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On Halloween, at midnight So, folks always talk about the 'thinning of the veil'. What is this, a wedding with cheap couture. But the veil is a metaphor for the perceptions of the beholdersalways thin, but not seen as such. If you could move all the physical crap out of the way... Yous guys need to get a grip on unreality. So take away the physical and you dont see planes, just more like soupy fog... or foggy soup... or Soupy Sales. CT. So, you got this soup, and its always mixed and waiting. No issue of thinning veils. The veils are in your mind, not in the soup... unless someone dropped one in. Happens! Without fingers, mistakes happen. So, you have a holiday that lets you suspend the need for strict physicality and you think it has to do with spirits, but its about the physical side of the perception... and candy. And parents having no control over what we eat. So, again, a reminder: Planes are just metaphors for the presumptive physical limits that physical beings place on their perceptions in order to have a physical experience. It is the necessary differentiation to learn and remember certain info which would be hard to discern in a bisque or consommé, Purée Mongole, broth. But I do hope existence is more substantial than broth." (10/31/2011 - B#103) 11/11/11. Ok, lets take an abstract arbitrary system of physical measurement and endow it with spiritual meaning. Sure, makes sense to us. Like, 111111 holds more potential than 062387. Got to love the human drive for mystical certainty." (11/10/2011 - B#104) Its Ponder Theatre. Sandra. What, Dad. Are you playing with Bobbies thoughts again? No, because theyre old thoughts.' 'He thinks they are new, but they suddenly travel back in time. Grrr. What, boy. Grrrr. Bobbies down a time well? What should we do. Grrrr. Or who should we do. Arfé. The doctor? ARF ARF. O, a Time Lord. And so we leave them, back where we found them, but the thoughts expressed moved faster than time. O dear, I just guess it goes to show. What? you ask. That the speed of light is no barrier to information, as any two-bit neutrino knows!" (11/19/2011 - B#105) "Turkey Day, Papa day, many days. Celebrate all that is and has been. Its a great prelude. Something is always coming into being. Welcome the stranger. He might have myrrh." (11/22/2011 - B#106) "It never was about Bethlehem or about ancient Palestine or about the Ben Joseph family or God. Could have been anyone, anytime, anywhere. Its about the message, not the details. You know, some of the shepherds left because there were too many angels talking and nothing was getting done. And when the one suggested that they get a midwife, someone else objected. 'Who do you think we are. We are all shepherds here. Same hills, same sheep. Dont pull that midwife power shit on us.' While Mary lay writhing in labor, it took 3 proposals about 4 hours to agree she could give birth. But almost immediately, a note was posted on the stable door, objecting that there had been only 7 shepherds. It was only after the Magi arrived that a quorum was present. And so, 10 days after his birth, it was formally adopted and he could be born. But only as himself. He could not speak for anyone else. He later claimed his father gave permission for him to speak in his behalf, but only through him could others come to the Fathers words. Only he could say that they each could speak for themselves. And see how that movement dwindled away. It was far too over-organized, especially by the 4th century. Havent heard much about it since. It was 12, but they lost 1. I dont find any of this funny. You are talking about my birth! O dear, hes on his high ass again. And whats with him going to first communion about a bazillion times. Sandy, tickle him. Hehehehe. Thats better. 'Waaaaa.' Or not. But in all of that farce, I shared great pith. The great things in spirit are never locked in physical places or special times or limited lives. They are universals-which extend beyond all bounds and inhabit all particulars. What is essentially true cannot ever be absent. Unseen, yes; absent, no. And, as much as any entity tries to live outside those truths, it is impossible to do so. Just try! And the history of humanity is the history of trying to live outside of them, but the living reality in each entity means that is futile." (12/24/2011 - B#107) Ok, two planes, and their focal points coincide. Same exact point in existence. Doesnt matter if it is time, space, or meaning. Does that point have the same meaning or space coordinate or time marking in both planes. In other words, is it a source of information that is universal, and therefore comprehensive. Bueller? Bueller? I try to explain. You approach Key West from the air and from the sea. Do you experience the same Key West, no. All things and everything is situational. So, the All That Is experienced from the Hindu perspective is the same All That Is for a Christian, but it doesnt seem so. All points in common feel like they are different. And heres the clinker: All points that feel in common are not. Just because you eat the same dish... what are you eating dishes for? If you both are eating the same foodstuff, it is not the same. Each brings memories, hopes, and experience. The whole construct of existence is particularity masquerading as universality. But if we focus on the differences, then there is really nothing, and if we focus on the connections, then there is everything... except for that. We are creating a matrix--an array of meanings that are shared, even as the sources of that meaning are not inherently constructive of that meaning. It is the information we perceive, and not the information itself. We create webs of perceptions. Ponder that. So, Joe Friday says Just the facts, maam,' and she says From whose perception? Gannon, he says, weve got another one. Another what. I think that depends on how you look at it. Precisely. Its a candy mint, its a breath mint, its a door stop. Ok, pith over. (3/8/2012 - B#108) "Try having a thought-sharing with a new arrival. Its like your crazy ants with all eternity available, because we are beyond time. They try to express everything at once and dont yet have the new faculty of focus of spirit, which replaces time. O did I say that? As good a time as any to share. In the physical world we dont have to focus energy on differentiating because time does that for us. Connections are made in different ways without time as the lazy way to differentiate what you receive. Focus on the communications that will energize you. Linearity is a tool of language, but not necessarily of communications. And I did mention about how some spirits--as they engage this other way of sharing and connecting--stop using the old time-based model, so they cant connect with the physicals. (4/16/2012 - B#109) So, as we were saying but not being paid attention to, one of the challenges of going from physical to spiritual is to adjust to the changes in dimensions. And with time out of the equation, one is either overwhelmed or learns to discern threads of communication with some tool other than time... or else one hears Jesus and Buddha discussing lunch orders. Not very enlightening. Ill have one with everything. Just wine and bread for me. And you listen with something other than ears. So, the first adjustment after the incredible lightness of being, is to sense flows of meaning without the cues of time. Ideas have their own progression and development. To recognize loss as before grief as a matter of meaning, not time. I feel empty. He must be about to leave, is not real. 'He left and I feel a loss is real, but only in the reality of that sequence. Whole understandings without time can be created, which in the end fall down on some other attempt to use the model. Its like the physical laws which seem to be laws... until they arent. So, learning to be spiritual takes a great adjustment, which becomes less as more is learned and remembered. Recall this: If you learn and remember little, then little flows from life to life, and little flows from death to death. Each learning made whole becomes a building block in both life and death. So, if one has learned and remembered a spiritual awareness in life, that can assist in incorporating a piece of spiritual understanding from death. Its cumulative and supportive. A learning here supports learning there. So, those who have crossed the threshhold with some measure of understanding beyond the limits of the physical may return to life with an enhanced sense of the spiritual. Your D&C each time is not the same. Not information, understanding. If you get it, then you get to keep it. Information without remembering is just information. We gradually become bearers of information about information, and its turtles all the way up. 2 + 2 does not solve a quadratic equation, but without knowing 2 + 2, you cant solve it. Each piece a part of the puzzle. Climbing Jacobs ladder... and Jacob is pissed because he need it. CT! So, each return here does not require the same new understanding, but different new understandings. You dont play a game of Chutes and Ladders. No go back to the beginning, unless you arrive here having learned and remembered nada. Im just saying.... Dealing with spirit-sharing outside of time sequencing is just one kind of D&C problem. There are many many others. For example, learning to be infinite. Try living outside of concepts of boundaries. Pith enough for now. (4/21/2012 - B#110) Yous guys hang on to the physical like its a matter of life and death... and it is not. So, to continue: Think about receiving every phone call in your life on one day. Thats what the D&C experience. Talk about too much information. But also, imagine what it might be like to sort the calls, not by time, but by meaning. My pith for now. I leave you with that, and a question: Is meaning always a product of production, or is it seduction. You get seduced by the argument of sequence, rather than the power of understanding. Ponder that. (4/24/2012 - B#111) What if there were no Memorial Days, so killing people would not be honored. Just a thought. Following orders becomes patriotic, but idiotic is better word. If you believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person, then no one would just follow orders without question or responsibility. 'The devil made me do it!' is no better or worse than Sarge told me to do it. But without war, there would be unemployment over here. CT. And you call yourself a vet.... grrr. No, not a vet... f. I think he needs a vet... f. We must learn to turn from the losses of the past to the visions of the future, or no war is ever over, and no soldier or sailor at rest. As long as we keep the violence in our minds, the rest shall not come. All they wanted to do was come home and put it behind them. Let us let them do what they wanted. And waving any new flag of patriotism with a tinge of belligerence does not let that rest come. And no cause of now can ameliorate the losses of then. Theres pith. And now, Sanford will raise up the great flag of Spirit, which, as you can see, is universal, not particular, and is made of vision, not cloth, with more colors than a rainbow. And no one need sing an anthem who lives including All. (5/28/2012 - B#112) I have to ask people this: Ice cream. If you want ice cream, dont you need a mold or a carton or something, or else it just runs all over. The most fluid things always need a proper container. Cones dont work for milkshakes. So, when you want to work with fluids, you have to either freeze the fluids or create the proper container. And I would think that freezing works for ice cream, but not ideas. Its ok to create a blizzard filled with many tastes, but those chunks always taste best when not frozen. And the point is to be flexible, not solid. 'My life flows on in endless song.... ' You want the cats to lick up the ice cream? Then forget the container. And heres the big insight: Fluid ideas will always be captured in some container, and better the container of the authors than of the critics. Mark my words: If Occupy does not create the system for understanding the vision, the establishment will find a way to imprison it. Dont leave it to chance. Need I say more. I theeenk not. (8/4/2012 - B#113) If time does not exist, why invest in certain days? Must be about something other than the date. So, dont know recognitions by dates, but by meaning. Its not July 4th, its Independence Day. So, what would those who speak of 9/11 want to call it: American Fear Day, Xenophobia Day, Collective Displaced Grief Day. Why not call it Anger Day, and peeps could snarl at each other... grrrr. Hackles and all... grrr. Just a comment. (9/11/2012 - B#114) Heres a question: What happens when a person dies, and says, so to speak, 'Phew, I am rid of them,' and them is just counting the days until they can all be together in eternity. It would make Heaven a strange place. Go away, would be the mantra: I thought I was rid of you. Ive moved on. But honey buns, Ive been waiting forty years, sweet cheeks. Oy. You slipped on that balcony, and I awaited our reunion. Slipped? Jumped! But we were a perfect couple. A perfect couple of what? Just a skit by The Eternal Players. The part of Frank was played by HS, and the part of Blanche was played by the tea lady. Its not spiritual reunion, its spiritual connections. Otherwise, the newly dead would pull the seasoned spirits backwards into what was. Get here, get with the program. Connect, dont review. Heaven is more about vision than memory. Its not Queen For a Day or This Is Your Life. Do you recognize this voice: He was always a stinker. Thats right, its Mrs. McCoy from 4th grade. If you are going to meet and greet your loved ones, you also have to meet and greet your 7th grade math teacher! Nuff said. Who wants to, if they get it at all. Heres all the opportunity at this level of being, and you want to squander it on looking back? Go ahead, hehe. Sure, and that would render it all meaningless, because focus of information is a synonym for learning. Ok. You cant learn nothing... no, you can learn nothing... no no no, always check... no no, you cannot learn by exploring everything equally. Because then a pound of diamonds is equal to a pound of dog shit... grrrr. O, cat poop... woof. I have to watch my metaphors, metaphorically speaking, because the truth dogs me... ARF. Having Sandy around is like having a self-correcting universe... woof f f f f. (10/13/2012 - B#115) So, once again the spirits get closer, but only for those who are open. Too many closed folks, shut up in the known... or more, in the desired. Not willing to risk the unknown. Would it hurt to try on another dimension? It might mean leaving the familiar. But then, we get those whose life will make them accidental spirit travelers. Their defenses weaken, and we pop through... Hi. Isnt it something that, at our seemingly weakest moments, we have the capacity for the strongest connections. Vulnerable is not the same as weak. Patterns change when the usual is disrupted, so live like disruption is usual. Chaos available every moment, and order available every next moment--just a different order. So, sit at the Massapequa station with a 1958 timetable and try to catch a train. Randomly, some may come, and go. If you are operating on past information, you will miss the train and have to take the bus. Thats my pith for the night. (10/31/2012 - B#116) "So, your present is part of our past. I can also decide to be in the pre-you time, when now is yet to be, and worry about what will happen. Acceptance is about tuning in to a sense of the all-rightness of how now becomes then. Just that hard and that easy. Sandy is both a dog, and the idea of a dog and a memory of a dog, and the process of change and continuity among that... wwooofelo. Half dog and hale-fellow-well-met. A gentlemans dog and a gentleman dog. Grace is knowing how to make the transition from possibility to memory with the least embarrassment. Epigram city. And so the reader turned the page, and found his future looking back at him, about to turn his page. Just before you turn a page, was something else there? Or nothing. Does reading put the words there. (11/4/2012 - B#117) So, for a day of Thanksgiving, one needs a sense of memory. For, what is thanks that is not placed in context? The Pilgrims make no sense if the story of persecution is forgotten. And one needs a sense of presence--accounting with gratitude for what is. If the table story had only been about the troubles, but not the abundance, why give thanks. And there must always be a sense of hope that, as good as now is, the future holds an even more inclusive bounty, which shall not just bless those giving thanks today, but also many others who now await such blessing. I had not, now I have, and soon others might have as well. For, all that requires thanks is always abundant and plentiful, and its sharing diminishes no one. Memory, presence, and hope: the spiritual gifts of thanks. (11/21/2012 - B#118) He says: 'If you cant feed the people, and be honest, and also make things work properly, then there is no salvation.' And this gets translated as: 'Doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with your tools'--which, in the 3rd century, becomes 'God.' The original mentions tools, not God. It was about being equipped to do things, not about having things done. (12/25/2012 - B#119) Most kind of 'fade in.' Around here, we say Fred arrived. More at 11. It can take what you would call time for many to get really here. We can be up to much while they are still appearing. But to them, its snap> here. Getting comfortable without time takes time. Slowly for some, and immediately for others, time falls away, since it is a sensation. I gotta go. (3/16/2013 - B#120) Ive given you models, analogies, metaphors... ARF... and, yes, similes. But I remind you of this: At all levels of complexity, the models and symbols we can use and understand are always less complex than, not only the stages ahead, but also the one we are in. If the symbols and models could adequately encompass the present state of being, there would be no learning possible. It would not be learn and remember, but just remember. There is always a learning component, which implies that every mode of description and understanding is inadequate to the task--a tool, but not a panacea. So, anything less than experience can be the best possible, but always inadequate. I can look back with certainty, but not ahead. We dont have photographs of the future. Ok, now time creates future. But with no time, we just get multiple simultaneous reality of varying complexitywhich always embodies memory of the simpler, and only possibility of the more complex. And nothing that is already definitive of any level of complexity can adequately describe any more complex reality. So, when the soothsayers try to give off images of what is ahead as if it were a perfected version of what is, they not only deny the growing complexity, they ruin the models and symbols for holding any possibility. Castles in the sky keep folk from perceiving the really miraculous. Reduction of grandeur to known terms and symbols creates dead ends of meaning. Its not immediately about fulfillment, but about openness. Not about winning the prize, but about seeing greater involvement and challenge. To do less is to retire from the process of growth, which is the spiritual path. No truly spiritual person will ever be satisfied by claiming one spiritual path. All answers belong to the past, the simpler, the less complex. All questions belong to the future, the more complex, the more inclusive. If you think youve got enough of a handle on it all to be certain and know, you dont and you dont and you arent. Done. (4/25/2013 - B#121) Just go on building and planting and growing, and then when it all happens, you can respectfully say, nah nah nah nah nah. Be ye undaunted. Learning that trying to get people into the lifeboat is a tiring task when they are still trying to learn to doggie paddle... woof. So, the great mystic sage Rikkity came to the town, and told the people about a place and about people and about a way that shone in her words and filled the air with hope and made the very hills sing. And their response was that they needed to clean their houses and wash their linens and make travel plans before they could ever begin such a journey, and then they were surprised in the morning that the mystic had left in the night without even so much as a map. And they spoke to each other, saying Next time we must be even more cautious lest we be tempted into Heaven while we have so much pain here in which we have invested. Eventually their town could not even be found on the maps of the mystical hearts. I leave you with that! (5/15/2013 - B#122) We keep noticing how the physical speak of the spiritual in physical terms. So, they are assured their loved ones are with the Lord, but worry that the caskets are being invaded by iguanas. So, which is it: body still important, or spirit. But then, the zombies arise. And all the crap about specific physical rituals to get spiritual. Heres a secret: Take the number 3 train downtown at 11:06am weekdays, and about 53rd Street it happens. Right there on the train, for a moment, if they are paying attention. Tell them. I want people riding the 3 train in search of enlightenment. 55th, nada; 54th, hmmm; 53rd, hallelujah. O, He does have male parts... and female parts, and gender nonspecific parts and dog parts... ARF ARF... and cat parts and rock parts and void parts. All and all. But it is no better to see the spirit of All as lady, not lord. Because all language is limited, and limiting. Just call the spirit of All "Fred". No no no. CT? No no no no. No names. By the time you name the spirit of All, it is no longer. I feel it is as close as anything, not away. And its beginning is about to occur. And its end happened long ago. Time out of the equation. All beginning and ending and being and becoming. In a mysterious unity. Dont hit the pause button and claim the stopped image is the whole. But it also contains the whole. A single scene from a movie is not the movie, but every scene contains the whole, in a manner. Ponder that. If someone says, What! about this, say to them, Say what?. And heres the example: Choose any frame of a movie, and inquire about it. Ok, thats Scout, Jem, out back of Boo Radleys place. Who is Boo Radley. See, each inquiry reveals more of the whole story. Every frame contains reference to the whole. Holographic nexus. Huh. Sure. Because I said so. I am tired of being pithy. (8/15/2013 - B#123) "People often claim we spirits are closer tonight. But if we arent physical, whats this distance crap. "Ok, you live in Nebraska and take a trip to Key West, and you see the sea for the first time, and say wow, and you then plan to go back the same day every year because the ocean must be most awesome on that day. But thats just because you noticed. It was always awesome. And if a whole group notice at the same time, well... "Now, think. The harvest is in, but the winter hasnt started. Theres lots of fresh wine and time to spare. So, people sit around sipping and noticing, and they sense the spirits and say, Wow, they came close. Nope, we were right here. Here?' No no no no. 'Here. CT! "And so this day was born. Dont notice much when you are tired and busy... except for HS. He would creep up and scare them. Ayeeee. "Like we all are going to go on vacation and leave you guys alone for seasons. Not on your life... or our death. This is a working relationship. Maybe a day or 2 now and then, but only a few at a time are away. "And thats my spirited Halloween message." (10/31/2013 - B#124) "So, Thanksgiving. "People think gratitude is an action in reciprocity for possession or experience, like a quid pro quo. 'Or a squid gone pro.' CT. But gratitude is an attitude by which life is lived and death is died. That didnt come out right. "It is the attitude of not merely existing but enhancing, with the understanding that sustained and meaningful enhancement is never done alone. The big quantum steps of development require combination, not isolation. And those big steps are mirrored in the little steps which prepare us. We become in context and connection. Thats why we focus on connections, not differences. And gratitude is the appreciative mode of being amidst all those steps--not because this or that occurs, but because all possibility is present. "Those who do not live by such gratitude are thankful for specifics, or dreadful of outcomes. The truly grateful never worry about outcomes, but about content. "Hey, guess what. You are all going to die! Theres the outcome. Cant change it, cant avoid it. I did. No no no, that just a story. 'O.' "So, if you live for, or to avoid, outcomes, what a waste. Hope you like coming back. But gratitude is appreciation for being part of the process. Thats it. "Just as hope is not about getting what you want, thanks is not about what you have already gotten." (11/28/2013 - B#125) So, time markers again. Seems like folks want to either wipe the slate clean or keep the old year alive. It was wonderful/awful. I loved/hated it. I am so glad/sad the new year is here. Hey folks, its just a day. More important is what youll do with March 14 or July 3 or September 10 (and no, those are not special days nor predictions nor lotto numbers... or are they? I dont know.) If I had a chance to live any day over, it would be tomorrow. But, thats what life gives: infinite tomorrows, even in the realities beyond time. I wax eloquent. You wax Buicks. Huh. Just sayin. (1/1/2014 - B#126) Heres a reminder that attitudes, perceptions, and reactions all change slowly and minutely, but adding up to quantum change. The 60s failed because they tried a sudden leap, not an evolution. Seeds dont come to harvest in a day. Plant, nurture, wait, and if the soil and climate be right, they will mature. Also, planting corn and expecting turnips never works, and vice versa. If you want love, it cant be planted as fear or hate. Sometimes it is best to let the ground go fallow for a time. God, I sound like Percy Gardner. A tree will not rise in a pot for a bean. Flowers will not feed the nation, but can feed a soul. I am going to stop before I hurt myself. (3/25/2014 - B#127) So, the vast Christian world is contemplating a great made-up story so they can get off the hook. Better to feel forgiven than responsible. At least, thats the pitch. Because forgiveness does not require change, but responsibility does. So, better they worship the mystical Monk of Beirut of the year 945, who said Huh. Forgiveness for faith is nowhere as good as forgiveness for transformation. Think of the confessional ritual: Go and sin no more... but please come back next week or Click your heels 3 times and say Theres no God like Jesus. Couldnt take responsibility if you wanted to, because its by Jesus alone! Heresy: You think you can do Gods work? Why yes, I do. O. Stone her. Do they believe? Better to ask What do they do? They surely act like they are incapable of making changes. The bottom line is You are sinful. Even if you try and take responsibility, you still need a savior, so why not go direct to Savior and skip responsibility and choice because you will probably muck up the choice anymoo. And thats all I have to say about that. And you wont fulfill yourself... or your elf... by being passive about it. Dont need nothing more than yourself, but you have been taught to discount yourself. *Suck* I think thats enough. (4/18/2014 - B#128) The essence of things is not what they are, but what they mean. Oooo pithy. (8/16/2014 - B#129) We are all sensing a rise in fear from your side, which has to do with your calendar and the obsession with 9/11which is the annual ritual of pouring salt into newly reopened wounds. And one has to ask, whom does that serve? Surely not healing, nor peace. You cant transcend a loss through enhanced meaning when you have that loss reopened every year. It would be like having a ritual car crash on August 20. And then all the speeches and crap, and a nostalgic mis-remembering of history. Just as there are now more people who were at Woodstock, there are more people who lost somebody on 9/11/2001. And this total crap of calling it Patriots Day. People are calling 9/11 that. Cant respond with creativity if you are focused on what is lost. Creativity is about seeing and actualizing potential. You have our permission to avoid so-called Ground Zero. Even those who died there dont go there. Talk about black holes. After all, it has direct train service to New Jersey. CT! So, why didnt any wacko claim that Hurricane Sandy was a direct result of the negativity building up in New York around a veneration of death. Just sayin. (9/10/2014 - B#130) Why are people so eager and so afraid about spiritual contacts. They dont like what is, and they dont like change. Part of growth is always a willingness to change, even when we dont want to. (10/20/2014 - B#131) So, once again, we remind ourselves that the veil between life and death is more gossamer than concrete. It is more a substance of perception and acceptance; there are no natural boundaries. So, let the spirits flow. We keep coming over there, but does anybody say Hi. I think rarely. But what if people were to adopt the practice of saying Hi to spirits, even if they didnt sense any. Maybe they would start to sense some. Inviting, not denying. People want physical answers to physical losses. They would need to say goodbye to what was to get to what is. PtoP. (10/31/2014 - B#132) Veterans Day On this day, which makes no difference to us here beyond time, there is a dogma... ARF... that plays out with some claiming to have more meaningful deaths because they served the nation, the Fatherland, the Holy Land... the Emperor Darth Vader... no no no, CT! And we guides have to tell them that all deaths on this side are equal. Blows the minds they dont have. Death is not a competitive sport. So, you died saving your buddy. What did you learn and remember from being alive. And dont say I saved my buddy one more time. Think of it: universal competitions of death. In this corner, from Greece, Socrates. And in this corner, Joan DArc. The bell rings for Round 1. Wings appear, and theyre both down for the count. That was the Count of Burgundy of 1789. Hes down, too. Yep, it would make no sense. In the minor leagues, Bob of Sheboygan versus Patricia of Oshkosh, both dead of accidental dental problems. Bob is drooling, Patricia is gagging, and its a draw. Take heart. There is no good or bad death. Its not a qualitative affairlife is, but the act of death is not. Being dead, being a mirror of lifes learnings is something else. But I thought getting rich was important. Buzzzzz, try again. Ok, enough frivolity. (11/11/2014 - B#133) All over, people are sitting and remembering today. Its a good thing! Two kinds of memories: The kind that ties you to the past, and the kind that opens to the future. How can a memory open to the future? By being a memory of a generous spirit of abundance lived, of kindness as nature, of always seeking the horizon and not shrinking from the unknown. Fear is a memory of something from the past which doesnt want to allow for the future. We can best move beyond fear by having a hopeful sense of the future, both short-term and long-term. And the biggest antidote to fear is the belief in meaning ahead no matter what--that ones meaning in the scheme of things cannot be destroyed. Fear builds on notions of oblivion. CT builds on notions of the oblivious. Hey, I didnt say anything. See. Huh. Actually, we might debate if it is better to be oblivious than to be fearful. O... ARF ARF. Sandy says he wants to be fearsome... woof. Sanford, I dont think a generous, loving, kind spirit like you can ever be fearsome... w. Fear is in the perception of larger realities in which we will participate, or in a lack thereof. I put it in a temporal frame, but it really isnt. Can you sense infinite possibilities in which you participate, or only limited ones and some without your presence. Fear is based on a sense of non-being. And the lack of fear has to do with a sense of spiritual persistence. Hmmm, great title. So, happy Bird Day. (11/27/2014 - B#134) Time is just a construct. Think about this: On the life side, you have erector sets, but here we have time sets--where we build different constructs of time. Sanford likes the lazy mode... ff. Its a cross between molasses and nougat... sweeet. TL is more the Alka-Seltzer time--fast and fizzy. Dali is more like... ahhh... nacho time. Einstein likes lots of different times, depending. And me, Im more of an allspice spirit. I have lots of taste and I can mix with much. (12/28/2014 - B#135) |
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Update: 11/16/2016
Web Author: the Rev Dr Randolph and
Elissa Bishop Becker, M.Ed., LPC
©1998-2016 by the Rev Dr Randolph and Elissa Bishop Becker