . Amen. fang . . . amen WhiteTiger . . . aho Honey_Child . . . amen suwan . . . amen RevRandy . . . And to help you follow what goes on, when you see something in that combination of white and blue, it has come to us from Rikkity ==== and tonight, since we are talking about the category that is orange in our website, it will be in an orange motif RevRandy . . . For those of you who are new, RevRandy . . . many of the ideas that have been shared with us have been assembled at our website RevRandy . . . www.spiritualpersistence.com RevRandy . . . according to 8 categories RevRandy . . . (each with a color from the rainbow) RevRandy . . . and tonight we are thinking about the category titled "Living and Enjoying" RevRandy . . . It comes from some of the earliest contacts we had with her RevRandy . . . when she spoke about a purpose of life was to live and enjoy. RevRandy . . . But I have always been intrigued with this category RevRandy . . . because it seems different from the others ... from things like Energy, RevRandy . . . And it was startling in the midst of our profound grief to be told to think about living and enjoying *** dimitri (ADCjava@***.saturn.bbn.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence RevRandy . . . one of the main themes of her messages to us has been about Learning and Remembering RevRandy . . . which at first seemed to be almost an opposite idea - RevRandy . . . how could living and enjoying have much to do with depth RevRandy . . . but over the years I have come to really appreciate how important it is to think about how we live and how we enjoy that living WhiteTiger . . . that seems odd.... why would it be startling? RevRandy . . . So, tonight, we are going to share a couple of Points to Ponder from what has been given us, and we will begin a discussion about them, and then invite you into that discussion to see where it all goes RevRandy . . . WT -- in the time that the idea first came to us, I know that I was not in a mood to hear much like that ... caught up in her death, and her physical loss from me RevRandy . . . I could barely take a breath, much less worry about enjoying it Elissa . . . yes, and that was the first lesson she taught us RevRandy . . . So, let me share one of those Points to Ponder, and see where it takes us WhiteTiger . . .-- shutting up ;) Elissa . . . :) RevRandy . . . 2,7"Ideals are good, but not for much. RevRandy . . . 2,7Let's say you are going to buy a car. RevRandy . . . 2,7You know what a perfect car is, but hey, there ain't no such thing on the market. RevRandy . . . 2,7So you buy the best available to you, and you may modify it or customize it a bit; RevRandy . . . 2,7but you also change your expectations. RevRandy . . . 2,7You become real, man. RevRandy . . . 2,7If you decided to deal with the car without changing yourself and RevRandy . . . 2,7accepting the reality, you would drive yourself miserable, RevRandy . . . 2,7and what's the point--car won't only change so much, RevRandy . . . 2,7and you ain't gonna be having no perfect car. RevRandy . . . 2,7So why be miserable. Be flexible and happy." (9/30/97 - O#22) RevRandy . . . If I waited until I knew that life would be perfect RevRandy . . . and postponed my living and enjoying until I could be assured that it would be exactly what I wanted RevRandy . . . I would be waiting forever. RevRandy . . . Life, like cars, do not come in perfection RevRandy . . . Life comes as it comes. RevRandy . . . And we have the opportunity to respond to it as we wish. RevRandy . . . We can live it ... or we can try to avoid it .... or deny it ... RevRandy . . . but anything less than living it will certainly not be enjoyable ... RevRandy . . . and here is the point I got to in time RevRandy . . . if we are going to be able to find meaning .... to learn from life, RevRandy . . . we have to be willing to live it RevRandy . . . and if we make "perfection" or having it our way be the criteria, then we will never enjoy it fang . . . even during the yeeechy times? RevRandy . . . yes, even in the yucky times RevRandy . . . because as bad as they are, RevRandy . . . they are our times RevRandy . . . they are the stuff out of which we need to make our lives RevRandy . . . we might not choose it, but there it is RevRandy . . . any alternative would leave us avoiding life and also the lessons of life RevRandy . . . IMHO RevRandy . . . But, what do you think about all of this? *** jenna (ADCjava@***.sparldil.mediacom.ispchannel.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence fang . . . i just wish some lessons weren't sooooooooooo hard Cat . . . I have had a lot of pain and loss in my life, but I now know that is the only way we learn her on the earth plane. fang . . . then i ought to be a graduate student when i get to the other side Elissa . . . we can also learn through joy, i believe.... but the key is to accept whatever life presents to us because that's where we are Elissa . . . lol fang suwan . . . well I often think I'm just a slow learner Deni . . . oh what if it's all just circumstance..nothing to do with lessons being learned...just life the way it is WhiteTiger . . . For me it's real simple.. I don't figure I'm qualified to put value judgements on what the creator has seen fit to put in front of me. So far it has always been the right thing in the long run... when I think it sucks it's cuz I ain't swift enough to see it right RevRandy . . . yes, Elissa -- good point -- we are so quick to embrace a change we like, and often resist the others Cat . . . And we have to look for joy in little things. Elissa . . . trying to control things can slow us down RevRandy . . . WT - perspective does have a lot to do with it, doesn't it fang . . . oh no, that's terrible for a control freak like fang ;) Elissa . . . circumstance is what we learn from, deni-face Deni . . . well..I mean with no greater picture in mind....just playing the skeptic here RevRandy . . . WOW -- this all brings back to mind an experience I had forgotten about Elissa . . . hmmmm.... good question.... what if there is no other purpose than just to live and be? Deni . . . yes imadreamer . . . but what about children that are abused, what are they suppose to learn Deni . . . well put RevRandy . . . I was (in those days) studying physics (another life of mine) fang . . . john lennon? RevRandy . . . and had an experiment to do .... Elissa . . . :) RevRandy . . . and all of those who got the expected results got a C RevRandy . . . and all of those who had their experiments go awry and then talked about what happened and what they learned from it got As Elissa . . . ima, they learn whatever they learn, and it won't be the same for all of them and some of them won't learn anything at all imadreamer . . . hmmm RevRandy . . . As the Prof said, if you only get what you expect to get, what's the point Elissa . . . (sorry RR, but i thought that was important to respond to) WhiteTiger . . . Deni- circumstance doesn't explain much, imo. When the very sructure and fabric of this place are programmed to create the circumstances, that word just moves the "I dunno" line back a level or two more remote RevRandy . . . no problem -- I like multiple threads suwan . . . also E there's the karma issue fang . . . like a quilt of many colors? * Deni is the QUEEN of "I dunno" WT :) WhiteTiger . . . lol RevRandy . . . WT - are the structures and fabric of this place actually there or do they appear to be there because we live in that matrix (of belief)? Elissa . . . what do you see as the role of karma suwan? suwan . . . for the abused child RevRandy . . . (should be a comma in there somewhere .... karma suwan) *** teresa (ADCjava@***.reverse.accesscomm.ca) has joined #SpiritualPersistence fang . . . someone can help them if they choose too,,, can't they suwan . . . possibly working off karma from a previous life and providing a lesson for those around him suwan . . . actually that's my real first name, Karma Sue my family calls me WhiteTiger . . . RR- near as I can figure, we're given the set of perceptive limitations that allow us to function here... or perhaps it's the other way around and there are aspects of what is to suit all possible sets of limitations Elissa . . . yes... you mean they'd been an abuser before? maybe, but who knows... maybe they just needed to learn about violence or energy-sucking Elissa . . . lol suwan RevRandy . . . or maybe it is not about the child alone, but the whole system in which the child exists suwan . . . yes of course rev imadreamer . . . so the whole system must learn lessons? suwan . . . after all, I've come to the conclusion that the grief is not about death or loss, it's about how we react RevRandy . . . going down the karma road, we have to be careful that we don't put limitations where vistas might be WhiteTiger . . . mmm.. another possibility is that they may be assigned to teach that lesson to someone else Elissa . . . great point, suwan RevRandy . . . one of the things that Rikkity spoke to us about was to think beyond "choices" to opportunities Elissa . . . not unless it serves their own development as well, wt RevRandy . . . openings, not just steps Elissa . . . right RevRandy . . . and openings that did not imply a whole set of consequences, but openings that offered other opportunities WhiteTiger . . . Elissa- well, that's kinda a given, ain't it? any and every experience ya catalog adds something Elissa . . . and i don't have an opening for my next PtoP, but here goes anyway :) RevRandy . . . go for it Elissa . . . if you learn from it, wt :) RevRandy . . . and remember Elissa . . . 2,7"Spiritual guides... usually begin by feeling full, not empty. Elissa . . . 2,7They come to share, not to cure. Elissa . . . 2,7And they know they can't give you your spirit's experience--only you can-- Elissa . . . 2,7but they feel the fullness so strongly, they know it is possible for those who choose. Elissa . . . 2,7Psychologists begin with a belief that a patient is in a deficit Elissa . . . 2,7and they will help bring them up to normal, Elissa . . . 2,7but people who are spiritual guides believe you start normal Elissa . . . 2,7and they help you find the extraordinary. Elissa . . . 2,7 Elissa . . . 2,7"Filling a hole or building a hill takes the same amount of dirt, Elissa . . . 2,7but the end product gives a much different view." (excerpt from 1/27/96 - O#6) Elissa . . . here is a vision of fullness that we usually don't hear from experts... Elissa . . . in discussions with religious leaders or self-help "gurus" i've come to Elissa . . . expect that either they or some participant will change their focus from Elissa . . . a vision of possibility to "what is wrong with the human race"... they may Elissa . . . end by offering help or guidance, Elissa . . . but by that time it feels much more like Elissa . . . hole-filling than hill-building... Elissa . . . it feels discouraging, as though we all Elissa . . . have such a long way to go that it hardly seems possible Elissa . . . that any small Elissa . . . thing we do or change we make would matter. Elissa . . . and yet we each sense that there are possibilities beyond what we know... Elissa . . . and that's what makes life something to treasure... Elissa . . . what are your thoughts on this? imadreamer . . . so if you are just filling the hole to bide your time that's kind of dumb imadreamer . . . but if you are filling it to build a hill, that is constructive Elissa . . . in essence, ima :) imadreamer . . . ok imadreamer . . . you have a goal Elissa . . . a goal, a dream, a vision, a sense of possibility imadreamer . . . ok imadreamer . . . rather than a void Elissa . . . not just acting or reacting out of need RevRandy . . . When we are in the midst of one of life's seeming low points, we need to take an honest look around and see what is the norm ... death, loss, disease, etc. .... all people go through that ... it is part of the human experience -- you are not in a hole, but on the plane with everyone Cat . . . I think we have to strive towards perfection, one little step at a time, even knowing we won't reach it in this life. Elissa . . . cat, how can we know what perfection is? WhiteTiger . . . the dif I s is one of value judgement... the "deficit' thinking assumes the thinker is qualified to pass judgment on something.. The "advancement" thinker is concerned with change an movement, without passing judgment on the starting conditions RevRandy . . . (or purrrrfecton) Elissa . . . exactly wt Cat . . . That is true, but I think Good in all our acts would be perfection. Always caring, always loving (which is the essence of God). RevRandy . . . so to move toward, bend toward, that which would appear to be "living" and "enjoying" would be a goal Elissa . . . and there's the problem with aiming for perfection, cat... we're not there yet so we cannot know what that means RevRandy . . . direction, not perfection Elissa . . . and if we were there, we would stop growing and learning... we'd die suwan . . . hmmm one of my favorite authors says "everything is perfect" meaning it's exactly as it should be imadreamer . . . but what about those who give up and take their own life Cat . . . I don't think I have to worry about that for a while :D ! imadreamer . . . what have they accomplished RevRandy . . . at its present moment, I would add, suwan *** amy (calcity3@***.la.networkone.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Elissa . . . me either cat lol WhiteTiger . . . hmmmm... ya missed me with that one... how in the world can perfection be a terminal condition? suwan . . . this is sometimes hard to swallow I think, but it is very comforting too RevRandy . . . if living is a process of motion, and if you reached the end of the road, stop the process, then life is gone WhiteTiger . . . I happen to agree with that one, suwan... "the creator is the ONLY one that makes no mistakes" ;) RevRandy . . . hey -- it is 10, and time for a break --- which we need to take if Rikkity is going to join us soon. Elissa . . . yep yep yep Elissa . . . bbbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkkk Elissa . . . chat away RevRandy . . . break break break (keep on talking ---- we just need a few minutes .....)brb *** RevRandy is now known as RevRandybrb *** Elissa is now known as Elissabrb *** tiarra (ADCjava@***.tnt1.minneapolis.mn.da.uu.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence *** ATracy__in_FL (ADCjava@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Deni . . . hi tracy ATracy__in_FL . . . Hi Deni . . . we are at a break right now *** angelv (ADCjava@***.b1.tnt1.nyc.ny.freei.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Deni . . . wb angelv angelv . . . hello Deni . . . angel you caught everyone at break time Deni . . . they will be right back Deni . . . Rikkity is about to make an appearence angelv . . . cool *** RevRandybrb is now known as RevRandy *** JD (ADCjava@***.hsacorp.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence WhiteTiger . . . hi JD JD . . . hey all WhiteTiger . . . intermission time... but things are about to recommence RevRandy . . . we are just finishing our break (but we are not broken!) *** Elissabrb is now known as Rikkity Rikkity . . . hi hi.... it's me RevRandy . . . hey there moo imadreamer . . . hi Rikkity . . . hi Deni . . . hi Rikkity Rikkity . . . Now breathe deeply. Rikkity . . . hi face Rikkity . . . Inspiring is breathing in, Rikkity . . . and inspiring is being filled with spirit. Rikkity . . . While you are in the physical, Rikkity . . . your body can teach you many lessons. Rikkity . . . It can be a messenger between spirit and physical. Rikkity . . . It is not spirit, but it can translate Rikkity . . . some of what spirit is into linear terms you can understand. Rikkity . . . It can be a temple, yes, but only if the temple Rikkity . . . is a venue for connection with spirit. Rikkity . . . Your body can bring you enjoyment, Rikkity . . . but that is not the same thing as pleasure. Rikkity . . . It may be pleasurable to pass your days reclining on a sofa, Rikkity . . . but that will bring your body to a state of dissolution and weakness. Rikkity . . . And is that enjoyment. I theeeeenk not. Rikkity . . . So to enjoy you must push yourself Rikkity . . . beyond the limits of what is pleasurable. Rikkity . . . It may not be pleasurable to lift heavy weights, Rikkity . . . but when they make you stronger you are able to enjoy what your body Rikkity . . . can do more fully. So enjoyment is not about the "here and now," Rikkity . . . but about the "then and how do i get there." Rikkity . . . And in the "then" is the abundance of possibility. Rikkity . . . That's all. Rikkity . . . Watching the Olympics may be pleasurable, Rikkity . . . but it won't get you the joy of lighting that blazing torch. Rikkity . . . Remember the difference. And remember that in order to breathe in, Rikkity . . . you must breathe out. Ponder that. Rikkity . . . And now i must go. Love and hugs. Goodbye. Come, Sandy. RevRandy . . . bye Moo WhiteTiger . . . lolol RevRandy . . . thank you *** Rikkity is now known as Elissa Deni . . . (((Rikkity and Elissa-poo)))))))) Elissa . . . whew! brb RevRandy . . . Elissa will be back -- she needs a "breather" suwan . . . wb E RevRandy . . . lots of stuff in what Rikkity said! WhiteTiger . . . bottom line seems to be "life ain't a spectator sport.. ya either play or hit the showers" RevRandy . . . WT - yes, and it is played not for pleasure, but for enjoyment ... which are two different things RevRandy . . . it may not always be that great -- it may hurt WhiteTiger . . . not the only reasons to play, though Hypernoodle . . . for sure, Tiger RevRandy . . . and others would be ..... RevRandy . . . (in alphabetical or priority order please) WhiteTiger . . . "it's a dirty job, but it needs done" lol RevRandy . . . duty RevRandy . . . necessity? Hypernoodle . . . preparation WhiteTiger . . . or devotion... depends which side of the coin comes up RevRandy . . . ok - let's look at that --- there is some "job" that needs doing (which could be going through some experience, etc) RevRandy . . . and we have the opportunity of it being in our lives RevRandy . . . why would we do it unless we were going to get something out of it? RevRandy . . . But what? RevRandy . . . satisfaction at what was done RevRandy . . . relief from guilt over it not being done RevRandy . . . or some measure of learning and fulfillment even though it was not a pleasurable thing to do WhiteTiger . . . or the duty to experience it, cuz it suits the creator to have that aspect of "what is" enhanced by knowing awareness at that place/time/dimension RevRandy . . . so, if one accepts an outside, separate creator, RevRandy . . . then in fulfilling that creator's plans RevRandy . . . one finds meaning -- being part of the larger schema of creation WhiteTiger . . . mmm.. not necessarily RevRandy . . . not because it is pleasurable , but because it is meaningful *** geli (ADCjava@***.netexpress.net) has joined #SpiritualPersistence WhiteTiger . . . naw... cuz it's required ;) RevRandy . . . required???? - hey, who died and made God god? RevRandy . . . or, in a less smart-alec mode -- if you didn't do it, you wouldn't be you WhiteTiger . . . I haven't said word one about god.. those are almost numberless... all I've referred to is the creator RevRandy . . . I was also intrigued by the reference to our physical selves RevRandy . . . that our bodies can be translation mediums between the spiritual and the physical RevRandy . . . they can be our connections WhiteTiger . . . meat machines ;) RevRandy . . . what do you think? * Elissa is back and scrolling up :) RevRandy . . . but to be spiritual in a physical form must imply some role of the physical at this level of development WhiteTiger . . . imo, without the body to reflect and enhance the spirit here in 3D, it'd be nothing but amorphous unfocussed poltergeists everywhere RevRandy . . . so, a method of focusing of energy WhiteTiger . . . body= 3D network card for the spiritual OS RevRandy . . . rofl RevRandy . . . I think Rikkity would like that one RevRandy . . . but when we don't use the card right, the spiritual OS can freeze up, shut down, who knows what WhiteTiger . . . lmao... that might explain yuppies! Hypernoodle . . . What is "right"? RevRandy . . . (and you thought windows was complex .....introducing WINDOWS ETERNITY .... no spirit should operate without it geli . . . what would be a wrong use or for that matter a right use of the OS? :) RevRandy . . . well, IMHO, if we try to operate in ways contrary to what our living system is telling us ... that would be a "wrong" use - Hypernoodle . . . the living system being the 3D body? WhiteTiger . . . geli- that's the point... the OS can't define it's own parameters.. takes the system designer (creator) to do that RevRandy . . . and a right use .... trying to maximize the data flow from our physical existence so that we can see how it interacts with our spiritual existence geli . . . What if you don't know how to use the OS to tune in? :) WhiteTiger . . . "Windows Eternity for Complete Idiots" hits the shelves this fall ;) RevRandy . . . well, you are doing that right now -- seeking out some technical manuals (spiritual thinking) that might tell you how your OS works Hypernoodle . . . lol....tiger Elissa . . . lol Hypernoodle . . . Is each spirit different.....individual....unique? Deni . . . what is OS??? she asks shyly at the HUGE risk of looking stupid!! Hypernoodle . . . (operating system) geli . . . what would help with the fine tuning? Sometimes I just think that I am hitting buttons on the keyboard without success? RevRandy . . . Problem is that most technical manuals (religions) assume that all people operate the same Elissa . . . i love this part: "So enjoyment is not about the here and now,' Elissa . . . but about the then and how do i get there.' And in the then' is the abundance of possibility." Deni . . . ah ha!! Thanks Hyper! Hypernoodle . . . welcome Deni.....I asked a long time ago lol WhiteTiger . . . RR- notice how this parallel is shaping up? the OS is trying to determine "why" on the basis of it HAS to be for the OS's good... Elissa . . . abundance is what we expand into Elissa . . . (just talking to myself here lol) WhiteTiger . . . lol Hypernoodle . . . me too, Elissa RevRandy . . . no - talk to us Hypernoodle . . . I am still waiting on the answer to the last one lol geli . . . me too.:) Elissa . . . i'm still floating and not quite following the conversation :) Hypernoodle . . . I'm ahead as usual and don't want to back up RevRandy . . . to every then that has become a here and now, we get a sense of motion geli . . . What if I am looking for clearer output? :) Elissa . . . lol hyper RevRandy . . . sometimes you just got to live through a period when the output runs sloppy RevRandy . . . or maybe you are using someone else's system, not your own geli . . . just what i wanted to hear:) geli . . . hmm, that's a thought. Elissa . . . look to the abundance of your possibilities, geli WhiteTiger . . . geli- try defragging... clear out the impediments ;) geli . . . lol tiger Hypernoodle . . . then there is the ?........Where did I leave the defragger? Elissa . . . is that filling a hole or building a hill, wt? RevRandy . . . if the "there and then" is not bounded, but open, then abundance becomes possible geli . . . what are the impediments, let's draw some comparisons again Hypernoodle . . . no power for one, geli geli . . . lol hyper WhiteTiger . . . that's clearing the construction site, Elissa... elevation unspecified ;) Hypernoodle . . . loose connections :) RevRandy . . . I, for one, have found that one impediment for me, has been to think that life's "low points" were uniquely mine geli . . . outdated software Elissa . . . lol wt... sounds boring Hypernoodle . . . for sure, geli WhiteTiger . . . geli- scattered resources is what defragging is initially aimed at correcting suwan . . . Well, to put in my 2 cents worth, as you all know, I'm not exactly known for my cheerful disposition Hypernoodle . . . and liking the old programs better than the new and improved versions suwan . . . however, I do try to keep a positive outlook, you know, everything is perfect Elissa . . . suwan we love you anyway WhiteTiger . . . suwan- that's ok.. you ain't seen me grumpy yet ;) suwan . . . and am constantly amazed at the negativity over "small stuff" that I encounter RevRandy . . . well, here comes another PtoP RevRandy . . . 2,7"A lesson: RevRandy . . . 2,7If you wait for a full glass you may die of thirst. RevRandy . . . 2,7Life is rarely--if ever--full, but always abundant. RevRandy . . . 2,7But people mistake one for the other. RevRandy . . . 2,7Say you have a gallon of wine. RevRandy . . . 2,7Does it matter if each wine glass is filled once full or twice half full. RevRandy . . . 2,7If one looks for fullness, this is an example of scarcity thinking. geli . . . hmm, i like these comparisons. speaking to me in riddles works. :) RevRandy . . . 2,7"That's what a lot of people do. RevRandy . . . 2,7It's like couples who say their wedding was ruined because the cake was the wrong flavor. RevRandy . . . 2,7If the measure is completion or fullness or totality, scarcity is the motif. RevRandy . . . 2,7But if quality and process and faith abide, then abundance is the motif. RevRandy . . . 2,7Two people at a table: RevRandy . . . 2,7one eats everything he can; RevRandy . . . 2,7the other eats simply but complains that there wasn't enough, RevRandy . . . 2,7or he thought there won't be. RevRandy . . . 2,7The gourmand, despite his excesses, is a believer in abundance; RevRandy . . . 2,7while the other focuses on scarcity. RevRandy . . . 2,7Just listen to people and hear what they say. RevRandy . . . 2,7You'll start hearing which is which. RevRandy . . . 2,7"The question should not be, RevRandy . . . 2,7'Is the glass full,' RevRandy . . . 2,7but rather, RevRandy . . . 2,7'What's in the glass.' RevRandy . . . 2,7Get it. And not the volume in the glass. RevRandy . . . 2,7Your scraps of near nothing can be a feast for another; RevRandy . . . 2,7a plate full of s h i t is just a plate full of s h i t. RevRandy . . . 2,7And a grain of hope can change the world." (12/8/97 - O#23) Elissa . . . suwan, i can relate to that RevRandy . . . Suwan -- this one speaks to some of what you were saying - about how people get negative to such small stuff RevRandy . . . They focus on what they don't have, rather than the quality of what they do have WhiteTiger . . . agree almost completely with that PtoP... expectation is a bummer... when ya build yer expectations, ya do it from yer own perspective, with you as the center of the world... and the world almost always has other ideas about what is important geli . . . so I guess I have to clean out old files, update my software, defrag, and every so often do a backup for emergencies too, eh? :) Deni . . . sheesh geli!!! LOL Will it ever end??? WhiteTiger . . . geli- why not just upgrade and be done with it? ;) Elissa . . . and keep adding to your memory! Elissa . . . deni, would you really want it to end??? Deni . . . I don't think it ever does end! Deni . . . :) geli . . . good thought, I must be expecting emergencies /:) Elissa . . . nope :) Elissa . . . oooooo good insight, geli RevRandy . . . (I was so disappointed when I went to see "The Never-Ending Story" and the movie ended.) Deni . . . lol Rev WhiteTiger . . . lolol Elissa . . . lol geli . . . lol WhiteTiger . . . RR- it ain't over yet... they only got one sequel out Elissa . . . i have another PtoP, too... and it fits here, i think RevRandy . . . To me, if I am in a never-ending story which is now playing out in this life, then whatever glass I am handed I better find meaningful, for it will be around for a long time RevRandy . . . go for it E Elissa . . . and i wrote my thoughts about it before the channeling when i could think straight lol Elissa . . . ok * WhiteTiger ignores that staightline geli . . . go ahead, * Elissa is eternally grateful Elissa . . . 2,7"Here's some thoughts on immortality. Elissa . . . 2,7There ain't none. Elissa . . . 2,7People die. Elissa . . . 2,7In fact, entities of greater and lesser complexity also die, so to speak. Elissa . . . 2,7Immortality is an attempt to deny the essence of a vital, throbbing reality. Elissa . . . 2,7To be immortal means one is not mortal, which means one does not live nor learn, Elissa . . . 2,7and certainly does not remember. Elissa . . . 2,7To stop the inevitable is unnatural--not to mention stupid. Elissa . . . 2,7'Go with the flow' would be a good slogan. Elissa . . . 2,7 Elissa . . . 2,7"So, if you don't have immortality, then what. Elissa . . . 2,7Then you focus on moving on, not staying put. Elissa . . . 2,7You get focused on being and becoming yourself as fully as possible. Elissa . . . 2,7 2,7To get caught worrying about being remembered is to miss the secret. Elissa . . . 2,7So when we speak of stopping the ravages of time and death, Elissa . . . 2,7we are really speaking of raping life." (2/28/97 - O#16) Elissa . . . immortality... isn't that what Revlon sells? isn't that what plastic Elissa . . . surgeons want us to buy? isn't that why so many people look for fame and Elissa . . . wealth to justify their existence? isn't that what some look for cloning to Elissa . . . accomplish? to me, one thing this is saying is that changing, aging, Elissa . . . consuming resources are part of life... to try to block change, Elissa . . . to try to stop ourselves from growing old, to think we can hold onto WhiteTiger . . . all that dies is the body.. and when ya leave it behind, ya leave all the baggage ya had to have when ya moved in... you get a new set if ya do it again *** jaye (poet@203.166.239.***) has joined #SpiritualPersistence Elissa . . . what we own or are, to seek to create an image of ourselves that will be Elissa . . . frozen on the pages of history books, is to deny and dessicrate our very nature. Elissa . . . this seems to connect with what we were talking about before (perfection)... and also with Rikkity's thoughts on abundance and enjoyment geli . . . so how do you know if you are just creating an image or following your nature, elissa? :) Elissa . . . hmmmm... good question, geli.... Deni . . . does that mean I have to stop covering the gray???? * Deni grins WhiteTiger . . . the image is what ya perceive... yer nature/essence is what you are.. the perceiver... RevRandy . . . what grey Elissa . . . i think it may have to do with whether you are continually focused on growing or trying to reach a certain point in order to stop growing Elissa . . . hahahahaha deni Elissa . . . does that make sense? geli . . . life and spirit has a way to "force" you to grow, at least for me. RevRandy . . . Elissa - I like that point -- is it about the growth or the arrival Elissa . . . it has to be a 2-way street.... many people try to stop the process Elissa . . . ty RR :) not bad for a space cadet, eh lol RevRandy . . . huh Elissa . . . so class, where do we find the abundance of life? RevRandy . . . well, before we go (in about 3 minutes) a simple question -- how do you live and enjoy? RevRandy . . . lol Elissa . . . lol geli . . . This whole thing about listening to spirit is what I am trying to learn more. I have been part of organized religion for years, but last year felt a stirring that there was a way to tune in more. So here I am after a few episodes of what I can truly say was a voice inside of me, that I want to hear clearer and more frequently. RevRandy . . . (might get our act together someday) Elissa . . . (not likely) RevRandy . . . good for you geli -- opening yourself to new possibilities Deni . . . abundance of life is frame of mind....we find what we seek geli . . . So I guess I should just relax, ask and stay open? Elissa . . . keep listening, geli Elissa . . . yes deni, seeking has to be part of it... an active seeking RevRandy . . . deni - that reminds me of a reggae songs we were listening to .... we are going to the promised land; I hope you will be ready === and then later, it is not in America, it is not in Africa, the promised land is a state of mind Deni . . . good lyrics!! RevRandy . . . great song RevRandy . . . (Miss Elissa found that CD for us) Elissa . . . so any more answers, questions, comments before we close? RevRandy . . . Well, folks, the old clock is about to strike out 11 .... and then end of our chat time WhiteTiger . . . geli- look further inside... find that well that is so deep within that the bottom of it is outside ;) geli . . . thanks tiger Hypernoodle . . . good night to all and have a great week :) Elissa . . . and take a mediumship class at spiritspace suwan . . . you can do it geli RevRandy . . . and don't mistake 7 ten foot wells for 1 70 foot well Elissa . . . nite hyper, you too :) Deni . . . night everyone suwan . . . many of us have done it who never believed we could RevRandy . . . be well, hyper, and deni and all suwan . . . night denipoo Deni . . . :) geli . . . where is spiritspace? *** Deni (Deni@***.ipt.aol.com) has left #SpiritualPersistence WhiteTiger . . . this one can't be mistaken RR... what is at the bottom is unique LOL [SOUND] * Playing txplay20.mrc to #SpiritualPersistence with 50ms delay Elissa . . . 12,0!Elissa rainbow.mid 0,12 :o) suwan . . . www.spiritspace.net geli . . . thanks geli . . . :) WhiteTiger . . . nite RR, Elissa :) RevRandy . . . night all - and thank you to all ,,, and to my beloved Rikkity geli . . . thanks everyone suwan . . . night rev, thank you Elissa . . . goodnight everyone and thank you for being here tonight *** geli (ADCjava@***.netexpress.net) has left #SpiritualPersistence suwan . . . night Missy E Elissa . . . nite sweet su :) *** Hypernoodle (hypernoodl@***.door.net) has left #SpiritualPersistence suwan . . . goodnight everyone else *** suwan (stiara@208.129.40.***) has left #SpiritualPersistence WhiteTiger . . . always fun.. thx you two ;) RevRandy . . . nite *** RevRandy (bishopbeck@***.lft.widomaker.com) has left #SpiritualPersistence Elissa . . . always enjoyable, wt :) Session Close: Sun Oct 01 23:07:18 2000 |
Update: 5/18/2013
Web Author: the Rev Dr Randolph and
Elissa Bishop Becker,M.Ed., LPC, NCC
Copyright ©1999-2013 by the Rev Dr Randolph and Elissa Bishop
Becker, M.Ed.